What tools do you carry?

As a recent caravan owner I was wondering what tools people take with them when away? I so far have failed to find any recommendations.
To date I have only had my electric drill (too lazy to wind steadies ), gas bottle spanner & mallet.
I was thinking some screwdrivers and a pair of pliers would make sense but wondered if there is anything else I should carry. I'm not looking to be a mobile workshop, just be able to cope with minor problems if they should occur.
Thanks in advance!
The way caravans/MHs are built the list could be endless.
Insulating tape, duck tape, screws, wood glue, hammer, spanners, electrical test meter, fuses…..
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And some cable ties, ptfe spray, silicon spray, araldite instead of the wwod glue, small garden trowel, fuses, spare fans for the fridge, junior hacksaw. Basically I've a [football] boot bag stuffed with odd bits.
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Corkscrew, tin opener and things like that.
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I agree with all the above. Look around your van. Do you carry the equipment to replace lights, tighten screws and fixings, make repairs, sort electrics etc?
You could start with purchasing a simple household toolkit and then add as you go along, such as this:
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I used to carry a small but comprehensive tool box but on the rare occasions when repairs were needed I always found that the precise tool I required was left at home. These days I now carry just my handy Leatherman with its attachments, what a fabulous tool that is. Superglue, arodite, silicon and wd40 spray, duck tape, PTFE tape, electricians tape and a selection of cable ties seem to make all the temporary fixes I now need. Then I’ll tackle proper repairs once home. Of course, that comprehensive tool kit which is available to us members on loan from the C&MC Site staff also helps.
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Superglue (a must!)
Crowbar (saves bending down to get awning pegs out)
Duck tape and cable ties
Screwdriver (the ones that have a choice of bits)
Allen key set
Some small wood screws and plugs (screws have a habit of working loose around the windows and in the gas locker)
But theres always a B and Q and a accesory shop nearby, so your toolkit will slowly build itself
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we carry a basic tool kit in the car and then some spares for the van. When we have had a problem in the past , we've always found that one or two people will wander over to see how they can help. Either they have the tool required or they have pointed us in the right direction to get whatever it is that we need.
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I carry a small FACOM socket and screwdriver set, electric drill for the legs, gaffer tape, long cable ties, sharp knife and heavy duty adhesive backed velcro. Anything else can be bought locally.
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Out of habit I carry a small, cheap, toolkit which has a hammer, pliers, screwdriver set, duck tape, selection of screws and fuses. I also carry a small multimeter as I was an electrical engineer and able to test and diagnose a few problems (and help others). Can’t remember the last time I used any of them, mainly because we have bought new motorhomes recently and don’t anticipate fixable problems.
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Flashlight, tire repair tools, waterproof tape, reflective triangle.
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We carry lots of the above. We also have a replacement bulb bag, mainly for exterior lights. We use CLs, CS sites a lot. Owners have helped us out with a few tools down the decades if we ever got stuck for something. Last “what the ruddy heck was that” moment was turbo intercooler pipe coming off going up a 1:4 near Levisham, we repaired this with a spanner, some brute force and a tie wrap. Did us ok until we could get a replacement proper clip. Time before that was a smashed side mirror. We taped one of my face mirrors into empty shell, luckily A1 was empty as England were playing, so we got home ok. You just get on with whatever is to hand….🤣
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We have a Leatherman as well👍 I have a Swiss Army knife in my handbag, must remember not to take it with me next time I fly😱
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You can have a Leatherman in public, all you would need to do is justify its use if questioned. Being part of your ‘essential’ tool repair kit in the van is justification enough but to be sure don’t carry in your pockets when out and about on the streets, that would be illegal.
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Got a good friend who always had a small Swiss Army knife in his pocket (were were horse owners, they come in handy.) He was given a new one while away visiting family overseas, put it unthinkingly into his trouser pocket. Oh dear, he was frogmarched away at Jerusalem airport, stripped, interrogated. El Al do not risk anything, nor would most airlines I am guessing. A genuine mistake, very funny now, but not at the time😱🤣🤣 Didn’t help that they had been staying in Ramallah🫣
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Can't see where anyone has mentioned a torque wrench and at least a socket to suit the caravan wheel nuts. It might never be used but if a wheel has to be changed the extra length of handle makes it easier to get the lug nuts off as well as being able to refit them at the correct torque setting.
The above can equally apply to the car wheels as well as the caravan, or motorhome.
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I'd have thought if you are the organised and ready for a possible emergency type these would already be standard kit in the car. I know I carry a torque wrench, a few sockets, extendable/sliding tyre lever and some threaded studding to make it easier when getting a spare wheel on/off.