Perennial Membership Fee Increase



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2016 #62

    CC faces a dilemma in lots of ways, and is trying to find solutions as best it can. There are members who will embrace changes required, and those who will resist/moan, just depends what aspects your membership is based upon, as to how it will affect whether
    you stay or go. I doubt if it is seriously struggling given how loyal a huge percentage of members are when it comes to choosing Club Sites over other options. 

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited January 2016 #63

    That loyalty more than likely only exists with the more senior members of the Club. I doubt it exists with relatively new and younger members.


  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #64
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #65

    I don’t join French, German, Italian or any other European equivalent of CC Ltd but I still get value for money when I am abroad so this year I may dump CC Ltd and go commercial.  

    There is of course the fact that several on CT have commented  how difficult it is to get into some sites, particularly at weekends. If you removed the membership fee one can only assume this would get worse.

    Getting rid of the fees and taking deposits for bookings may improve things as it would discourage w/e blocking.  There is always an upside Happy.

    Write your comments here...Every "club " seems to have a membership fee and as the club have a stated deposits in the past had no effect on bookings at the "honeypot" sites 

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #66

    ....i suspect the dyed-in-the-wool cc member is on the way out...

    younger customers are far more savvy about choice and price....

    witness the increasing number of threads criticising the clubs pricing structure and inflexibility.

    customers will (and probably are) choosing alternatives to the vanilla product offered by cc.

    we use them if the location and timing suits, and i use them for cls and ferries, so do contribute....but, while they are generally clean and tidy, these are not the key drivers for us when choosing somewhere to visit.

    as the prices approach (and in some cases exceed) £30 a night, customers, including myself, will undoubtedly check out the competition.

    Not sure you're correct in your assumptions there BB. Certainly we see no shortage of young families and couples on the CC sites we use. There are a number of posts complaining about increased prices but these are surely vastly outnumbered by those complaining
    about the difficulty of booking pitches. I'm sure folks of all ages will consider alternatives if the prices charged are too high, but for many CC sites remain good value, certainly for those wanting facilities. As you so rightly say, there are any number
    of alternatives out there - folk aren't stupid just because they choose a CC site! Happy

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited January 2016 #67

    I don’t join French, German, Italian or any other European equivalent of CC Ltd but I still get value for money when I am abroad so this year I may dump CC Ltd and go commercial.  

    There is of course the fact that several on CT have commented  how difficult it is to get into some sites, particularly at weekends. If you removed the membership fee one can only assume this would get worse.

    Getting rid of the fees and taking deposits for bookings may improve things as it would discourage w/e blocking.  There is always an upside Happy.

    Any evidence for that particular pearl of wisdom? Undecided

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited January 2016 #68

    The complaints about the difficulty of booking pitches stems from just a few honey pot sites. Many other sites appear to be underused especially mid week. It's probably more irritating than the price.


  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #69

    M   I think you have said is what the majority of  present members feel, and it seems the ones who on here  look elswhere are "off peak" users anyway, be it in the UK or Mainland Europe,as when going on line and checking prices in the peak there is very little to choose price wise or space anywhere, without the add cost of getting there

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #70

    The complaints about the difficulty of booking pitches stems from just a few honey pot sites. Many other sites appear to be underused especially mid week.


    ...Which if correct proves that the complaints about not touring are not as some make out  

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2016 #71

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members
    are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited January 2016 #72

    The complaints about the difficulty of booking pitches stems from just a few honey pot sites. Many other sites appear to be underused especially mid week.


    ...Which if correct proves that the complaints about not touring are not as some make out  

    I assume you refer to the freedom to tour without booking which, if you were to singularly rely on Club sites, would I think still be a bit risky. I tour very little in this country.


  • peedee
    peedee Club Member Posts: 9,525
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    edited January 2016 #73

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yorkshire. Smile


  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #74
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  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #75

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    ...TDA you are so right even as Ro,s figure for ct  sign up show ,very few actually contribute, so it is only the perception of a very few,and even then by their own admission some do not or rarely use club sites,out of the thousands of members,but it would be interesting to see a breakdown  

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2016 #76

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members
    are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yorkshire.


    Write your comments here...we have all got "Wat" as our middle name! Happy

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #77

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yoorshire. Smile


    ...And i think if you look at where the most large dealers are based compared to the "Home counties" it may be the largest membership base Undecided

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #78

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members
    are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yorkshire.


    Write your comments here...we have all got "Wat" as our middle name! Happy

    ...Is that short for "North of"Cool

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited January 2016 #79
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  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,450
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    edited January 2016 #80

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members
    are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yorkshire.


    Write your comments here...we have all got "Wat" as our middle name! Happy

    ...Is that short for "North of"Cool

    Write your comments here... No, just means not likely to lay down and take whatever effluent comes our way! Still spikes on top of Bootham Bar in York, reserved for a few very special people! Actually Aske would be a better middle name, willing to die, horribly,
    for a good cause!Smile

  • amgas
    amgas Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited January 2016 #81

    It does seem every year there is a large price increase on membership - think there will be a point where people look at alternatives. I guess the obvious one is the CC&C which is currently £37 for online membership - a £6 discount over paper. if CC offered electronic membership at £42 it would be a lot more competitve and would be an option I personally would take. Must be a 50p saving to be made in printing and postage of a magazine per month, would also take up less house space if the magazine was a PDF or similar.

  • Westiegirl1
    Westiegirl1 Forum Participant Posts: 108
    edited January 2016 #82

     take up less house space 

    or dustbin space

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited January 2016 #83

    I know I have said it previously, but it would be very interesting if the Club produced a breakdown of its membership demographics, age groups, members who make up a household touring unit, what area of country members come from, what length of breaks members
    are taking, here and abroad in outfits. I hope the marketing department has got such information at least. You can't really make assumptions based on CT alone.

    Well I notice a lot of postings on CT come for northern parts of the UK especially Yorkshire.


    Write your comments here...we have all got "Wat" as our middle name! Happy

    ...Is that short for "North of"Cool

    Write your comments here... No, just means not likely to lay down and take whatever effluent comes our way! Still spikes on top of Bootham Bar in York, reserved for a few very special people! Actually Aske would be a better middle name, willing to die, horribly,
    for a good cause!Smile

    Write your comments here...I agree some are just away with the fairies when it comes to real life,then what are all the "Northern"MPs doing?

    Ps Although born in London i spent 6yrs working in South Yorks my Great grandfather born in North Yorkshire married in St Olaves in York ,my grandfather born in North Yorkshire and married at Harewood house,before moving to be Head gamekeeper at Sandringham

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,928
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    edited January 2016 #84

    I could live without the whole Club idea and annual membership fees. 

    I stay at hotels like Premier Inn and the Ibis group without paying an annual membership fee. Campsites across France are similarly run in groups by commercial companies - Indigo and the like - and again no annual fee to pay. I book flights with companies like Trailfinders and Travel Bag without having to pay a membership fee. 

    Isn't time the Club just started running as a business like all those other holiday companies and dumped the idea of membership?  Just pay as you go for the sites you use. 


  • TanyaandMick
    TanyaandMick Forum Participant Posts: 139
    edited January 2016 #85

    "Start looking at alternatives"

    "Cost too high"

    "Underused sites"

    "CT view"

    Interesting points - we joined the club, only three years ago, with the view that considering the annual cost why would we not subscribe considering the options it would present us with for touring choices - the same too for the triple C club.

    Therefore, Commercial sites, CC and triple C provide a reasonable wide net to choose from, so we have typically always looked at the alternatives.

    Cost - both clubs are great value for money in our humble opinion and the daily cost would have to rise considerably for us to consider not using the CC.

    Peaks and troughs exist in all clubs businesses, etc - many fairways are lifeless mid-week or coaches and trains in the middle of the day with only specific age groups utilising services - why would the CC differ.

    On our travels it's amazing how many members have not heard of CT and provide many differing views to CT.

    Personal choice and market demand will always prevail - but for now we think the CC comes up trumps on occasions and has areas to develop in others but will always be considered when we plan our year - in short still great bang for your buck.....

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,405
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    edited January 2016 #86

    I could live without the whole Club idea and annual membership fees. 

    I stay at hotels like Premier Inn and the Ibis group without paying an annual membership fee. Campsites across France are similarly run in groups by commercial companies - Indigo and the like - and again no annual fee to pay. I book flights with companies
    like Trailfinders and Travel Bag without having to pay a membership fee. 

    Isn't time the Club just started running as a business like all those other holiday companies and dumped the idea of membership?  Just pay as you go for the sites you use. 


    Why would they do that. Most seem to agree the mag is self financing, therefore the £47 is extra revenue. What ever you read on here the club is very popular, even if it is only to provide access to the CL network.

  • Brackenborough
    Brackenborough Forum Participant Posts: 7
    edited January 2016 #87

    Having just received the Jan 2016 Club Mag, we are informed that the Membership Fee is increased yet again from £46 to £48 from 15/12/2015. This is an increase of 4.3%, yet UK inflation for 2015 is forecast to be 0.1%. Over the last 3 years, the Membersip
    Fee has increased from £43 to £48, an increase of 11.6%, yet UK inflation was 4.1%. I fail to understand what justification can be made for these excessive and apparently ceaseless increases

    Write your comments here...Don't forget like all fat cats on the Bandwagon they get there increase above all.  Does anyone know what increase they are getting well give us the answer

  • Unknown
    edited January 2016 #88
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  • Unknown
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    edited January 2016 #89
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  • Highbridge
    Highbridge Forum Participant Posts: 4
    edited January 2016 #90

    With site fee's ranging from £19 for 2 people (no hook-up) to £30+ per night, is on par with non-club commercial sites, and largely accept non-members, so we're paying for the privilege of using C.Ls.

    I also notice there are fewer touring piches available these days due to 'seasonal piches'.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited January 2016 #91

    The complaints about the difficulty of booking pitches stems from just a few honey pot sites. Many other sites appear to be underused especially mid week.


    ...Which if correct proves that the complaints about not touring are not as some make out  

    I assume you refer to the freedom to tour without booking which, if you were to singularly rely on Club sites, would I think still be a bit risky. I tour very little in this country.


    Back in the 70s we used to tour without booking, these days it is virtually impossible if using CC sites.

    In school holidays many sites are always full, which is understandable.  In off peak periods you are OK midweek, but you cannot depend on getting a pitch at weekends, so you have to book.

    For booking, the CC system works well for tourers as there are no deposits to pay,  and dates can be easily altered or cancelled on-line.  This is especially useful if you may have unexpected  committments or health problems.

    Access to CLs can keep costs down when necessary, and the ferry booking and insurance services are good too.

    For these reasons, we will pay the extra £2 and stay members, but this does not mean that we are happy with the significant increase in  site prices.