Gas bottle options

We have just ordered a new Wildax camper van. They have done away with the underslung LPG tank and now have a gas locker suitable for a 6kg cylinder. It seems that the choice would be Calor, Flogas or some sort of patio gas (B&Q are nearby). I wonder which would be best with regard to availability?
I agree, Flo gas if you can get a contract on a new bottle. If not then start searching e-bay, Gumtree, Facebook Marketplace for an empty you can take in for a refill.
Calor are stepping back from the Leisure market and Flo gas appear to be taking up the slack.
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As far as I can see, Flogas is available to order online for delivery at home. Does anybody know what fitting it takes? Would it be the same as Calor?
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As far as I'm aware they use the POL fitting which I think is the same as Calor.
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Thanks for that. Seems the way to go.
I thought somebody might say that one 6kg bottle was not enough, however, Wildax have gone "gasless" in the sense that the fridge is a very efficient compressor unit, 12 volts only, and the heating is dual diesel/electric. There is a very large solar panel as standard so gas is for cooking only. 6kg will last us a couple of years! Safefill and Gaslow are options but at £200 or so initial cost compared with around £80 they would not pay for themselves for some time.
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A Lithium battery is an extra but I checked the power consumption of the fridge and it is very low, estimated over 2 days if used by itself with no top-up. Solar panel is standard 160 Watts.
The supplier of Wildax underslung LPG tanks has ceased trading and LPG filling stations are in decline, hence the move to electric and diesel.
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The 6kg cylinder is the screw fitting.
The 5kg lightweight takes the 27mm clip-on
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Congratulations on your new campervan. Why not see if a Safefill cylinder will fit the gas locker. Yes initial cost is a downside (and you need somewhere reasonably close to refill its) but its not all about cost - ease of use brings its own benefits! From experience we've foiund the following benefits: a significant payload saving over a conventional cylinder, ready supply of refill gas if you have somewhere local to fill it up, cheap refills compared to Calor, easy to refill abroad (most large supermarket filling stations in France and Spain have refilling points.
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I think I will check that because it’s 7.5kg (75% of the capacity of most underslung tanks) and it’s only a little wider than Calor 6kg and lighter of course. We have a refill place not too far away.
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I've got two Safefills but that runs fridge, heating and water. Given your setup, the benefits might be marginal. Best ones - weight and fill-ups abroad. More solar would be a good choice as well.
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Have just read information on FB
Calor Gas have announced a u-turn decision and will be reintroducing the 3.9kg propane and 4.5kg butane bottles early in 2024. Initially limited stocks with newly refurbished bottles joining the network throughout the year.0 -