Dometic fridge faulty on 230v mains
We have an intermittent fault with our Dometic fridge when it is connected to the mains supply.
It works perfectly for a while then the warning LED light comes on to say that there is no mains supply. We then have to switch it to gas and it works perfectly.
After a while we flick it back to mains supply and it works fine again for an hour or even as long as a day before flashing the warning signal again.
We thought it might be a dodgy electric hook up cable so we changed it for a new one and still had the problem.
It was suggested that it might be the power supply on site but we had the problem when it was hooked up to the mains at home.
OH has changed the fuse to no avail.
Does anyone have any suggestions what it can be please before we drag the thing back to the dealer?