What are you all up to



  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,090
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    Oh!!! well, new format looks to be ok, but for me there is very little benefit new vs old , things like uploading photos seems to have improved which is a plus, and we do now only seem to have 1 font size which is brilliant, maybe when it is cold outside and dark i may do some more exploring but i did think my days of de-bugging software were over and i could lead a quiet life, maybe i will just let others do the exploring.

    another dull day but cant complain had some very good days of late, had to cut the grass again, but mower now cleaned for the 3rd time and hopefully stowed until 2025 😁

    wow emoji picker seems to give a much greater choice😎

  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,168
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    Not a very good last 24 hours, both my brothers admitted to hospital, younger one had a blood transfusion last night and ongoing tests today so no idea yet what the problem is. Elder brother in Hampshire also admitted last night and again no idea as yet why.

    Went to watch granddaughter play footy this morning, wrong venue, they were away from home ground!!
    Wonder what the third thing will be?

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    @Oneputt so sorry to hear your news.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    @Oneputt I am so sorry to hear about your brothers. I hope you get better news soon and what bad luck about going to the wrong venue for your grand-daughter's football match. I hope your weekend improves.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited November 2024 #61206

    Carol is also good a sewing, but I can't remember her doIng curtains....?? Mind you, we don't often close the curtains as we also have blinds fitted and generally find them more convenient.

    Our daughter, Ruth is also into craft type things. At the moment she has been making 'pigs in blankets' for Christmas...... she also makes 'memory bears and blankets. I'll try and find some photos when I get better internet.....

    Edit to include photo:


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited November 2024 #61207

    Post seems to have disappeared whilst editing (in the car outside Sainsbury''s - probably my fault. I'll try again later.


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    Sorry about your brothers Oneputt hope they soon recover. A grey day here today. We went away for a few days last weekend, to Somerset, Wells and a visit to Clark’s Village. Very fortunate with the weather, the sun came out and relatively mild. Wells was beautiful in the sunshine, a nice winter visit. Saw the new cathedral cat, Bazil, he’s 12 but new to the cathedral since old Louis past away, he was fast asleep in his bed on the counter in the shop. We visited a garden centre near where we stayed, it was packed, a lovely Christmas display took up most of the floor space, I did buy some more Christmas decs. A very quick visit to Glastonbury, but we didn’t stay long, it has become a very strange place. A bargain at Clark’s Village, a thick winter jacket from Marks with a hood, which I like, only £25 reduced from £50. Then home again. Nice little winter break.

    Our son phoned this morning he is trying to cope with keeping their springer spaniel very quiet, never easy with a springer, she has just had a big op on her back leg. Just allowed 4 very short and gentle on lead walks a day and massaging, not allowed to run in the garden. They aren’t looking forward to 6 weeks of this. Op cost almost £5,000, Son worked out that vets bills have been just over £10,000 since they got her, she’s 7, she is insured but they have to pay part of it. Vets bills do now seem extortionate. She is much loved and our Sons pride and joy. This cost of vets fees must put some people off getting a pet, I know it does me.

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    So sorry to read your news @Oneputt . Hope thing get better over the next few days. All vood wishes.


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,834
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    Likewise from me @Oneputt - must be a very worrying time for you and I hope they are soon better.

    Apologies to all for my previous ramblings in response to @DavidKlyne 's post. I've been having real problems with passwords - probably down to me confusing the password manager! I'm logged in now and won't log out unless it's forced on me!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    Trying again to reply.... seemed to get it wrong last time...!!

    Like you @DavidKlyne we tend not to make curtains these days, although Carol is quite good at sewing and needlework. These days we rarely close our curtains - we tend to use the blinds which we have fitted.

    Carol hseems to have passed on her sewing talent to our eldeat daughter, Ruth.... (the one who lives in the Outer Hebrides!!). She is in the progress of making 'pigs in blankets'.... she also makes 'memory bears' and 'memory blankets'.... 🙂


    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,406
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    Oh I just love the Pigs in blankets.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,176
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    I do as well, we have some cooking in the oven now😀 Seriously I do like the bears, the tie makes them look very smart.


  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    OP - Sorry to hear your news hopefully things improve soon

    Debs - We were back down in Somerset in July and as usual had a great time the weather was even good. The Clark’s village is a good place for a wander round we like Glastonbury it’s an unusual place but we always make a point of visiting there it’s the type of place where people just wander round without a care in the world mostly with no shoes on lol.

    Good day here today been cold but dry relaxed this morning then took a drive out in the afternoon SWMBO wanted to go to a few shops so while she was doing that I visited a local Glasgow landmark where my fave team play. Those interested in football will be interested in the below pic. Not much planned tonight just sitting in the van and have a few drinks and see what’s on the TV

    Hope everyone is having a nice weekend

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    So sorry to read about your brothers @Oneputt. I hope that the hospitals can work out what their problems are and that they have soon recovered.

    @Francis enjoy your time away in the van, where are you staying this time?

    Loveu both the bears and the little pigs, you daughter certainly has a lot of talent, @DSB ,

    We have had another day of mixed weather, with sunshine this morning and then rain on and off from mid afternoon. Finished off a few small jobs in the van and hoovered out the car between dog walks. Still trying to get a handle on this new set up!🤔

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited November 2024 #61216

    Thanks for the comments folks..... I'll pas them on to Ruth...


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    I believe she did look at ready made ones, but as far as I can remember did not find any she liked for Nathan’s room. For their bedroom she saw some she liked from M&S, but they were not available in the width she needed, the drop would have needed altered anyway, and they were pretty pricey. Made to measure is even more expensive of course.

    Having had a year off work when each of the boys were born, and last year facing a huge increase in mortgage rates, finances have been tight for the last while, so spending a huge amount on curtains was out of the question. They have blinds in most of the rooms, but feel that the large windows look rather naked without curtains.

    These curtains are only 2 widths of fabric in each curtain, but for their bedroom OH reckons there will need to be 3 widths in each curtain as the bay window track is 4.5 metres long. She and DD will likely be looking at fabric for that in the January sales, there are quite a few places selling curtain fabrics in town.

    OH was saying she also remembers the huge rolls of fabric in John Lewis when we stayed near Edinburgh, so she was very disappointed when JL opened in Glasgow, to find that the stock was much reduced, and, as you said, everything was now mainly ready made, or made to measure with only fabric samples to look at.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    They are lovely. Do you know if she makes the “pigs” as well. They look like they are needlefelted, another lovely craft.

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    We've had a wonderful weekend -

    Friday night we stayed in Harrogate to go to a Bellowhead gig. It was brilliant, high energy and music we love. Rather tiring as I've a few health issues and have started using a stick (but it was useful for waving in the air when I couldn't lift my arms). As if they had never been away.

    Then back home for a few hours rest and into Kendal for Oysterband - on their Long long long goodbye tour. It is probably the last time we will see them live so it was uplifting an emotional.

    Nothing beats live music and it's well worth the effort of getting out of the house. We've 4 more gigs before Christmas and four already booked for next year.

    Meanwhile farming goes on.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited November 2024 #61220

    Nellie - We were at Strathclyde Park club site this is our go to local site during the winter months as it’s only an hour from home and our other local sites we use Ayr Craigie and The Ranch both close for the winter months. It’s a good site there is a bit of road noise but it’s a nice site that we use often so easy to get to.

    Just home after an easy hours tow home today very cold though. Got the van back in it’s space it needs a wash but will have to wait far too cold to do it today. Won’t be away now for a few weeks so drained all the water tanks etc down hoping to get 3-4 nights away between Christmas and new year but it will be weather permitting. This year has went in so fast and we have a lot on every weekend between now and Christmas. Glad to read you are out and about enjoying yourself Goldie

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    edited November 2024 #61221

    Apologies for the double post earlier (yesterday)…. The original post disappeared on my device and so I reposted. Now I can see both posts… it may well be my fault - poor internet whilst out and about……

    Sorry folks…


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    We have spent several hours today on the curtains, still on speaking terms…….meantime!

    The linings are now finished as far as we can go, just need to decide on the final drop once they are hung up.

    Now working on joining the widths and matching the patterns vertically and horizontally, as B2 said, it is not that easy. We know the theory, the reality is something else!!

    Thought we had one ready, but something has moved. Will continue tomorrow.

    Forgot to say yesterday…….when OH was altering DIL’s ready made lined curtains, she was not impressed by the quality of the workmanship, apparently several puckers in the fabric where puckers should not have been!

    In the past she has made quite a few sets of curtains for DD using ready made ones from Ikea. They are pretty inexpensive and very long, so by cutting off the top eyelet or whatever area, then turning them upside down and stitching the tape to the hem, she has made ones long enough to be able to fit as required. Only works for not so wide windows, so no use in our house or DD’s present house.

    We had a good visit to DS yesterday. DIL and grand-daughter were away getting hair cut, so we did not see so much of them. The boys had their favourite for lunch…….tomato soup and ham sandwiches…..and played out in the garden till they were rained off. Later we watched a film and had coffee and biscuits before heading back to Mummy and Daddy, who had enjoyed the respite and the peace.

    I then worked on Nathan’s cot bed to convert it to a small bed. DD said he liked it but took a long time to fall asleep.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    edited November 2024 #61223

    @Francis Glad you had a good time at Strathclyde, not a site we have visited, and probably one that we won't either as we tend to stay away from sites near busy roads and motorways. Hope you are able to get away again before the year is out.

    You have certainly been busy yet again, @KjellNN hope you don't fall out with your OH before the project is completed.

    Sounds like a great couple of concerts, @Goldie146

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    For us, Strathclyde is good for a stopover on the way elsewhere - excellent as it is near a good road network, but personally, we found it a bit noisy.


  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    It has been a rather miserable day with intermittent short but quite heavy showers of rain. So far I have had a couple of rather wet walks, and missing the rain during the others. Completed the bookings for our next trip, utilising the free night on our way home, as we did last year. We did have to search round for a suitably quiet site for over the New Year after the one we had originally selected didn't respond to our email request for a booking. Their loss is anothers gain.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    We have had our first proper rain for weeks here, but only from mid afternoon. I managed to get some gardening done at Mum’s this morning, heavily cutting back a big Pyracantha. Looks like the expected snow has moved a bit further South now, so we might just get some in next couple of days.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    What area are you looking for @nelliethehooker ? One or other on here might help you newbies.

    Had a bit of a panic yesterday as mid afternoon we received an email from Kwik-Fit thanking us for having our car serviced and including a full receipt with service points as a pdf. Strange as we haven't been anywhere near them for years. First thought was spam, as pdf was attachment, second thought was a cloned credit card and final thought was a straightforward error. Funny how we've become indoctrinated to think the worst first. Checked all our banks and nothing showing, refused to open attachment so rang K-F who were as much use as a chocolate teapot. Still waiting for the "urgent" call back. Had another email this morning " How did we do?". Mmmm…. let me think.🤫 Still nothing on bank accounts so I assume its human error.

    Mrs.WN took MiL shopping this morning to Tesco. She said it was like Armageddon. First hint of snow and the shelves were hit by human locusts. Why do people do this? Surely people in Scandinavia manage to survive without hoarding or panicking?

    Work continues apace next door. Might have been easier to demolish the building and start from scratch, but they're young(ish) and determined.

    Any news @Oneputt on brothers? Best wishes.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    @Wherenext i can never get my head around panic buyers either. Mind there are folks that have a stock of tinned goods, packets of dried goods, kerosene and a hurricane lantern as well, on standby for TEOTW, so snow will have them twitching.🤣 I remember the greedy Australian who bought $10k worth of loo rolls and sanitizer and had the cheek to ask for a refund🤣

    No snow here yet, but it is very cold now. I’ve stocked up our little log store this morning from our big seasoning store. Even ramped up the Hive another degree, which is extravagance seldom seen in Yorkshire🤭

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Snowing at the moment. This is when I remember that I haven't replaced the Wellies that sprung a leak in Summer. Found out whilst washing OH's car and got trench foot!

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    No snow here… although raining at the moment, it was a fine, but cold morning. Took the opportunity to go up to tbe storeage and cleaned the back of the 'van, before my hospital appointment.

    If it's OK tomorrow, I might go over and clean the front of the van.... the sides don't seem too bad. Dry Sparkle brought up the back of the van really well. Mind you, after this evenings rain, I wonder how it will look tomorrow...?


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    we have snow🤩 enough to give a light covering at the moment, so it might well come down all night now. It’s very cold outside. Jeep is on charge, I still need to get to Mum’s tomorrow, she’s at the top of one of the highest hills in our town😵‍💫