
Arrivakids Forum Participant Posts: 214
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Well we are already into March and we still have not decided whether its France in June or Septmber this year. With my Mother very ill  i just cannot get myself in the Holiday  mood, Hubby is 60 in june and we Celebrate 40 years wed in July we should be
arranging something by now. We though June would be a  bad time with the football plus the Ferry Crossing was dearer than last year by £60. So September seems good except what weather can we expect.. So much to think about no nearer booking maybe we need a


  • KJLC
    KJLC Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited March 2016 #2

    Your mother whom is very ill should be your major concern only you can deal with that. How would you feel if the worst happened whilst you were on holiday? it's your conscience. £60 increase in cost isn't to unbearable that's life. As to the weather, it
    is what it is we don't have the seasons like we use to in the 50's and 60's enjoy whatever you decide.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited March 2016 #3


    I posted initially replying to your post in the 'Booking Stupidity' thread, about the additional cost this year,  but it makes more sense here.  Did you mean your ferry crossing was more expensive than you hoped?  I think this is the case for all crossings - prices have gone up this year. I think this reflects the fact that ferry operators are now having to do extra related to passport checking, and security issues around the ports will come at an extra cost too.

    You may find ferry prices cheaper in September, but remember that lots of sites start 'shutting up shop' then, facilities close, and the nights draw in.  I would just pay the extra and go in June if I had only one holiday per year.  

    We used to always go in May/June and then again in late August/September - and enjoyed both 'seasons' but there's no doubt that June has the advantage over September (at least as far as we're concerned).

    I don't think that you'll find the football has any effect at all on campsites, except in the immediate area of the stadiums where games are being played.  The ferries may be busier, but you should still find availability.


  • InaD
    InaD Club Member Posts: 1,748
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    edited March 2016 #4

    I doubt that I'd be in the mood to plan a holiday if my mother was very ill; I think it's probably that which is stopping you.   It's not a nice situation to be in, having been in a similar situation myself.  Would you really be able to enjoy a holiday if
    you were worrying about her all the time?  Only you can decide that, nobody else can decide for you.

    Other factors, such as cost and weather, aren't that important, compared to your mother's illness, at least not IMHO.

  • ValDa
    ValDa Forum Participant Posts: 3,006
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    edited March 2016 #5

    Yes, apologies that my reply doesn't take your mother's illness into consideration.  It was because I posted in reply to your other post in the Booking Stupidity thread.

    When my mum was ill a few years ago she absolutely insisted that we went ahead with our planned holiday, because we were both working very hard, and would hear no excuses!  We did, but fate stepped in, in a very strange way, and we had to come back home before we were even on the ferry.  She had passed away very suddenly and quite unexpectedly.  

    The Caravan Club were very good at rearranging things, in the circumstances, and so we holidayed later in the year.  So my sympathies are with you - it's always a very sad and very difficult time.

  • ScaniaMan69
    ScaniaMan69 Forum Participant Posts: 75
    edited March 2016 #6

    I like September for travelling, although very busy, the weather tends to be stable. 


  • KJLC
    KJLC Forum Participant Posts: 84
    edited March 2016 #7

    Yes, apologies that my reply doesn't take your mother's illness into consideration.  It was because I posted in reply to your other post in the Booking Stupidity thread.

    When my mum was ill a few years ago she absolutely insisted that we went ahead with our planned holiday, because we were both working very hard, and would hear no excuses!  We did, but fate stepped in, in a very strange way, and we had to come back home
    before we were even on the ferry.  She had passed away very suddenly and quite unexpectedly.  

    The Caravan Club were very good at rearranging things, in the circumstances, and so we holidayed later in the year.  So my sympathies are with you - it's always a very sad and very difficult time.

    My post was the first on this thread and yours followed, InaD's post has echoed pretty much exactly what I had said, it pays to read postings!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,137
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    edited March 2016 #8

    I don't know how long you are thinking of going for but later in September into early October the weather is not always reliable as our recent experience has shown. June would always be my choice, especially with the long days. However you have a difficult
    things to deal with and sometimes holidays have to take second place depending on the circumstances.


  • Arrivakids
    Arrivakids Forum Participant Posts: 214
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    edited March 2016 #9

    Thanks everyone , still no change with my mother, taking each day as it comes .. We are still going to go away but where that is still not decided. Thanks again .

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited March 2016 #10
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  • commeyras
    commeyras Club Member Posts: 1,853
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    edited March 2016 #11

    AD agree about Languedoc and of course you have the pleasure of watching the grape harvest!  We would expect to have beeen able to use our pool there until well into September.

  • Arrivakids
    Arrivakids Forum Participant Posts: 214
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    edited March 2016 #12

    It would be early september probably around the 2nd 

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,160
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    edited March 2016 #13

    Booked a single daytime crossing from Harwich to Hook of Holland in July for a very reasonable £85.