What are you all up to
VOIP, my friend has had this system for around a year now. It was on offer as part of their electricity account, she doesn't like it. Her complaints are the phone can ring even if she is on a call at the time and when she is on a call its like a party line and she can hear someone else. Doesn't happen all the time but often enough to annoy her.
We had VOIP years ago where I worked, it was still in its infancy then so was ok at times.
We had a load of info in todays emails about it VOIP we are with Plusnet, OH phoned them for a chat. Nothing happening here just now but the offer from BT works out slightly cheaper than we are paying. Can't do anything as we are still in contract for another 11 mths. Might be worth finding out how much of a cancellation fee Plusnet would want, might be a saving there somewhere.
OH finally got the air suspension fitted not an easy job by any means but its done and works well, test drive tomorrow to see how it handles.
Off out now for a bike ride, breezy so could be interesting.
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"OH finally got the air suspension fitted not an easy job by any means but its done and works well, test drive tomorrow to see how it handles."
we had this on our Discovery when we lived in Scotland, was a really good ride, however, we had lots of trouble with the air bag puncturing, we did live off road so it did get a rough ride sometimes, but it was a Discovery
, we eventually had it converted to coiled springs, good luck.
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Regarding VOIP yes Virgin Media made us swop over, and must be more than a year now?
We have not noticed any difference in call quality but...
When there was an area wide service broadband distortion a while ago then the phone goes out of use as well so you'll need a back up to contact them, mobile obviously and if you have Virgin media mobile then just dial 150 but if you haven't then you dial a different number and you'll need your account details. Which unlike us you'll have to hand!
Oh and of course the different number is found on their website and through google
Not a problem if like most you have mobile data but there must be people out there without.
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We don't have a landline as such. In 2017 we ditched BT Broadband and went with B4RN. (Community based "Broadband for the Rural North). And in 2018 began using Vonage VOIP and gave up BT. No problems at all - as long as you have a mobile to use during a power cut (the router and VOIP thing need power).
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Hope it gets better soon Goldie. My brother has the the same or similar injections in his shoulder and yes they do work and well worth having them.
I had an ENT doctor ask me once 'when did you break your nose?' I replied that I didn't know I had!
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We are away again for a couple of nights arrived on site early afternoon to very warm sunshine so sat out most of the afternoon and just cooked dinner on the CAdac site very busy. Rain has just started so doubt we will be doing much tonight.
Hope everyone else has a nice weekend
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Said farewell to Cumbria this morning and managed to drive to the Castle Rigg stone circle for a quick visit...all the years visiting the area we've never been to see it. Apart from a few overnight campers in the laybys we had it to ourselves so a lovely sight!
Now off grid at Ebury Hill, so another very ancient spot!
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I agree with OP about Bletchley Park. It is so well presented. We have been a few times and could go again. We took some of the grandchildren and they loved it as well. When we went with friends we did the guided tour which was excellent, so informative. Apparently some of the people who worked there still wouldnt talk about what they did there. This was about 10 years ago, there are probably not so many of them still alive sadly.
We had an appointment with a solicitor this morning well recommended by my friend. She came to the house which was very helpful. She checked all through the Financial Lasting Power of Attorney that I did online a couple of years ago as it had been worrying me. Thankfully all was well. She is now going to do the Health and Welfare LPA for us. It is such a relief that I dont have to go all through that online again!
Regarding VOIP some friends of ours had to have it about a year ago - no choice - they dont like it as they get quite a few power cuts in their area so it causes problems.
Lovely photos brue.
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Good to hear you feel relief having some help with the LPA etc Millie.
Interesting to hear about Bletchley we knew our Dad did decoding work in WW2 but he completely refused to tell us more. On the war time census his work was scrubbed out and overwritten...total mystery except we knew he loved morse code and radios. I can only guess how things were organised.
Goldie I had a very painful "mystery" shoulder that stopped me sleeping and getting dressed etc but it did gradually get better. My arm movement is back to normal now, although it took a few months. The physios were very helpful.
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Moved onto our next site today, a CS, and very smart it is too. Easy quiet drive too once we got off the Wrexham/Welshpool road which was heaving on the opposite carriageway. The A5 roundabout at Chirk causes long tailback at this time of the year. Lovely sunny day again, so more time spent sat outside after dinner tonight, before booking our next site, and starting on booking sites for our next trip too.
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You can see why they had the Stones placed at Castlerigg can't you Brue. I'm lucky enough to look at a painting every day when at home that Mrs WN has done of a section of them looking down St.Johns Vale.
Nothing much happening here the last couple of days.
Hope the forecasted rain doesn't affect those away in their vans. Just started here.
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Thoroughly enjoyed our last few nights away. Gorgeous little site, scenery, sunshine, space, wildlife all around.
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Well, we have fitted the new dining room radiator. We changed from a single to a double one. Fortunately the design is such that despite having two heating panels the overall depth is no more that the single one we removed so there was no need to adjust pipes. All was going well until we re-pressurised the system. Gauge showing up to pressure and other radiators bled but no hot water or heating, although course the latter is not needed at the moment. Tried several things to no avail. Suspect that there is an air lock in the boiler or a valve is not operating as the boiler makes some strange noises when a hot tap is open. This is the first time we have removed a radiator with the Combi boiler so don't really understand what has happened. Anyway booked BG for Monday in the hope they can sort it?
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Your boiler itself should have a bleed point DK. After bleeding, you usually have to add water into the system to top everything up again.
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Ours is a sealed system, the only option seems to be to top the pressure up. This we have done but to no avail. So logically its either something we have done wrong, more than possible, or there is a genuine fault somewhere. So when the engineer comes on Monday it will either be a wrap over the knuckles or there is something we could not have foreseen.
Interestingly, my son Simon said, that modern installations of radiators allow you to lift them off the wall and rest them on the floor if you need to decorate because they are now on flexible piping. I will have to ask how we can avoid the same problem if I need to remove another radiator or am I being forced to use a professional when I can manage the job myself?
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We had a short light shower this morning, and although breezy it has been a fine day but not a warm or sunny as yesterday. Drove into Denbigh where we visited the Castle and part of the Town Walls before lunch then essential shopping on the way back to the van. Got a positive response this morning from my enquiry for the first couple of nights stop on our next trip, and booked the last couple of our present one too tonight.
Brue, is the Ebury Hill site busy, as it was quite quiet there when we visited earlier in the year. Enjoy your stay there.
Tda, that looks a good site, glad you had a pleasant stay on it. One we may well try in the future.
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Arrive home late this morning after our 3 week + trip away. The garden was just like a jungle due to the amount of rainfall. Took most of the afternoon to mow the lawn, deadhead the doses and cut back some shrubbery.
Already looking forward to the next trip in a couple of weeks
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Hope your boiler gets fixed DK, whatever the problem. Flexible pipes have been around a long time. OH used one when he refitted a cistern to our loo, so that he could cut down on having to re drill fittings. It’s stood the test of time🤞
Yes, a lovely place Nellie, I will send you more information. It’s a CS so no review on here. It might well be our preferred bolt hole back end of September. Lots to do around, OH is going to investigate cycling. There’s a bridle path leads direct from site back into Spofforth, so pubs and shop not far away, and it’s doable on a bike.
We had three interesting hiccups with MH while away. Couldn’t get oven to stay lit, fridge wouldn’t light on gas, and the third, 😱😱 somehow we managed to dislodge fitting for one of big picture side windows, and ended up with it completely out! Oven proved a quick fix, we were pressing oven knob in too far, restricting gas, so that’s now ok. We think fridge was just a combination of of gas bottle being low, and wind getting through vents, as that was sorted easily. The window however took some sorting. We got it half into fitting at Kirkstall (where we were visiting.) Locked all fittings, then used that old standby, silver tape to make sure it stayed safe until we got home. At home yesterday, with a couple of ladders to stand on and a bit of banging, it slotted back in, all fittings screwed back up, tape residue removed, and she’s good to go again thankfully. Not often we get any problems, but the rule of three struck this time😁
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Couple of photos from Kirkstall Abbey in Leeds. Ruins are very extensive, almost to full height. Notice the camber on the view down the church……..it once ended up as a roadway into Leeds! Now maintained and run by Leeds City Council, a favourite park, much loved and used by local residents. There’s a museum across the road.
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We got home early this afternoon from a nice weekend at Ayr Craigie club site we were there last weekend too but being only 30 min drive from home it’s one of our regular haunts. Weather wasn’t great but nice to get away and relax. Not away now for the next few weeks as we have things on hoping to get a couple of nights away at the beginning of next month. Looking at a 10 day trip in either late September or early October not sure where yet maybe Yorkshire or Lancashire can’t decide yet North Wales has even been mentioned will have a look and decide.
Glad to have the football back on the telly. Hope everyone else has had a nice weekend
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There will still be a pressure relief valve in the system, possibly on the boiler itself, or at a high point in the system, to stop the system becoming over pressurised if you happen to top up the water too much. However I do not see how that possibly failing would result in the heating not working.
The most usual reason for a combi boiler stopping working is loss of pressure, which does not sound like it is the case.
When HW is called for a diverter valve should operate to send all the heat to that, so funny noises when opening a tap may well indicate a stuck valve, but then you would expect the heating side still to work.
Air lock somewhere sounds a possibility, hope you get it sorted soon, and update us on the problem.
I would not let one bad experience put you off removing a radiator in the future. I have swapped/removed/replaced multiple radiators at DD's house without a problem, she also has a combi boiler.
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We recently (March) had one of our bathrooms refurbished which entailed the removal of the old radiator and a new towel rail to replace it. This required quite a bit of new piping and that seemed to go OK. Wasn't done by us of course! BG are coming tomorrow so it will be interesting to know what the problem is. You could be right about an additional bleed valve somewhere but that is not obvious and I am not sure I want to start taking the boiler apart to find it as its still under warranty
The boiler is making some strange noises almost as though it is trying to do something. Clearly when the engineer comes I will have to clarify with him about removing radiators in the future, even for decorating. Maybe he will point me in the direction of what I need to do. This is the first sealed system we have had in the house in over 40 years so perhaps there is something I am missing?
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Been watching the cycling from Glasgow. Really impressed with the City, will have to arrange a visit.
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Glasgow is certainly worth a visit David, hope you manage to see the sights it has to offer.
Good to hear holidays long and short have gone well.
We got back today, we knew August would be busy and the M6 proved to be the worst bit. On Friday travelling south it took three goes to get into a service station, two of them had queues onto the motorway. The traffic was just crawling along.
A bit quieter in Shropshire. Ebury Hill C&CC site was pleasantly calm! Nellie asked if it was busy, there were plenty of grass pitches available but not many hard standings (quite a few taken by seasonal pitches.)
We came home via Shropshire down to Worcester avoiding the M ways as much as possible.
Photos from Ebury Hill.
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Thanks, brue, it looks even quieter than when we were there, although it got busy at the weekend due to rally being there. We like the grass pitches above the quarry, as shown in your 3rd photo. Glad you made it home ok. We try to avoid the M6 where we can, using the A49 whenever possible..
Good to hear that you had a pleasant weekend away, Francis.
A mainly grey day with the odd periods of sunshine, but no rain till this evening. After a round of clothes washing we headed over to Holywell, and after a quick look at St. Winefred's Chapel, without going in, we had a walk down Greenfields Valley Heritage Trail, past the ruined mills to Basingwerk Abbey. After lunch we drove to Greenfield Dock and took a walk along part of the Wales Coastal Path to the Kingspan view point when we saw about 10 Common Terms and a large flock of Oystercatchers on the sands by the salt marsh.
David, I too have watch a lot of the highlights from the cycling.....haven't we done well!!....and last night watched, on catchup, the whole of Tom Pidcock's win in the Mountain Bike Cross Country!😁
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We liked Ebury too, we were there in late June. We had the first pitch on the left, just beside the site office, nice view to the front over the fishing pond, and a good view the other way from the bench up behind our pitch.
The site looked quite busy, only a few empty hardstandings, but we too realised that quite a few were being used by seasonal vans. I took a walk round the upper area, the grass pitches there were quite well used too at that time.
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I was just thinking that your boiler is still under warranty, I remember you having it put in only a few years back. The pressure relief valve operates automatically and is only a problem if it does not seal up again properly after being activated, then you can lose pressure in the system randomly.