Speed limit on sites



  • MikeyA
    MikeyA Forum Participant Posts: 1,072
    edited August 2024 #32

    The CCC do exactly that which makes for a much quieter site. Some will say that they would rather choose their own but the reality is you choose the area and you don't have to accept the one offered.

    You will never see an outfit driving round and round.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #33

    Well it applies the brakes as well, giving you first a warning if you don't. There is reactive cruise control that reduces your speed to keep a safe distance from the car in front.

    And most of you ask for is already in place, there is speed assist that users a camera behind the mirror, and/or GPS to warn you if you are breaking the speed limit but doesn't yet override the driver, and there's lane assist which warns you if you're drifting out of lane and will gently steer you back but again if enough force it can be overridden. All of these are mandatory in new cars.

    My best 'AI' is when the car parks takes complete control and parks itself having assessed if it can, you just drive by spaces and it will tell you.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,525
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    edited August 2024 #34

    We are members of both clubs and yes, you are taken to pitches and instructed on how to pitch but this method is not without issues. Firstly it is labour intensive and during times of ‘mass’ arrivals you can be left waiting in a pretty long queue for the staff to return. Furthermore, choice of pitch or area is not as free as the C&MC. I do know that the staff at the C&CC will assess your outfit on arrival, not just from your booking details and they will choose the pitches they think fit from that visual check they make. However, on C&CC sites I’ve never seen deckchairs, tables or the likes being used to ‘reserve’ pitches. Their staff seem to manage site pitching without us really knowing how it’s being achieved but this management must take staff away from other jobs that need attention. As for speeding, I’ve noticed little difference between the clubs, the minority who do not give a phut will still ignore the signs and advice given. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #35

    Not normal on the sites in Italy, ad I've done a few, it's park by your pitch. Also of course MH still have to drive to their pitch and keep to the speed limits.

    Don't most comparable Uk sites have circuits, or race tracks as you call them? It's not just a CAMC thing is it?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #36

    My daughter got quite a shock when she was planning to go around a stationary car and the line assist kicked in and the car tried to steer her back into lane. She knew it was there but this was her first time and didn't know how good it was. Now she knows how much force is needed to override it.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited August 2024 #38

    Don't most comparable Uk sites have circuits, or race tracks as you call them? It's not just a CAMC thing is it?

    Got me thinking. I stayed on 4 Independent sites last year. 3 were linear and 1 had a circle. On the last one we had been allocated a pitch which we were more than happy with. Didn't notice any OTT speeding, everyone seemed chilled.

    Micky, you are right about children running out (or dogs) unexpectedly. Didn't this exact scenario result in a childs death last year on a CAMC site?

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #39

    Fair enough but were these as I posted comparable - that is large sites like the club's? Smaller sites certainly can be linear but once above a certain size some form of circuit must apply in my view?

    Come to think of it circuit maybe be safer for safety, it's usually one way round while a linear site must entail two way traffic?

    But I would say that club sites are all (?) circular and that's what they are.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #40

    Full +1, especially when you consider the 'maths' of distance travelled at the two speeds. (my previous post)

    But like Tim says, should this be even open for debate? If there are those, and I have to say in my experience they are few then they should be dealt with. Some form of three strikes then something. Perfectly happy for that to apply to me.

    Of course that would include the OP who has admitted travelling at 10 mph if there are no kids about and not just when distracted. 

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,894
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    edited August 2024 #41

    So, it seems to me that if the 5 mph limit is not a widespread problem on C&CC sites, or independent sites, or commercial sites, or overseas sites, and certainly not on CLs ,  it might just be that CAMC has a number of members who get easily agitated and upset about the whole thing.    It wouldn’t surprise me at all.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,525
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    edited August 2024 #42

    I don’t understand this at all! Are you saying that for most of us C&MC members 5mph limit is not a problem and is justified? If so I’d agree with that entirely. Or are you saying that C&MC members are easily agitated and upset by those few who flaunt the rule, ignore the dangers and the need to prevent accidents and do their own thing?
    Yes, and I’m not happy when I witness some dictating their own ways on the rest of us by blatantly breaking rules they have agreed to, we see to much of this behaviour in general society these days don’t we and quite frankly, it needs stopping.

  • sunlovers
    sunlovers Club Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2024 #43

    Well I thought I might stir things up a bit I did agree with some of the comments, I must make it clear I only used to exceed 5 mph out of season when no kids and the site was very quiet. I no longer exceed the club speed limit, as I have not used Club sites for the last 2 years since at 12. 55 on a wet mid week October day arriving at White Hse Beach Site  I was made to turn round drive back through the tight streets of Kessingland, meeting another van coming in and a lorry which caused a major traffic hold up, by the time I got off the site it was 13.00. A bit of common sense from the wardens as it was the start of the club clamping down on arrivals which I didn't know about. I now use CL or CCC sites at a loss to the club of about £ 1500 . I joined the CC when it was run as a club 25 years ago not what it has become now.


  • K Brown
    K Brown Forum Participant Posts: 33
    edited August 2024 #44

    On a lot of sites we have been on, the riskiest time for all users is Friday arrival time. The new arrivals have to get to the “best” pitch (even if they are just on for the weekend), the children are riding around on their bikes (often the wrong way round).

    Neither of these scenarios are completely safe, and in ideal world would not occur. However, this is the reality.

    I would think that the majority of site users would be aware of this situation, and hopefully take avoiding action. We cannot realistically hope that everyone will abide with the rules. Site staff must take action when they see vehicles moving around at more than 5mph. Post the number plates of speeders on a board?

    However, until everyone abides by the site rules, (children included), the rest of us must be aware of those who will not comply and hope that we take appropriate action to avoid an accident.

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,525
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    edited August 2024 #45

    I’ll ask again, how would you know if children are defiantly on site or not, I often see preschool children on sites happily wandering around their pitch and occasionally elsewhere, even on scooters. How about those out of season weekends or those home schooled children? Are you suggesting you only speed when the odds/chances are lowest, I hope not? Just set the example like the majority of us. All the rest who don’t care need you’re caring example! You never know, you may just help eliminate a tragedy!

    I too have been a member for as many years and, it’s only my observation, but those who do not comply with membership rules seem to have increased in number, not reduced!

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,847
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    edited August 2024 #46

    Sorry, not been back. 3 of the 4 sites were comparable insofar as they were over 50 pitches, had toilet blocks etc. T'other was the circular one. I don't think you should be thinking of one big linear route rather than linear routes off a main one or even cut-de-sacs. Merely answering your question as to whether Independent sites are circular.

    Your second paragraph - not really a problem as it's easy to see anything coming and from the few times I've witnessed it courtesy applies.

    Third paragraph - there are a few CAMC sites that are either linear or mostly linear. Borrowdale is a site that you'd want to leave your rig at reception and walk around to find a space first. A lot of tight blind alleys. Cambridge, from memory, has a long linear lane to the bottom of the site with cut-de-sac off it. i remember being parked right at the end of the linear route so meeting units/vehicles whilst going in or out always a possibility. Didn't seem a great deal of hassle.

    Off topic really as it matters not whether linear or circular, the 5 mph rule should still be adhered to. With a automatic I tend to take my foot off the accelerator and freewheel around if site flat.Never gets above 5 mph.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,676
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    edited August 2024 #47

    I can visualize the branches but sorry to me if a route doesn't have a circuit then it's linear no matter how many branches it has, I suppose it's from teaching network theory too much.

    Courtesy and road safety are different things, I was talking about road safety and the former doesn't lead to the latter sadly.

    I'm glad to hear that not all club sites are circular, or as some posters say the 'race tracks' which was my main point.

    And I fully agree with you last paragraph which I've been saying all along. But as I just said there are some that think the 'racetrack' pattern causes speeding and that just isn't the case in my view.




  • LPC
    LPC Club Member Posts: 38
    edited August 2024 #48

    Siting in my caravan watching the world go by I see the incoming caravanners trying to find a pitch they like. 90% + are exceeding the 5 mph requirement. If I decided to report them to the Wardens I would have no time for my holiday. It is not for the wardens to police the 5 mph it is the members to police themselves. Perhaps we should have fixed speed cameras and if found speeding they should be expelled from the Club ( just a thought)

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,825
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    edited August 2024 #49

    I have been monitoring this thread since it started and, have so far resisted the temptation to say something.  Quite frankly, speeding on sites makes my blood boil! It's the "I'm more important than you" and "rules don't apply to me" brigade, that are the main culprits.

    Like the OP, I am also advanced driver trained (ex-police) and have been to far too many RTAs where the cause was simple - excess speed often linked with inexperience - and often, no consideration for other road users.

    We were at the Sandringham site in June - for two weeks - and come 1 o'clock, particularly on a Friday, the drag racing started. I'm not talking about people exceeding 5mph - or even 10. There were some that were doing about 20 mph - caravan in tow and apart from anything else showed complete disregard for, not only people's safety but also their vans as they literally bounced them over the speed bumps. 

    The solution is quite simple. My car - which isn't particularly new, has automatic door locking - which activates, I think at 6 or 7 kph. I assume that by now every car, except for perhaps very old ones, has this safety feature. Given that you have to stop at either a barrier - or at Reception before going on site, it's quite easy to allow the car to move ahead without using the throttle so that it doesn't activate the self-locking.  If it does - slow down! The 'clunk' is quite distinctive - so no excuse for not hearing it.

  • sunlovers
    sunlovers Club Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2024 #50

    Hi TW, No I didn't start this thread to start disruption . I started it after site reviews about speeding on site, the one that started me was about a site where one of the wardens was rude to members but drove round the site on his tractor well in excess of the speed limit. i know I go off topic, but still can't work out the forum works. Sorry off topic again, is it not time we had a simple system like Trustpilot where member can discuss and review the club performance and get a reply from the club.Can you tell me politely where I should post this idea for all members to see

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,427
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    edited August 2024 #51

    SL, I suggest you contact the Community Manager if you have questions about the T&Cs/Guidelines and the way the forum and/or FB operate. Your other grievances about camc can be raised via the contact us button as complaints.

  • RowenaBCAMC
    RowenaBCAMC Forum Participant Posts: 1,732
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    edited August 2024 #52

    Our Club campsites have a speed limit of 5 miles per hour, which for most will be either their engine running idle or in first gear. As you will have seen, we have signage and road markings indicating this maximum speed, and there is clear information set out in our literature and Club site rules. This limit is in place to ensure safety of pedestrian movement around the site and is in keeping with offering a calm, relaxing environment for all members and guests. If our staff observe anyone driving above 5mph, which is essentially a walking pace, they should be asking people to slow down. Similarly, if our staff observe anyone cycling or riding non-motorised vehicles at excessive speed, or, in areas or a manor that could cause harm to others, we will speak with them too. Our staff don't witness all goings on and can't police vehicle movement around the site, if you observe any particular vehicles or guests repeatedly speeding, please contact our Site Staff in the first instance - they will handle your advice in confidence and can then monitor themselves. We regularly feature articles in our Club Magazine about the importance of this speed limit and guest safety.

    I will close this discussion now and thank those who made constructive comments to this discussion. smile