What are you all up to



  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited November 2023 #57872

    Glad to hear you are safely home, OH was just saying today that she was worried as you had not posted for a while!

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited November 2023 #57873

    Do not know about the Swedes, but the Norwegian Krone has plummeted in value, the natives are unhappy, so maybe not travelling abroad so much. 

    Can verify this as my Norwegian State pension has also plummeted.......which is of course very bad!













  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited November 2023 #57874

    A good morning to all. Not a bad view first thing in the morning?

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited November 2023 #57875

    We also have just booked tickets for next year, Midsummer Nights Dream at the RSC. OH is a huge fan of Shakespeare and that’s his favourite play. Managed to get the same seats as we had for Macbeth, end of the aisle suits us better. 

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,694
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    edited November 2023 #57876
  • Bakers2
    Bakers2 Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 8,330
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    edited November 2023 #57878

    Several years since we went. Must go again soon. Their shows are absolutely fabulous.

    Did you camp at there? We did it on a coach trip from Essex  but believe we could have used the motorhome.

    Just had a wonderful walk with another local dog walker. Dogs get on fine. 6 Miles across the fields crossing a couple of roads. Stunning morning, if cold 🥶. Quick look in before going to village Christmas Fair. Think son might come this afternoon 😀. Bedding now blowing on the line in the sun.

    How much more energised do I feel when the weather is lovely?

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited November 2023 #57879

    Sun has only just put in an appearance here. Flipping cold on our walk this morning but  mighty glad to be out and about.

    Haven't been on for a couple of days but glad to see TG and her OH have been allowed back into the country.smile They haven't missed much whilst they've been gallivanting around Europe.

    Took MiL to her brothers funeral on Wednesday over in Bury. OH couldn't make it as she had a sudden UTI appear on the scene. Now thankfully cleared up.

    Now starting to get itchy feet for a short getaway, either in the caravan or a cottage, preferably caravan.

    Had to have a good clear up of fallen leaves. 2 Brown bins full now and still quite a lot to come down.

    Hope Millie and her OH are improving.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,453
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    edited November 2023 #57880

    We have been lucky, it’s a beautiful day here, first light frost of the year. I am home early from Mum’s as well, so like a giddy kipper🤣


  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,863
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    edited November 2023 #57881

    Yes thank you WN feeling quite a bit better. I still have the pain but I keep taking the paracetamol. I actually spent an hour in the garden doing some tidying and general cutting back. Lovely weather for it so it was nice to be out in the fresh air. Nice to hear of others enjoying the lovely crisp sunshine.

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,163
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    edited November 2023 #57882

    Grand photos, CS, enjoy your stay in The Lakes.

    Today x to read that you are feeling better, Millie, just keep taking the pills.😁

    Sounds like a good night, tda. I am sure that you will enjoy Bill Bailey too. Goldie I hope you had a good night at the Brewery concert. Where are you going to see the Battlefield Band?

    Good to hear that your tour went well, TG, and that you have got home safe and sound. The weather you had sounds a tad bit better than we have had over the last month or so!!

    Sorry to hear that your OH has been a bit poorly, WN, but pleased that the infection has cleared up.

    It's nice to be able to get in a recent dry walk isn't it, B2, glad you had a good morning.

    We too had frost over night, with all the fields white. We drove up to Grizedale Forest for a walk and we found a pleasant open spot in the sun to have our picnic lunch. The was great to out again on a frosty, sunny, clear day after all set ones we have had recently.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited November 2023 #57883

    Glad to read you are feeling better Millie and that you were able to spend some time in the garden, it has been a lovely day.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited November 2023 #57884

    Chilly start to the day but not a cloud in the sky. Took a ride out to Moreton in Marsh for the Christmas Market, not as many stalls this year but good selection to browse round.  Popped into the Cafe at Batsford for lunch, and then onto Burford which was very busy. The Cotswold's certainly looked at their best in the sunshine 🌞 Treated ourselves to Fish &chips  on the way home. 🙂



  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,453
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    edited November 2023 #57885

    Fabulous moon tonight, proper ring around it, and Saturn very clear alongside.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,453
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    edited November 2023 #57887

    Two moon images from last night……

    First is halo moon, wonderful effect

    Second (coincidentally) is Lunar exhibition on in Rotherham Minster. Our neice was running a poetry workshop in there yesterday.

  • RedKite
    RedKite Club Member Posts: 1,764
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    edited November 2023 #57888

    Did not seen the ring around the moon last night but did see that Saturn was close to it, a very sharp frost here down to -4C brr but sun out and all gone and then this week more rain to come.

    OH got medical appointment on Tuesday at Albi but will not stay for a look around this time so will take picnic lunch with us and will stop on way back, his doctor had asked for another blood test so did that in Cahors at the blood testing laboratory and results back by end of day and results for potassium looked better which is what the doctor wanted.

    Hope folks are feeling better and glad to say our colds just about over although my hearing still  not right yet, 


  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,840
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    edited November 2023 #57889

    Well done Mr & Mrs Goldie - must be very satisfying to be recognised in that way after all your hard work during the year. Love the cow trophy!!smile

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited November 2023 #57890

    Great moon pictures Ttda, and congratulations 🍾 to Mr & Mrs Goldie on the awards, well done.

    Today has been very dull and damp, popped down to our victorian market in town this morning and then into Lidl for a few Christmas bits.

    This afternoon OH made a Cherry Bakewell loaf cake, and then I made soup from some leftover vegetables. Made a start and ordered some Christmas presents online.

    Fireworks just finished going off, after town Christmas light's switch on. Poĺly is now hiding upstairs 😱

    Hope everyone's had a good weekend. 

  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited November 2023 #57891

    It's been a frosty weekend but none today. The northern lights were great on Saturday night. 

    While we were away my BIL was rushed to hospital with suspected sepsis confirmed later that day. My sister found him on the bedroom floor when she got up in the morning. Turns out he had a small graze on his arm that had turned nasty. It was touch and go for awhile (he also has cancer) thankfully he is now home after 2 weeks in hospital. He is still very weak and not eating much, tired all the time. They wouldn't let him home until he was back on his feet which he now is with the aid of a stick. Fingers crossed he continues to improve.

    Kj, sorry to hear your Norwegian pension has taken a dive. That may as you say be the change this year to seeing less travelling. I didn't post much as trying to keep data within my 12gb limits. It's fine if only using it for normal things but not if you want to stream TV, which we didn't need to as the satellite dish worked fine. 

    We are still sorting things out here, haven't even looked at the garden, which will be a big job, all the leaves off the silver birch trees have blown all around the garden.

    OH well best get on, soup to make, things to put away housework to do. Oh its good to be back 😞

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited November 2023 #57892

    Oh you’ve made me jealous Helen, that sounds like my perfect day. Spent a lot of my young years in a village just outside Moreton, love the town, all the different heights of the roofs it’s so charming. The Batsford cafe is nice but OH loves the milkshakes and cakes in one of the Moreton cafes so we always eat in there. Burford is nice too, we love the Garden Centre, but too expensive to buy anything other than lunch though. Off for a short stay in the caravan soon for the Stratford Christmas market, and to visit Broadway, it always looks so beautiful there with the Christmas lights on. Arranged to catch up with friends for lunch one day and my cousin and her husband for a Christmas meal out one evening. Then the final caravan pack up for the year, mostly all done already, just the bed to strip and a couple of other bits to do. Already defrosted the fridge freezer so we may just have to eat out. (Good excuse) 

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,409
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    edited November 2023 #57893

    Our daughter and our granddaughters, along with the boyfriend of one of them, came for Sunday lunch yesterday. I pulled out all the stops and cooked a turkey crown along with all the trimmings, plus veggie ‘meat’ for the veggies. And of course home made Yorkshire puds. Also 3 different puddings. How is it that it takes me all morning to cook it and them 30 mins to devour it. How many roast potatoes can they eat, I always do lots extra but it all goes. Then we spent the afternoon playing Trival Pursuit, the electronic type on the TV, all very enjoyable.   Our poorly granddaughter has had to come home from Uni for a few weeks rest as she has been particularly unwell. She stayed with us for a few days but mostly with her Mum this time. She is allergic to many things, which can send her into anaphylactic shock, some food and some chemicals. She is particularly allergic to pepper and also spices so almost everything has to be cooked from scratch, I’m getting pretty good at reading and knowing ingredient labels. We can’t even have pepper on the table for anyone to use. She has been doing her assignments from home but is now insisting that’s she’s rested and wants to go back, not much stopping her when she’s made her mind up to something, but I think her tenacity helps her. 

  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited November 2023 #57894

    We've escaped frost so far in Tamworth/ N Warks, but a rainy day today.  I do need to get into the garden, too, to put the water pump away, sweep up, etc., etc.  Off to take MIL for a Drs appt today.....


  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited November 2023 #57895

     It has been very cold here recently, below zero overnight on several occasions, and by the look of the forecast it will be getting worse very soon.   Unless the sun heats the south facing lounge, we need heating on during the day when at home, so the gas bills will be mounting!

    Took a trip down to Ayrshire yesterday to visit our son and family, nice lunch and plenty of catching up as we had not seen them for a while.   Our daughter is having a 75th birthday lunch for OH in a couple of weeks, so we will see them again then, and of course at Christmas, which this year will also be at our daughter's house.

    Today we have been to Ikea for some stuff for us, DD and DS, and for Christmas, so now need to sort out who wanted what and collect payment.  Did not stay there to have lunch this time, we usually do but it was unexpectedly busy so just came home.

    Keeping busy making a few more items for the craft fair we are having a stall at on Saturday, then need to get all the new stuff priced and packed.


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited November 2023 #57896

    We were also at IKEA today Kj.

    Bit of a trip for us, about 40 miles away in North Warrington. We're moving the computer to a different room and other things around a bit and they have 2 computer type desks that OH wanted to see before buying. She, and tag along MiL, also wanted some narrow storage units. It was a part successful trip but we'll have to order one of the items as they were out of stock. Glad we didn't go on a busy day.

    We popped into M&S next door for lunch and a few bits and pieces, then back home. 

    Next few days will entail moving furniture around and assembling new stuff. Oh joy.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited November 2023 #57897

    Only about 5-6 miles for us WN, so easy to visit often, but try not to do so as it is  far too  easy to spend way more  than you meant to!

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,197
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    edited November 2023 #57898


    I always find IKEA busy although we never not found anywhere to sit for coffee and cake. With their loyalty card the coffee seems to be free and its not bad coffee either. The only thing I find about the IKEA restaurant is that its not very well organised as you have to queue whether you want a full cooked meal or just a portion of Apple Cake! 

    I phoned the surgery today and after quite a lengthy wait the call was answered. I said to the the receptionist I wanted to book my annual Doppler Test and she said to me do you have that every year!!!!! You have to smile!


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,936
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    edited November 2023 #57899

    I always try and avoid IKEA....  I quite like much of the stuff they sell, but cannot stand the stores.  I know there are 'short-cuts, but I always find myself having to walk the whole store just to... 'buy a lightbulb' (not literally, but yiu know what I mean!! 😀).  The last few things I've bought, I've had delivered.... much better idea.. 


  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,881
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    edited November 2023 #57900


    Saw some posts about when you qualify for Shingles jab and saw an advert in the today for the website. Hope this helps someone.

  • allanandjean
    allanandjean Club Member Posts: 2,405
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    edited November 2023 #57901

    Some time ago I mentioned, during a discussion, that our nearest supermarket, one with a car park, is 18 miles away-only to told “it can’t be”!

    Ikea is 78 miles-honest.