Help I need somebody. Help. Not just anybody

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the Beatles intro.
I know many of you are seasoned Motorhomers and have oodles of knowledge concerning all aspects of motorhoming, therefore as a novice to m/h I would like to tap your wealth of knowledge, If I may.
I have some unanswered questions concerning winterising and not winterising I apologise If this has been brought up in the past, but there are so many threads it would take days to find the one I want.
I own a vw T4 2.4 diesel bog standard ( no turbo, no central locking or electric windows ) Compass Calypso and have recently winterised it as the threat from a freeze, according to the long range weather forecast is imminent, I’ve drained
the waste and fresh water tanks ( should I leave the waste pipe taps open ? ) and the carver cascade heater, also I have yet to drain the thetford toilet and the water pump of residual drops.
I can’t blow the hot and cold water taps out as I haven't got anything to do it with, I could use my mouth and blow but I doubt that would suffice and i’d probably catch something in the process.
Another question is; How do people use there m/h’s through the winter, I mean if your parked up at a site, there’s still the chance, a strong chance one might still knacker the water heater, water pump and all the rest, from freezing temperatures
or do you leave your gas heater on all night or a fan heater on the EHU ? wrap towels around the w/heater, sit back and whistle dixie and hope you don’t either freeze to death or suffocate from gas fumes, ok a little over the top….sorry, there are so many
unanswered questions for a novice disabled solo motorhomer with two dogs, to ask.
There will be more questions in future threads…
Your views would be appreciated