Plug socket question
Hi all. In our home we have several plug sockets with USB plugs on them and wondered if it's possible to get them for our caravan. They are an absolute god send I wasnt Sure if they are the same as household sockets
Really Oh so they are just normal sockets.
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You can also buy plugs with USB sockets on them! Listing Ads-_-Sales Tracking-_-sales tracking url&cm_mmc=Google-_-Shopping - Electrical and Lighting-_-Shopping - Electrical and Lighting_e4fbb420-3c79-4e9e-b3db-bdf249210312&gclid=CKSs1YuPkc0CFVQ_GwodclgOzg
Shame there is no way of me posting a live link....sorry!'s a CC Forum, thing!!
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Be aware they will only work when there is a mains hook up. Far more usefull to install ones that work of the 12v battery.
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, Try " Maplin" .
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This is a neat way to do it as you then have a "traditional" 12v outlet as well as a pair of USB ones.
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This is a neat way to do it as you then have a "traditional" 12v outlet as well as a pair of USB ones.
This is for a car isnt it ?
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Basically will this work in my caravan ?
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Yes 6914f will be ok if your socket fixing has enough depth to accommodate the workings of unit.
but will only work when hooked up to mains.