Website downtime

No advance notice and no note of explanation or apology have been given for taking the site down for around 24 hours. I'm saddened at the ignorance displayed. Not shocked because, sadly, it’s what I’ve come to expect from CAMC these days. The lack of courtesy is nothing less than appalling and is symptomatic of CAMC's attitude towards its customers/members.
As the Book a Campsite page won’t load, I have no idea.
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Absolutely disgraceful, indefensible, but sadly not a surprise
I'd post more but on my travels.
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Well at least my open tabs, opened up to the page, without refreshing.
Can't believe the arrogance, it's always the same, go to page refresh, extremely unhelpful essential maintenance page. I completey echo Tinwheelers words The lack of courtesy is nothing less than appalling and is symptomatic of CAMC's attitude towards its customers/members.
Not currently a member and not sure I'd join again.
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The bookings page still won’t load for me but the main thrust of my OP was the shocking way the club treats us all with disdain without the common courtesy of a simple notification. If they want to ruin the club's core business by having totally inefficient and unfit IT, that’s up to them but to treat customers like dirt is unforgivable. After all, we are the people who fund the club by giving them our business.
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All I get is:
Manage your upcoming holidays and previous bookings
Network error: Response not successful: Received status code 403 a@ promiseReactionJob@[native code]0 -
I agree with TW, It is disgraceful the Club didn't advise members about such a long downtime. I hope the site managers were better informed.
My comms is not good so not sure if it is because of this or whether it's down to the Club that the new UK booking system is so prone to errors.
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Looks like the introduction of the new booking system has broken the website. Joined the new queueing system (1074th, estimated 1min wait), then once 'in' it wouldn't open the booking pages. eventually timed-out (after 10mins), so try again and I'm 3191st in queue wuth est. 12min wait. Very frustrated. Very poorly thought out 'upgrade', obviously not bug-tested before implementation.
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Totally agree TW; yet again i had an email about the impending change, but no word within that email of the fact that the site would be down. Why could that information not have been part of the email? Saying that, of course the email was only sent to people with bookings (we have 2), so people without still wouldn't have known. But surely it would have been possible to put the info on the website a few days prior anyway?
BTW, still queuing, although don't quite understand the maths: number in queue is 5778, yet there are 1790 users in front of me?
Your queue number: 5778
Number of users in queue ahead of you: 1790
Expected arrival time on the website: 21:43
Your estimated wait time is: 13 minutes1 -
100% in agreement
If members were to not renew membership in their droves it is no more than club deserves
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Well, another 15 hours or so of downtime. I can add nothing more to my OP to demonstrate how appalled I feel.
I read elsewhere of people expressing similar sentiments and looking for sites outwith this club.
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On the brink of a sense of humour failure after an hour trying to amend a booking by 1 day, thought amended booking was complete then I had an error message.
Rang the club, 25 minute queue, to find change had been made but confirmation not sent. With the booking system 5 days ago i it would have taken about 2 minutes to achieve! The price of progress, shuffling along in a queue. Won’t be making anymore club site bookings2 -
Managed to get on the booking website last night after about 30 minutes. There seemed to be conflicting information. On one page it said you could book until the end of May but dates were available as far as November. I was wanting to extend a booking at the end of May into June. Anyway it threw up an error and crashed.
Have tried again today but first queue wait was over an hour and as we went out I missed my slot. Currently it says 19 minutes, although it said 24 minutes some 15 minutes ago. I don’t think the queue is all that accurate.
It is really beyond belief that they released a new system in such a state of disrepair.0 -
Still in the queue, still supposedly 10 minutes to go, which is likely to be at least another 20. In total that will work out at 1 hour 20 minutes, although it initially told me 24 minutes. They really need to be able to handle more traffic with this new system, otherwise folk are going to go elsewhere.
edit forget the 1 hour 20 the clock is now adding time and is back at 18 minutes. 😡0 -
How much longer do we have to put up with this sad excuse for a website? Seems to spend more time in maintenance than my car and that's 21 years old!
Surely the membership deserve better! Stop taking us for fools and sort it out!!
If the current IT crew can't do it then get someone who can!
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Was it not inevitable that during the set up of the new booking system and the initial use, probable as Peedee suggested by members curiosity, that the site would crash, I think we have history here! As to the long shut down and not being informed I wonder if this is due to all the IT being contracted out with the company doing the work having different priorities rather than keeping members informed? Of course they should have let us know but as in many instances in the past they did not, there seems no protocol in place to keep us inform in advance. There did seem to be regular, if brief, updates on Twitter.