Omni step problem

gandd Forum Participant Posts: 2
edited January 2015 in Motorhomes #1

Help please before we end up in the divorce courts.  Several times in the last few months when locking our 2007 Autotrail Tracker the step has not retracted on the first attempt, but does after two or thee attempts,  now it has a mind of its own and parked at home it has been going in and out like a fiddlers elbow.  I have read a lot of stuff on various forums which mention crud getting into the mechanism and suggest cleaning.  Others mention fuses and relays which I am struggling to locate and more mention an EM50 which so far I have not managed to find.  At the moment it is tipping it down outside, can anyone suggest how I can disengage the mechanism to stop the step temporarily to avoid draining the battery?