Installing 240v USB/Power sockets

crashbarrier63 Club Member Posts: 7
First Comment
edited June 2015 in Caravans #1

Hello there one and all,

I have recently changed a couple of my domestic double sockets for ones with USB ports built in and this got me thinking about the caravan.

Is there any reason why I cannot switch a couple of the single sockets for single domestic USB/Plug sockets? I appreciate that there must be a suitable Earth lead and these would not be spurs. Also the space behind the existing socket may not be totally
suitable and could require some adjustment. There aren't that many plug sockets so I don't want to lose that aspect and go all-USB. I was thinking of something like this, but of course they are available from many different suppliers:-

[url=]Screwfix LAP USB Power Socket[/url]

Any element of doubt and it will not be happening.

Many thanks,
