Medical Emergencies - Message in a Bottle Scheme
Perhaps it is our rural location, but if we were to attempt to describe typical visitors to our CL, we would say, slightly tongue-in-cheek, 'a semi-retired couple with a rescue-dog, and perhaps bicycles, here to relax and walk in the countryside'.
Given the age of some of our guests, medical conditions are not unknown.
Lions Clubs are an international charity and operate a ‘Message in a Bottle’ scheme at no cost to the user (or CL Owner). In the event of an emergency, it will save the Emergency Services valuable time identifying casualties and their emergency
contacts. By telling whether they have special medication or allergies or not, it means
safer, speedier, First Aid and is a potential lifesaver. It provides peace of mind to users and their friends and families.
How does the scheme work? Lions Clubs distribute specially marked plastic bottles containing a blank form on which people write their contact details, allergies, medications etc. The bottle is sealed and placed in the door of their refrigerator
at home or in their caravan. The person with the bottle also places a special sticker on the inside of their door (at eye level) so that the Emergency Services know to look for the bottle in the fridge.
Why the fridge door? It is easy for the Emergency Services to find in any house or caravan and it is one of the last things to burn in the event of a fire.
My local Lions Club supplies these bottles to my Doctor’s surgery and I periodically collect a carrier bag-full to distribute to caravan guests. Without prying into their medical history, I make our guests aware of the scheme and those in need are invariably
This is a national scheme and I am surprised that many of our guests have never heard of it. Some know about the scheme but have left their bottles in the fridge at home!
More details are available on the Lions Clubs website -
Many of the guests to our CL are repeat visitors – we enjoy having them here and if we can keep them alive, chances are that they will return again and recommend us to their friends. I strongly recommend that all caravan sites, including CLs obtain a small
stock of these bottles to distribute.
Ian Kelly