General driver behaviour on site
I know through the club magazine that there is always steam being let of by people about speeding and disobeying the one way systems on Caravaning sites. This applys to both club sites.
You have to look at car parks to see how driver drive in them and you will see them speeding, going through a no entry sign for a one way street, just to find a parking space.
When I started camping I was told that if you overtake a pedestrian you were exceeding the 5 mph on site and if you were seen to go faster than 5 mph you were told in no uncertain terms what could happen to you and any young child that was running around
the site.`
To conclude my part of this discussion, I would like people to think about how they drive on site and follow the one way system and the speed limit, because it not only children but the less mobile people that you may hit.