What are you all up to
Which planet are the BBC weather forecasters on? Certainly not this one! According to the on-line forecast and that on the news this morning - there is a 80/90% chance of heavy rain here at the moment - and all day - with strong winds and a yellow warning of flooding.
The reality is that after a grey start, it's warm, sun trying to get out - and dry!!
I know I'll probably eat my words later
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You may well R&R😁 I suspect we aren’t too far from you, in South Yorks, and it’s not stopped raining here since 7pm last night, to carry on all day as well. It’s light at the moment. Like Bakers, I am caring for seed bearing plants, need it dry to collect. We did manage to get our pool emptied, cleaned, dried and carefully stored. Much to our surprise, the lawn area where we put it, isn’t too bad. I’ve certainly seen campsite pitches in a worse state. Mother Nature will provide, and I shall tickle it along with a rake and some grass seed. Going to move it slightly next year, but put down a circle of paving and mats to put it on.
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Here's a screenshot of our BBC weather forecast (you'll have to enlarge it to see it!). In reality, it's warm and dry, sunny, T-shirt weather and not a breath of wind and it's been like that all morning.
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My forecast isn’t on BBC but is similar to that, raining all day. But it isn’t here either, cloudy, but dry, no wind🤣
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Like some others on here our calendar is also getting full with dates for jabs. Flu ones at the Drs booked some time ago, then today NHS email asking if we want Covid and flu together, we just went for the covid one, booking simultaneously on 2 different iPads to make sure we got the same times. OH then has his RSV one, he just scraped in as now just turned 80, in fact we have had to change plans to go to stay at our Sons as the same date, OH didn’t want to try to change the jab date in case they changed their minds about it, he gets chest infections each year and is hoping this will help.
Our caravan site office has just sent out an email telling people not to go and if already there to be prepared to leave quickly. With all the rain in the Midlands and more forecast the Avon is predicted to flood, it sometimes doesn’t get as high as predicted so fingers crossed. It’s early this year, the river was very low last week which has been a saving grace so far, looks like another winter of concern, it’s certainly got worse - more regular, in the 8 years we have been there global warming I suppose.
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Still having issues with our new Smart (?) Water Meter. Despite digging up the road a few weeks ago they have not registered the new meter and I have received an estimated bill which near triples my monthly payments! The good news is that it is easy to contact Anglian Water and actually talk to someone but the department responsible for meters seems to be a bit on the slow side. After three phone calls I think I will now just wait and see what happens.
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I had my RSV injection this morning and then we both had our 1/2 yearly checkup with our dental practice, done by another new dentist, a very friendly young lady. When we were away last week we booked our Flu jabs for the middle of next month following an email from our doctor's, and today when I enquired about our Covid jabs the receptionist said that they would be done at the same time as the flu jabs.
It started off dry this morning but started to rain about 10:00, continuing until early evening. We have managed to get most bits loaded into the caravan without them getting wet, and fingers crossed It will stay dry tomorrow when we head off again.
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Hope the trip goes well Nellie and the caravan stands up to the weather.
A middling day today, both weather wise and activity wise. Small jobs after getting slightly damp on a brisk walk this morning. Quite a chill in that Northerly. Sun is out this afternoon so we put all of the stuff that normally stays in The Van back in after making room for other stuff for our recent cottage break. Having a 2 nighter this weekend. Like almost everyone else on here we have jabs next week, flu for us three but MiL has a Covid one as well at the end of the week plus a hair appointment (it has actually grown a full 1mm since the last cut!
) She does like a trim hairline.
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Thanks, WN, we too hope that the van holds up, but of course we won't be getting the rain as we are heading to Scotland! Enjoy your days away.
It has been another fine day, but with a quite chilly wind. We had a comfortable drive up the M6, but feel for those heading south as there was what appeared to be a 4 vehicle crash in the middle lane between two of the Carlisle exits. Reports were that two lanes were blocked and traffic was certainly building up as the motorway was busy.
We are here for 3 nights on a CL we have used before, Whins, which has extensive views from Skiddaw and the Lake Hills, across the Solway Estuary and round to Criffel, with The Isle of Man visible in the far distance. We have just had a lovely red sky tonight so hopefully tomorrow will be fine too.
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Today, DD and I have been down at the flat she is selling to remove various items that had been left there, like cleaning materials, our vacuum cleaner, and some chairs, as we are off soon in the caravan for a couple of weeks.
She has now accepted an offer on the flat, so if all goes smoothly it could all be completed in 6 weeks. However, the best offer has come from someone who wants it for a BTL, so there is always the possibility that the mortgage might not go through.
We also did some clearing out of a store room that is accessed from outside the building, which she has the key for. Some adjacent shop owners had taken it upon themselves to break into the room and use it, which they had no right to do, and as she still had some stuff in there, we needed to remove it and repair the door, which I had done last week.
The shops were made aware and had been given 2 weeks to remove whatever was theirs before new locks were fitted. All 3 shops denied they owned any of it, but a few items have mysteriously disappeared.
We have now taken most of what DD owned or wanted, she will try to give away the rest, but an old, broken, washing machine that was in her flat is still there. Going to have to get a couple of strong people to help get it out as it has to be carried up a flight of stairs. After that she will hand over all the keys to the factors who manage the building.
The door has now been secured, and the shops informed, hopefully they will not try to break into the place again
One final task remains, the delivery and installation of the new fridge freezer after we return from our trip. Apparently I may have to hang around at the flat for several hours if she cannot get a shorter delivery window. Better take a comfy chair with me!
My colleague in Wales, who we are going to visit, has finally been given a date for his operation to get 2 new heart valves, he will be admitted the day we leave Wales to head back north, so that has worked out well. Just hope his op does go ahead this time.
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It's been a busy week here one way and another - appointments and meeting up with friends as well as my usual comittiments. I did a ground floor tour of the Cathedral yesterday, the first for 3 months because of the Summer Exhibition. I was worried that I wouldn't remember everything but luckily, after reading through my notes several times during the week, I did. There was a lovely couple amongst my group (with an even lovelier cocker spaniel) from Winchester and the lady told me a lot of tales about Winchester Cathedral which were so interesting.
We have had rain of biblical proportions this past week. Fortunately we have no flooding our way but there has been quite a bit locally. Some of the roads have huge amounts of standing water in the town which I think is probably caused by blocked drains. I know the council are strapped for cash but I think it is false economy to not clear the drains. I can remember many years ago when the drain cleaner came round on a regular basis but I haven't seen one for years around this way. Our poor neighbours, who only moved in a few months ago, found a terrible leak in their roof and when the roofers came they said that they needed a complete new roof as it had been leaking for a while and the roof joists were rotten. I feel so sorry for them.
Your view sounds wonderful nellie and also your sunset. I hope your DD's flat sale goes through OK KjellNN.
It is a lovely sunny and dry day here today - hooray! However I think it is only a brief respite.
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It's a glorious day here after, as milliehull says, biblical rain. Luckily no floods in our village, but that's because the parish council have cleared the brooks and ditches (probably wrong words for this area 🫣) this summer after floods earlier in tge year. We've also got Anglian Waterworks going in the village on the drains. Rumour has it they've 'lost' some,they don't know where they run.... needed for new developments 🤔🤔. We now have a ditch watch, volunteers check local ditches in heavy rain.
We have a scarecrow festival this weekend. Picked up the map whilst at the pub for MacMillian coffee morning. Sadly not many entries, but those we've passed so far are great. I have no imagination or skill so we didn't participate.
Off the see some more shortly, with the car as we head off to nearby church, where son got married, for harvest open church and Coffee Ark. Very good local charity our DIL involved with setting up 😉. Won't be at Harvest Festival or the lunch this year as were off to Essex tomorrow. Visiting my brother it's been 15 months since we've driven down.......
Enjoy your weekend folks
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Thanks, Millie, and having such an extensive view allowed us to avoid getting very wet, as we could see the rain heading up The Solway, where we had intended going for a walk. So we headed inland a bit to Hoddon Castle where we found a good walk mostly under trees, so even though the rain came we managed to stay dry. It had stopped by 13:00 and we had a second walk this time along above Annan Water.
Sorry to read that B2, yourself and others down south have had such a wet couple of weeks. Glad that you were able to remember your lines for the cathedral tour!
Kjell hope that the sale if the flat goes through without any hitches. B2, have a safe trip down to Essex, and you don't encounter any badly flooded roads.
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Thank you for the great comments about my photos and holiday. It was truly fantastic and we'll go back but next time perhaps we'll stay time on the Amalfi coast.
We left Naples in 25C sunshine and landed at Newcastle in 11C under a very grey windy sky, a bit of a shock would be an understatement and of course one never learns (like most others on the flight) I was wearing shorts!
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Glad you enjoyed your holiday CS and back to cooler northern weather.
We are back home and sunshine all the way back typical after most of the week was wet and windy but did managed to sit out in the sunshine yesterday afternoon a lot of things we wanted to do weather too wet so we have decided to go again next May and hopefully it will be drier and warmer as our hosts who are English said they have never known such a wet September and we said same at home.
1 load of washing done another to do tomorrow and a few things to sort out and Tuesday OH off/ to have a blood test before he sees the Doctor the following week and in the post is our Flu jab injection invitation which starts 15 th October and reminding us of Covid Jabs as well that will be done in December or January.
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Haven't posted much lately, been a frustrating couple of months for various health related reasons so we haven't got away as much as we usually do. Still all back to normal now!
Good to be reading everyone's news (except for the weather comments obviously).
Corners - your Italian holiday was great, we did something pretty similar about 6 years or so ago, staying in Sorrento, the visits to Pompeii and Herculaneum and the drive along the Amalfi coast all look familiar. Did you get to the little mountain village where the Beckhams (or might have been the Rooneys) got married? Can't remember it's name though I do remember the views.
We managed to book a late trip to Madeira, staying just outside the capital Funchal, which is where we've been this week. Perfect weather for walking, mid to high 20s but cooler in the mountains. Most of my pictures are on my old camera (slight cock-up on the packing front!
) so I'm posting this from Mrs M's tablet. The photo shows the view from our room out onto the Atlantic. Haven't had time to make much use of the sun beds or the pool!
(And, by the way, can anyone explain to me why it is that some folk seem to think hotel rules don't apply to them? Over my early morning coffee I've watched one couple go down to "reserve" their sunbeds every morning before 7 o'clock - and, I kid you not, it's still almost pitch black out there at that time in the morning!)
Home tomorrow so I'll try to get all the mountain and lavada walk photos sorted and post a few. Hoping the wet weather that's been around Bristol for the past week will have given up and moved on.
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Sorry to hear of the health issues, M. We have been to Madeira a couple of times walking the lavada and caminos . It’s a beautiful island, often wet but relatively warm and so green. Looking forward to your photos.
Oh, have you got you’re Grand Final tickets yet?0 -
Good to hear from you M and glad you're well. I'm not sure if we did or didn't, we did visit a mountain village Ravello which might have been it? And one celebrity (forgotten who) did hire the amphitheatre at Pompeii for birthday party at £250,000.
We did pass an hotel that the tour guide pointed out that was 2 thousand euros a night, or 5000 per night for a private suite!
Everywhere else the bars and restaurants were very reasonably priced, well actually cheap, compared to the UK. A three course very large and tasty meal with house wine and drinks came in under 20 euros each.
We were only caught out on Capri when we picked an hotel at random where a cappuccino was ten euros, and a pasta was 14! We later learnt it was 1500 for one night. I wondered why the had rolled up fluffy single use towels in the toilets that you put in a bin after use - club please note. Our fault for not checking the price list before ordering, but who cares really.
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It's certainly green and often (though thankfully not this week!) very wet. We were surprised at the amount of water flowing through the lavadas, even after a very dry spring /summer period. We were talking to one of the guides about conserving water at home and he almost split his sides laughing!
As for the Grand Final, Old Trafford's not so easy to get to as Wembley so will have to miss that and, as "we" have agreed not to have Sky TV, I'll have to hope there's a local pub showing it. Mind you, still pretty sore about the way The Robins we robbed of the league leaders shield after that shameful gamesmanship at Wigan. It seems like soccer's play acting is sadly creeping into the game. (Referees have to do better as I explained to Mrs M!
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Sorry to read that you &/or Mrs M have not been well, M. Glad that you have recovered and have been able to get away once more. Have a safe journey home.
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Now in its rightful place.🤫
We are now home after our tour of the Lakes and Scotland. On the whole the warm weather has been fabulous but now it is positively Autumnal. We essentially finished our Tour at Loch Ness where our daughter was involved in the annual Monster The Loch rowing race. The length completed in less than three hours by her 3 other lady rowers and their cox. Some 140 crews set out to complete the course, quite a sight. From there we have taken a leisurely return journey home via Berwick Sea View and the North York Moors site.2 -
Very nice of you to let me know when the Women's match is on Micky. Is it a guess the game competition?
We're also back but from a very short 2 night away to Wirral CP site. Actually enjoyed some dry weather and managed a nature reserve visit (Burton Mere) and a couple of coastal walks, one of them to West Kirby north of the site. Felt good getting a decent walk in, about 6 miles there and back.
Rain set in after 5 last night and hasn't stopped since, some of it quite heavy with a lot of surface water lying on the roads. Food shopping when I got home. Flu jabs tomorrow morning.
We always wonder how MiL getting on when we're away but arrived home to find her on her sit down treadmill doing her 20 minutes.
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Glad you enjoyed your couple of days away, just a pity that the weather was rather inclement, WN.
It started off dry this morning and we were able to get packed up without getting wet. Drove into patches of rain as we passed The Pentlands but thankfully it had eased off by the time we got to Beecraigs, again (3rd time this year)!
More short showers during the afternoon, but not enough to spoil our afternoon or early evening walks.
I have been having problems with the web browser (Silk) on my Kindle, but having been in contact with the help desk the problem appears to have been resolved, but it involved a factory reset so I have to re-install all the apps I had downloaded, which is taking a fair bit of time.
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There has been a recent story on You and Yours (Radio 4) about loved ones being locked out of Apple phones and tablets when someone dies suddenly. ( Nellie's factory reset reminded me of it ) Apple have not been very co-operative in helping people in such circumstances and the best they have offered so far is the option to do a factory reset but this deletes all the files and in particular photographs which seems to be the main cause of the upset. Apparently one solicitor has taken Apple to a County Court which has forced Apple to help but that is only on a case by case basis. Obviously from Apple's point of view they value the security that their phones offer and probably don't want that sacrificed. I am not sure if it is Apple or Android but there is a sort of doomsday option where you can nominate someone to have access to the phone in certain circumstances. Alternatively make sure you back photos up elsewhere.
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We are now installed, in splendid isolation, on our usual CL in North Wales, though the owner said it had been full over the weekend. We arrived about 16.30 yesterday, it started raining 10 minutes later, and has only recently stopped……29 hours of continuous rain! We must be in the same area as you WN. Ground is very wet, but fortunately we are on a hardstanding.
Been over to visit my colleague near Ruthin today, thick fog going over the hills. He is bearing up well after losing his wife in July, we will be seeing him several more times before we leave here. Also hoping to visit the Anderton Boat Lift, and tomorrow, weather permitting, OH wants to go to the designer outlet at Ellesmere Port, apparently DD has given her a wish list!
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Apple have had a ‘Legacy Contact’ facility for some time. It just needs setting up and authorising and therein lies the problem. What we all need to do is think about it like a will or funeral plan in good time of the inevitable happening. I totally understand the security and the personal privacy issues around this but we do need to talk to our loved ones and act according to each others wishes.
Thanks David for raising this, this is something Mrssf and myself will be doing as we are updating our wills and our ‘Hand over File’ in the coming weeks. This file contains all those important dates, contacts, events, contracts, policies etc. which we need in our lives.
The problem I think is that many put off the likes or don’t like to talk about it.One consideration when making a personal handover file is whether to make an electronic copy of it or hard copy. This decision must be made carefully, we decided to keep it outside of the web.
Hopefully this may help.
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Rain, rain and more rain. When will it ever stop! It started raining on Sunday night and it is still raining. I feel so sorry for our neighbours as the roofers don't come when it is raining and they haven't finished so rain was pouring in yesterday and they had to get the roofers out to put a tarpaulin over the roof late yesterday. It sounds as though the whole of their upstairs will need redecorating when the new roof is finished.
So sorry to hear that you and Mrs M have been having some ill health moulesy. I do hope you are both recovered now and enjoyed your recent trip away.
I am pleased to hear that your had a good weekend away WN and that MIL was behaving herself while you were away.
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Well today has been a tonic, I don’t think that I have laughed so much in ages. An ex colleague is about to retire in a month and as she lives and works in an office the other end of Devon a small lunch was planned locally today, only 5 of us went out from the local office where I worked but we still apologised to the cafe owner for all the loud laughter, (he said it was good to hear) Always a quite stressful job but so many hilarious moments to be remembered. She and I worked closely together for 20 years doing a similar role but in different offices and meeting up regularly. There were always social get togethers out of work as well, which sadly seem to have all stopped now, the younger members of staff there today have put this down to them all mostly working from home now, things have certainly changed, and, like many other things, not for the better.
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Safely home now, and just picked Ralph up - apparently he's behaved perfectly while we've been away (so, we'll obviously have to go away more often!
I've spent much of today trying to transfer the photos of Madeira from my camera onto my tablet, not as easy as I thought, but getting there slowly.
To start with some coastal views ...