Reduced membership

Hi all,
Firstly not sure if this has been mentioned before,
As a member for 15+yrs we are now wondering if the price paid yearly could be reduced for members if they decided not to receive the monthly magazine and just view online.
We believe that this option is offered by a competitor of the club, not only would we save but the club would too by not having to print out so many copies.
Thoughts on this please.
You are correct, the camping and caravanning club do offer a reduced price digital membership. We have one. It has been discussed on several occasions on this forum. However, to date this club seems to show little interest in the concept, preferring to get members to forgo the magazine and physical cards under the environmental banner, whist still paying the full price. Just before the last handbook was published they even sent an email suggesting you could opt not to receive it and use their App in its place, a task it is clearly not suitable for as it can’t be used offline as is the case with the C&CC version. Incidentally although theirs is a digital membership, only online magazine and no handbook, they do send a physical membership card without request.
As far as the cost of the magazine is concerned, it has been suggested that the advertising revenue covers the production / distribution costs. I have no idea if this has any basis in fact.0 -
As an aside the cost of the magazine to non members,as I recall, is just over £4. What I want to know is why cannot I download the April Mag like all the previous editions? I wanted to print off an item but you cannot do so unless you first download the mag.
Until the Club put working systems in place, paper will still be a requirement.
P.S. The post has not yet delivered the April edition
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Thanks Steve, but I find it very strange that the download symbol is missing on the April edition but not on any of the earlier editions. I am using Firefox which has in the past given problems on the magazine pages. I will check and see what I get with Edge.
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Can anyone else confirm the Clubs web site is not working on the Android OS?
The above two messages arrive out of sequence but I assume you have guessed that. I got a site error when posting the one about Edge also not working. Gawd Knows what devious route the second message took..
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I was able to download the magazine onto my computer through google and on my Android phone with no problems at all.
This is actually the first time I've done so on my phone!
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Also tried it on Edge and it worked there, though much slower for some reason.
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Have you tried using another browser?
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Yes, (I had to get special permission to use Mrs C's 'browser' btw, she used edge while I use google) but as I said really slow (for loading and turning pages) compared to Google.
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This is what I get on my Windows 11 PC using both Firefox and Edge. Note the download symbol in the bottom righthand corner is missing. The same happens on my Android tablet when looking at the website page using the Samsung browser. The Firefox browser on my tablet will not load the magazine page.
The second photo shows the March mag front page and like all the other earlier additions has the download symbol available.
You can see the images more clearly if you open them in a new tab.
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Given, as Steve suggests, that the Magazine production and distribution costs are covered by advertising what would be the benefit to the Club of having a lower priced digital membership? Surely there would have to be some financial benefit in the first place to enable a lower priced digital membership? As far as I can tell the actual annual saving between a digital and paper membership of the C&CC is £5 a year. That is not even a pint of beer these days so I really do question whether it would be worth the bother. The recent free night promotion was worth considerably more.
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Given, as Steve suggests, that the Magazine production and distribution costs are covered by advertising what would be the benefit to the Club of having a lower priced digital membership?
Its not only about the magazine but also the handbook and it should amount to a saving in printing costs of both and they should still be able to maintain the same level of advertising revenue. I take digital membership of the C&CC and I have not noticed any decline in advertising in their mag as a result. I think their digital membership is quite high
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It might not lead to massive savings as printing fewer might mean a higher unit cost? However my main point was really about people getting exercised about a potential £5 year saving, life is too short, surely?
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As far as I can tell the actual annual saving between a digital and paper membership of the C&CC is £5 a year. That is not even a pint of beer these days so I really do question whether it would be worth the bother. The recent free night promotion was worth considerably more.
On the other hand although the C&CC didn’t give me a free night they do give me a significant discount because of my age. Worth far more in an average year than that free night.
To me it’s not really about the amount of saving, which as you say is small. It’s about the fact that one is offered, rather than trying to put all the onus on the customer by trying to get them to reduce their carbon footprint, whilst keeping the cost the same. Most organisations where I have gone fully digital offer some incentive, as it saves them money and helps to improve their environmental credentials.1 -
I think their digital membership is quite high
i checked this and this is what the C&CC said in their 2022 annual report:
The Club’s digital membership now represents 52 per
cent of all memberships. Of the 66,718 new members
recruited this year, 66 per cent opted for digital
membership. We are expecting the digital membership
to grow and are committed to improving our digital