Anyone considered wintering in Australia?

Bouncing back and forth between Australia and Britain, I've often wondered why we don't see more British travellers hitting the roads across Australia in the northern winter. It is high summer here at that time of year . . . . . very high!
Once you've got the cost of the rig sorted out, camping can end up very cheap if you only know how to go about it, staying at free overnight stops from A to B.
Australia is 101% safe for motorhomers and caravanners. No break ins. No burglars.
Everyone is friendly when you talk to them at "happy hour" and Aussies enjoy a good chat. It's not like Europe where most of the people there don't speak the lingo. We all speak the lingo cos we all watch Dad's Army and Yes Minister. We really love British humour . . . the best . . . and don't always get American humour . . a bit slick.
Fuel right across Australia is half price what you'd pay in Britain.
Sterling is roughly 2 to 1, so 100 quid will get you $200 Australian . . . . the "traditional" rate for many years.
We've got the best coral reefs in the world, arguably the best beaches with seldom anyone on them, leaving you to a golden beach dripping with palm trees (watch out for the coconuts!) and no one else around (no footprints in the sand). The South Pacific washing up for 2 500 miles on eastern side of Australia is to be seen and experienced.
Ever swum under a tropical waterfall? You don't know what you're missing with warm water like a bath cascading over you.
Outback pubs are as friendly as you'd find anywhere in the world. Genuine easy-going Aussie hospitality.
Anyhow . . . .