July magazine
Just looking through the July Magazine and noticed an add on page 13 that says REMEMBER all this is included in your pitch fee,:- Kids go free, haven't got any we are 70 years old :- Dog's go free, haven't got one :- Free hot shower, use my own :- Awnings are free, don't use one :- Free electric hook up, some sites are trialling meter and it's included in pitch fee.:- Free WI-FI, if you can connect. Would it not be better to give senior's a bit of a discount like other club's do. Just found it funny only bit of any use to me is I suppose the hook up. Kevin.
The ad refers to what campers of any age get. It’s not age related as CAMC treats all members equally. I wouldn’t want families who struggle to make ends meet and give their children a holiday to subsidise us old folk. 🙁
It is your choice not to take advantage of the free 'extras' but you could do if you wanted👍🏻
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While I would certainly qualify I am sure that I would want others to subsidise my holidays Billiejo.
I don't have a dog, never have, but I never expected any discount for that. We now rarely use an awning but same again, and I don't expect a discount for not having any children under five with me.
And it's as well to remember that other providers do charge for an awning, do charge for dogs, and charge for children when they become 14 or 16 unlike the club where it's 18, and some even charge for showers.
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would not want others to subsidise my holidays
(definitely no drink involved this time )
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I think you are all lucky to have your July magazine.
It is probably a false memory but I thought my magazine used to arrive early mid 20's each month. Now it is usually 7-10th the following month. I've given up chasing the club on this.
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And it's as well to remember that other providers do charge for an awning, do charge for dogs, and charge for children when they become 14 or 16 unlike the club where it's 18, and some even charge for showers.
True but, this generally means their pitch price is lower than that of the Club's and it makes them very competitive and often cheaper if you don't have any of the above and use your own facilities.
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I've not found this to be the case, club prices are still middle of the road, yes there are cheaper prices, but not as good in my view, and more expensive ones too.
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OH!!! not a lot to read now except "Content has been removed" so lets change tack a litlle bit,
in the same magazine there was a 2 page spread on the roll out of the new booking system, thought who ever wrote it did very well a disguising just how bad it must have been when they first rolled it out, cannot comment further as i have never used it and my guess is that i will probably not use it in the near to distant future, but there seem to be less complaints of late so I guess things have improved somewhat.
I see they are also pushing overseas holidays in Spain "La Manga" , last time i visited the place, did not stay, it stank, the Mar Menor was in a dreadful state, i wonder if anybody from the club have visited to check it out
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Hi everyone,
Just a polite reminder that there's a 2023 site prices discussion here.
I received my July magazine yesterday, so looking forward to having a read this evening.
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The Club are probably trying to counter what they see as negative publicity around pricing. It's not an unfair point to make as whilst some commercial sites might have a cheaper headline price for a pitch they add extras like charging for pets and awnings and although much rarer they could charge for showers. Obviously if you camp as the OP does it does not help but on the other hand there will be many members where the simplicity of site fees from the Club has an advantage. I also think the idea of a senior discount from the Club, as attractive as the idea is to me, is more difficult as there seem to be more of the 60 plus age group in the Club. Any discounts would have to be recouped elsewhere? I think traditionally the C&CC has had a younger demographic so the discount is not so draining. Also interesting though is the fact that the C&CC once applied that discount to over 55's but moved to 60 a few years ago so who is the say that in due course the age discount might only apply to the over 65's?
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I think you know what I mean, once you have establish the price for the type of pitch and the number in the party there are no more to be added on. If its been complicated it is by those of us that wanted to select a pitch type! Even commercial sites have the differences in what they charge for pitch type which is then further complicated by the choice of whether you have an awning, how many dogs etc.
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I think it's very simple you choose a arrival date and end date, number of people, site, pitch type and the price is given straight away.
There is no point in working out what made that price up or what band it was in, what's the point? Does anyone do that in reality?
It's the final price that counts, all there is to do is accept it or not.
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In the past when we used CAMC sites a lot.
I used to look at putting a tour together, then look at the sites along the way. Having the price band/list was helpful as it allowed me to avoid high band prices and use CLs or private sites instead.
Having to put in dates on every site just to get a price is a PITA private and commercial sites tend to have just 3 price band low, med and high. If there is an additional charge for awnings or dogs and children then it's your decision if you are happy to pay that.
Give me simple and clear pricing.
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That’s the headline 'from' price. It used to be for pitch + 2 people but they changed it a few years ago. As to why - you’d need to ask CAMC.
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It may come as a surprise to some people but around a quarter of bookings are for single travellers billiejo. It takes seconds to change to two people.
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Of put it another way 3/4 of those that book have to work out what it will cost them, so not very democratic.
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That would be fine by me as long as there would still be the option to reduce the number of people to 1.
I mainly go away on my own and if I had to pay for a pitch +2 people I'd go somewhere else.
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If I stay on a site where showers and EHU etc. are included, I make sure I use as much of the facilities as possible. Why shower, wash up etc in the van when the showers are paid for. If you really don't want to pay for these then there are more basic sites available surely?