New rule regard'g caravan parking either way round



  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,464
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    edited June 2023 #32

    I was indeed following on from BB's post, Nellie. The impression seemed to be given that all CLs are wonderful so I felt some realism might be beneficial. 

  • netcam
    netcam Forum Participant Posts: 95
    edited June 2023 #33

    We have a continental caravan and our door is on the 'other' side. It is a tiny caravan so we don't want or need a mover, it would add unnecessary weight.  We can push it on our paved drive at home easily into our garage where we store it.

    If we had to pitch nose in on the gravel hardstanding it would be a nightmare as it is pretty impossible to push on the gravel. I think such restrictions would mean a loss of customers such as us with small continental vans and no movers.

    We like the club sites, particularly as they offer so many sites with serviced pitches which work well for the fixed water tank on our contrinental van.

    People next to us have always been really friendly but it never feels intrusive. There's still a huge space between us and the neighbours.



  • JollyKernow
    JollyKernow Forum Participant Posts: 2,629
    edited June 2023 #34


    Netcam, I've mentioned earlier that there is no rule to which way you pitch, nose in or rear, your choice entirely.


  • Thehappycaravanners
    Thehappycaravanners Forum Participant Posts: 43
    edited June 2023 #35

    As long as you are pitched between the two white pegs it shouldn't make any difference which way in you are, it's your choice, so if you had a choice of a good view if you went the opposite way around who would give that up just so all vans pointed in the same direction.

  • silverfoxx
    silverfoxx Forum Participant Posts: 1
    edited August 2023 #36

    We're EU layout with habitation door the wrong side for the UK. Generally we pitch up with the door facing the same side as UK layout, except if it's a one night or we don't like looking at a high hedge or obstruction. Prefer to park UK way if we're putting the blow up awning out though that's usually only if we're away with any grandchildren. 

    Also it'll depend if we're not on EHU as we prefer not to be under overhanging trees for the solar array which powers our 3kw 230v system.

    Doesn't take a minute to introduce yourselves to neighbours & ask if they mind... 


  • Cartledge
    Cartledge Club Member Posts: 267
    edited August 2023 #37

    When you’ve put up your awning, put a large windbreak up as well, that might give you more privacy, or may be just live with it. People aren’t so bad if you say hello, smile and move on. 

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited August 2023 #38

    It matters not a jot to me which way my neighbours decide to pitch. The ‘rule’ is that they can choose. Who determines which way? Is it the first in the line and then an expectation that all newcomers follow suit. As mentioned before, there are several sites and some specific pitches out there on the network which determine the preferred pitching direction for many due to position or the views on offer. I’m not sure asking helps as some may just be too polite or some may be offered an opportunity to defend their own wishes by quoting a rule that doesn’t exist. Just be friendly and polite anyway is the best way, afterall it’s a camp site and we do live pretty much alongside each other in our shared pastime.

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited August 2023 #39

    Pitching the van either way round is fine. What can be an infringement of rules is then erecting the awning "the wrong way round " 

  • scoutman
    scoutman Club Member Posts: 442
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    edited August 2023 #40

    Not quite sure what pitching an awning "the wrong way round" has to do with the direction of sitting the caravan or motorhome. Surely the awning is situated door side. If the van is pitched between the two pegs on Club sites the minimum fire safety distancing is maintained irrespective of nose out of nose in.

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited August 2023 #41

    On some pitches the two pegs are not centrally placed, resulting in an insufficient gap to site an awning and maintain spacing on the left of the van, looking at the pitch. Perhaps this is what wedgy refers to

  • mickysf
    mickysf Club Member Posts: 6,536
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    edited August 2023 #42

    I’m reliably informed that the pegs are now placed at thirds on awning pitches to facilitate the old rule of pitching either way round.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,690
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    edited August 2023 #43

    On the last few sites I've been on there is about a foot and a half leeway between the two posts. So we pitch to suit depending if we have an awning or not, if not we give more space to the car end.

    And of course the same would apply if going in nose first.

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited August 2023 #44

    Yes that's one reason, also if the van is nose in and the door on a uk van is then on the LH side looking into the pitch it could then infringe spacing regs as the site will be " designed " with awnings to the RH side. QED

  • eurortraveller
    eurortraveller Club Member Posts: 6,922
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    edited August 2023 #45

    Those who are troubled can easily find sites with space, where a caravan door on the “wrong” side doesn’t matter one bit.

  • wedgy
    wedgy Club Member Posts: 429
    edited August 2023 #46

    I'll stick to the view from our patio 🏖😀👍

  • mbee1
    mbee1 Club Member Posts: 557
    edited August 2023 #47

    Our van is currently at Seacroft and is pitched nose in as we're on the "new" bit and can see the sea.  At the last few sites we've been to, including Seacroft, the warden has actually said "pitch nose in or out as your prefer".