What are you all up to



  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Now this appeared anx my empty posts above were clicking post comment. Clearly it didn't.

    Can't clear it either so typing below the pasted part...

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Sorry folks. The pasted post appeared alone in my comments box. So tried posting them.

    No joy.

    TTried Typing below but pasted part still didn't appear!

    Note the double 1st letter and capital on second word. I have been correcting these in other posts. It's jolly annoying. Anyone else suffering similar?

    Thanks takethedogalong I'll try that.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    edited November 2024 #61174

    When your photo has loaded, at the top of the photo and a little box with four icons will appear. The one on the left is the one that allows you to put the photo to left, right or middle of photo👍 I think second one in is for resizing.

    Sheep to the right!

    Polar Bear to the left!

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,459
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    just testing.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    Just popping in to see how it goes. Some grand photos out there, thanks for sharing, I think I will have a problem as all my photos are on my phone and I have no joy in transferring them easily to my kindle. The screen on the camera is rather small so not the easiest to use to navigate this forum.

    All jobs done on the car, including new front discs and pads, and the caravan, so all ready for the off shortly. Following my blood test I have a non-urgent phone call with one of the practice doctors arranged for tomorrow morning, so it will be interesting to hear what they want to discuss!! We have had some very mixed weather with lovely sunshine then periods of thick mist, one of the joys of living close to the sea and The Lakes.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited November 2024 #61177

    Finally managed to sign in having changed password. Looked in this morning but did not seem to be up and running then.

    Finding it a bit difficult to see all the different discussion categories, does not seem as easy as before, but I expect I will get used to it.

    Back to curtain making tomorrow, DD has asked that we prioritise that.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    @Tinwheeler ooo I know where that is😁👍

    Hope you get away ok Nellie, and that it’s nothing much from the Docs👍

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Takethedogalong i found those settings. Thank you.

    I've now book marked the thread again and await to see if it works. I've book marked another thread, but no one has posted on either since I changed the settings last night😪. Can someone add to this thread please? So I can test, any rubbish will do.

    Photos seem much better on here now.

    Another grey start.The full compliment of birds are at our feeders again for the 3rd day running. I've had to top them up! First time in ages as they've had enough natural foods. Do they know about the forecast cold snap?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Hi Bakers. Hope this helps. Sorry to hear of your Relatives passing.

    When I came to post this it already had the text of "Second Photo" in it, which I removed before typing. Strange.

    Anyway time to get going on the day. Sunny at present.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited November 2024 #61181

    Wherenext thank you. Yes it seems to have worked.

    Thank you for your comments on relatives passing. Now no older family relatives apart from those by marriage, now just 3. All in their late 80's. I know age has nothing to do with it, but now being the oldest generation makes you feel a tad vunerable.

    Bit fresher, 7c, and slight breeze on our dog walk. Fields reasonably dry if you avoid the bare bits your boots stay clean too!

    Enjoy your day folks

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    Amidst all the stress with my OH last week, we lost a much loved BIL as well. Husband of my OH’s Sister. Rather sudden, but mercifully peaceful and pain free. He was a lovely man, will be greatly missed by all the family, and especially us, we shared some nice holidays together down the years.

    It’s another nice morning here, sun is shining and it’s not too cold, so garden for me shortly, along with Mum duties.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,859
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    Not the best of times for OH and his Sister Ttda. Our best to you. Hope OH back on his bike soon.

    Don't know where the day has gone. Cleaning the van out this morning, topping up screen wash, hoovering etc. Some of the afternoon spent trying to get to grips with this new forum, some spent outside on general maintenance. Then cooking a Cock-a-Leekie. Something warming as I feel the cold will be descending soon.

    Hope you all have a good weekend.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    So sorry @Bakers2 and @Takethedogalong to hear the news of your relatives passing. Not a good week for your OH @Takethedogalong and another long journey down to Essex for you @Bakers2 . I hope Starlight at the Cathedral raised your spirits. We are not going this year as our teenage grandchildren think that they are far too old for that sort of thing ☹️. I am doing extra duties on the Cathedral shop instead. I was on duty there this morning. Sold a lot of Christmas decorations. Despite saying we didn't need any more decorations I couldn't resist buying a few more.

    I hope to have a go at posting a photo later 😳.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    Cromer Pier on a moody day in September

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,689
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    At the Melrose site, very cold but the site is almost full.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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    Memories of summer

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,846
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  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    Just back in from Starlight at the cathedral. Much enjoyed by us all. Latest addition slept in his sling. Didn't need to poke him awake as his entry was free, so no money wasted 🤣. He did wake and despite being not quite 8 weeks old enjoyed the lights from his pram. We had pushed it round empty so assembling it was worthwhile.

    We enjoyed a wonderful burger, not sure the food trucks, just 3 of them, would earn their pitch fee back as they were situated where you entered the exhibit. We made the effort to go back there. Sadly none of the stalls sold drinks.... Eldest grandson very tired so timing was great.

    I too indulged in Christmas decorations from the gift shop, along with bubbles. I thought them all very reasonably priced.

    They're all coming to us tomorrow, some DIY jobs, I need help with, Almost managed myself but not quite. Eldest grandson going to sleepover. So I said I'd feed them all. Had to shoot into Aldi to buy bits as we passed on the way home......

    Milliehull thanks, yes a journey back to Essex for one funeral, we had the Lytham one streamed. Not quite the same as being there but saved travel, hotel costs and annual leave for the workers.

    Sounds like a busy day @wherenext.

    Accidently hit the back button whilst typed. Mighty relieved to find my text still here, so that's a great improvement on the old forum.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    We are progressing (very) slowly with the curtains for DD, amongst doing other stuff. They will have loose linings, so we are working on those first. How/where to attach the tape to the linings is proving interesting!

    Linings now ready to attach tape. Then we will start on the actual curtains. Hope they will be OK when finished!!

    Off to visit DS tomorrow, taking the boys with us so an early start so we can be there for lunch.

    Mummy and Daddy have things to do, so will appreciate the peace.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    edited November 2024 #61193

    We are away in the van just local but nice to be away and using our free night voucher which is a bonus. Arrived early afternoon cold but no rain site actually quite busy considering the time of year. Just sitting in the van with a drink SWMBO is watching children in need. Not much what we are doing tomorrow. Still getting used to this new forum but getting there. Will maybe try and post a picture tomorrow

    Hope everyone has a nice weekend .

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,124
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    @Takethedogalong 'Twas summut and nowt, well at least as far as I was concerned. My Cholesterol level was a bit high, but lower than last time. The doc did suggest that I could have some medication for it, but agreed that as I wasn't keen that she wouldn't push it. All the other 5 blood samples, BP and BMI were well within the expected safe range so nothing to be of any concern. It will be a few days yet before we head off, hopefully after the cold snap.

    It has been a damp day with drizzle and some mist, so we spent time clearing out cupboards and the box room where we store our hiking gear.

  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,319
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    edited November 2024 #61195

    KjellNN I have to admire you and your wife tackling this project. I do hope your daughter appreciates just what you are taking on?

    I used to do lots of sewing, especially clothes until mass production made it cheaper to buy. I made some smaller plain curtains. Encouraged by my success I decided to make patterned tiny curtains for our half landing and a door curtain to match. The small ones were fairly simple, just ensure the pattern matched when pulled. The door curtain was another beast! I could match the pattern but pinning it on the wrong side for a long length, we had high ceilings, was a nightmare it shifted very slightly. So unpicked, re-sewn numerous times. New naughty words leaving my lips. Eventually I top stitched it to ensure it matched...... Plus there was all that scrabbling on the floor, which had to be cleaned first!

    It has never entered my head to do it again. I cannot save enough money to make it worthwhile.....…

    I wish you every success and hope you don't fall out doing it.

    Have a lovely day with your family tomorrow.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,063
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    First attempt at a picture. Hope this works. This was a pic I took during our summer stay at Hurn Lane near weston super mare

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,926
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    Some lovely photos... thanks for sharing, folks.


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,755
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    edited November 2024 #61198

    B2…OH has been making things…..clothes….cushion covers……bedding……curtains……for over 50 years , though not as much as she used to. She always either occasionally bought ready made curtains and altered them, or made ours herself, but it is a long time since she, and her Mum, made the ones we now have, and she has never needed to do pattern matching before.

    Just the fabrics for what DD wanted was to be over £200, so she asked OH if she could tackle it as getting them made professionally is very expensive these days, and after extensive U Tube watching, OH agreed, so we now need to deliver!

    Fortunately we have a large lounge, so, with a bit of furniture moving, we had enough floor space to roll out the fabric. OH was pleased because I had to tidy up all my stuff first, so the room is looking much tidier than it has for a while.

    The pattern matching seems reasonably straightforward, so we have cut the 4 lengths required, (relieved there was enough fabric). and next is to join them into 2 double width pieces as it is a very wide and tall window.

    DD wanted thermal linings, OH advised her to get loose ones to make washing or dry cleaning easier, plus she had to draw the line at sewn in linings!! Something she has never tackled. She did agree to alter some with sewn in linings for DIL, so had no wish to get involved with that again!

    Though I say so myself, I am pretty good on the sewing machine…..how difficult can it be? ….so we have been sharing the stitching as OH’s shoulder (replacement joint) tires easily. I am being closely supervised and only allowed to do the easy bits, so it is going OK so far. We are at least still on speaking terms!

    We have now figured out how to attach the tape to the loose linings so everything fits together correctly, so that will be the last bit to do, then we can start on the curtains themselves.

    Otherwise I am keeping busy with my woodturning as we will be going to a couple of Christmas Craft Fairs soon. If I get time I will try to post some photos of my work.

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,176
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    Margaret is quite an accomplished seamstress having in the past made curtails and lots of dress making but that was really in a time when there was not so much choice in "off the shelf" products. She even made the canopy for our small cabin cruiser which was a heavy PVC type material. I remember when the John Lewis Soft Furnishing Department had fixtures full of rolls of curtain material as far as the eye could see. Now a shadow of its former shelf with much of the space taken up with Ready Made Curtains. Having said that we have not actually made curtains for years, they have all been ready made. Occasionally they had to be shortened a bit but that is now the extent of sewing these days. Obviously depends on the size of the windows on whether that is an option.


  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,424
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    My Mum was a gifted seamstress, she used to make most of our clothes when we were children (knitted stuff as well), along with soft furnishings for our childhood home. She used to make us toys and outfits for our dolls as well, tiny little outfits. My sister has picked up her sewing skills, but it’s not something I enjoy, I could make curtains at a push, but I much prefer knitting and embroidery. I hope that there are still folks out there to pass on these skills down the generations, rather sad if not. We are a very craft orientated family, I love making things, particularly jewellery. OH has bought me strings of pearls in the past, and I have designed my own finished stuff.

    Freshwater pearls, silver, Swarovski’s, and a hand made glass pendant I found in Wales, above.

    Freshwater pearls, beaten silver pendant and Swarovski’s, left. Made to go with a couple of wedding outfits.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,835
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    edited November 2024 #61201

    But it's not separate, David @DavidKlyne - as I recently found out.

    I use a password manager - Dashlane - which stores my 200+ passwords and auto-fills log in and password details automatically whenever I visit a site. It also generates new passwords - and they are all at the highest level of security. So - I duly log into the new forum and - because the log-in name is the same (my email address), I end up with two, apparently identical log-ins - except, they're not because the passwords are different. Since these are normally hidden from view - and very complex - it was almost impossible to distinguish one from the other.

    Inevitably, the second time I logged in, I got them mixed up and had to go through the rigmarole of resetting both passwords. However, this time, I discovered how to change the name of the website in Dashlane and therefore I could distinguish between the two.

    By way of an experiment - I then logged into the CAMC website - as I used to do - and then went via Club Together / Discussions and lo and behold the new forum popped up without the need to log into it afresh with the other password.

    Dashlane didn't intervene, so there's no way it logged me in, in the background, so to speak. So it does appear that the forum is accessible via the main website as it used to be.


    Edit - apologies David @DavidKlyne - they are separate. However the Forum website doesn't seem to log you out when you leave it like the main one does - that's why I was able to get in via the main website