Advice on Swift Bolero's winter pack effectiveness
We have a 2011 Swift Bolero 600EK with the winter pack (heaters in fresh and grey water tanks and fridge vent covers), which is class 3 and supposed to cope with temperatures to -15c. We are planning to go touring to Austria and Switzerland next Christmas and
New Year for some skiing and hiking. Does anyone have any advice on whether the winter pack is sufficient to cope with winter temperatures in the Alps, or do we need to make additional modifications before we go? We have been touring on South Island in NZ
in the winter with similar temperatures and the motorhome we hired coped really well - so the cold weather doesn't worry us, but we are unsure how the winterisation of the Bolero will compare.
Also, does anyone have any experience of how the Bolero's driving performance copes with snow chains?
Thanks very much for any advice or experiences you can offer.
Best wishes,