Camping Les Peupliers

In May this year we travelled from Roscoff heading for Noja in Spain.We were meeting up with friends,travelling from Dunquerque, who wanted to avoid the tolls as they have a Autotrail motorhome and often get charged Class 3. We decided on a route that would bring us together about 300 miles from Roscoff and chose the ACSI site at Couhe, Les Peupliers, to stay at. The site was pretty much perfect for an overnight being just a few hundered yards-OK Metres-off the N10 and on arrival,this was when the 'fuel shortages were at thier height,we were reassured to be told the local Intermarche had fuel. The site has a lovely position but some pitches could get a little damp due to the river side location, as they were on our return leg.
We thought the site so lovely that we decided to take the same route back and spend our last night together there and had a very nice, good value, meal at the La Promenade Hotel about 200m from the site.
We have already decided that any trips we make to the South from Roscoff will use this site if possible. The N10 is being upgraded but we had no touble driving at 50-55 most of the time anyway and our route to join the N10 at Poitiers was via Cholet and the N249/149 from there has been recently upgrade to dual carraigeway for much of its length to Parthenay.
So a great little site, with a very warm welcome,on a toll free route, with a spermarket/fuel within half a mile, and a good restaurant in walking distance.