2023 AGM Qustions and Responses

These have now been published >here<
These two response caught my eye:
About non facility sites, this sentance:
at Wyatts Covert we have introduced a 'metering trial' giving members the choice not to plug into electricity or to only pay for the electricity that they use. Early signs of this trial are very encouraging with the majority of members saving money when staying at the campsite. Alternative 'non-electric' pitch initiatives are also underway and will be communicated in the coming months.
About Reservation of pitches:
Further development options are being evaluated and will be scoped once the system is fully embedded and member opinion on any changes have been canvased. ....... and .....We are in the early stages of embedding the new system so further developments will be evaluated in 2024.
None too keen on this idea, but it will be interesting to see what comes forth regarding both of these proposals.
See also the original AGM thread.