Tracker caravan monitor important info
The company Tracker have withdrawn support for anyone who is not already subscribed to their service if the van is fitted with a TRACKER CARAVAN MONITOR at the end of Jan 2015
I purchased my latest Bailey Pegasus van at the begining of FEB 2015, it was sold to me with a Tracker & alarm but when i contacted Tracker they informed me they would not accept my subscription mainly because of the problems they have had with the Tracker
Caravan Monitor generally not on my specific van!
The van is currently in the workshop having a new alarm fitted and i am challeging the dealer to install a replacement Tracker because they missold the caravan to me.
I can inform you, if you are already subscribed to the Tracker service the company will support your device, though dont let your subscription lapse.
I am very angry with the Bailey dealer!!!!!!
PS. If you have a NEW for OLD insurance policy i suggest you dont pay to subscribe to a tracker service, would you prefer to have your old van back after the thieves have had it OR get a NEW van instead??
Update today 19.02.15
From Tracker Tech support
Dear Sir
I am sorry to confirm that TRACKER policy regarding the Caravan Monitor system changed as of end of Jan 2015. While we will continue to support and service existing customers that have the Caravan Monitor system, we are not transferring/offering service
on caravans with this system that have gone into new ownership.
The current unit being fitted to Caravans from the TRACKER range is the Battery Powered Retrieve, which has its own built-in power source with a 5 year lifetime. This allows it to be independent from power supply and leisure battery issues.
I informed a Bailey Director in person yesterday at the NEC i am not a happy customer
Tracker Retreive Cost (sit down before reading)
inc. VAT, installation & 1 year subscription
Plus additional annual subscriptions of £99
or a 4 year subscription of £199