Importance of A Recall

A week ago, on our first night at Seacroft, I took Alfie for a late evening walk. Turning right out of site, the footpath was very difficult to make out due to the lack of street lighting, and being blinded by the lights from the funfair in the adjacent
field. After walking about twenty yards I managed somehow, to lose my footing, and fell flat on my face, in doing so I let Alfie's lead clatter out of my hand and Alfie, startled, ran off. Lying on my face on the pavement with a bleeding knee and bruised elbow,
also slightly out of breath, my mind went into overdrive...... Where was Alfie? Was he hurt? How much traffic was on the normally busy coast road? Would anybody help me?....All these thoughts flashed through my mind in milliseconds....Then I saw him, outlined
in a set of headlights.....Alfie!! Alfie!! Here!! I called urgently to him, ( I was still lying on the ground)....To my relief and joy he came running back to me and sat by my head, dragging his lead behind him......Thank goodness for all the recall training
that we did, and indeed still do, practice......
A chap coming up the road said to me "good job your dog came back, he could have caused a nasty one there" Yes, I said to him as I was getting to my feet. Determined to carry on I took Alfie past the funfair, the next field is a large open area of long
grass with walkways worn into and criss crossing it, easy to see as the funfair lights no longer blinded me. We walked for ages with me praising Alfie all the time, and him often looking back at me as if to say whats all the fuss about? I'm only doing what
you taught me. I don't think that I've ever been as proud of him as I was in that frightening moment. I think that there are two morals to this story..... Teach your dog to recall....Don't go out at night without a torch....
Great post. Well done Alfie and well done you
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Glad you and Alfie are ok, good training is worth the effort, well done.
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Thanks all for your appreciative comments
I wasn't fishing for compliments
just wanted to highlight how good recall training pays off, even when you think you are safe, things can go horribly wrong.Yes husky, thankfully the selective hearing didn't happen on this occasion,,,,