How do you level your van?

DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,875
1,500 Likes 1000 Comments Name Dropper Photogenic
edited February 2012 in Caravans #1

I generally go for pitches and sites where I know I'm not going to need to level the van, but alas, there are times that even I have to undergo this exercise.

Generally I use the motormover in conjunction with the yellow wedge type levellers, or try to reverse on to the wedge but whatever I do I can never get the van into exactly the right position.  It's no good me to even think of pushing the van.  If I reverse
on, as soon as I unhitch, the van swings out and find a usually unsuitable position.  Now is it just me and my particular motor mover (but from what I remember, the last van/motormover was the same as well), but when I use the mover the moment the caravan
wheel hits the yellow wedge, it takes on a mind of its own and whatever you do, manages to swing completely off course.  I eventually (usually) manage to get it fairly level, but never easily and never without having to do it a number of times and by having
to over compensate.

I always feel that watching me level a caravan is akin to watching a new caravanner put up an awning for the first time, never having tried it before.  I feel as if I am not in complete control.

What do you do?  Do you have any problems?

Does anyone use
one of these
?  They look good to me, but can you leave them on the wheel, or do you immediately have to put blocks under the wheel and take the device off when you are using the van?

I would be really interested to hear others experiences.
