Membership Cards

Both saving the planet & cost cutting👍🏻. If I was still a member I’d say a quiet thank you for cutting expenditure wherever possible & helping the planet cut down its one time use plastics-every little helps(with thanks to Tesco PLC). I have a phone that is a super useful piece of kit that I use as a mobile bank. I will happily accept Digital membership.
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Later in the year we intend to visit an attraction which offers a discount if you show a CamC card.. just checked in the app to see if I can see my card..erm no.. please log out and back in change. I'll stick with a physical card thank you.
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We rally with regional centres and Head office have passed the directive that all ralliers have to prove their membership with their cards. This is a good thing too, all because non members have been infiltrating and using rallies as entertainment and cheaper holidays. We have never received our cards, so we have a piece of paper with our number written on it. We don't all have magic phones that take apps, and the sites that some of the centres use are out of signal reach, so the internet way is inefficient. Physical cards are the only answer as proof, whether at a centre site, a club site or at any of the outdoor gear shops that give discount. We have applied again for a physical card today hope this stops some of the distress.
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We used our digital cards, both in the google Wallet and the App, last week to get discounts at two places and there were no issues at all.
In my experience in booking in I can say that everyone I saw when I was there used their phones.
I suppose the club will see how many people request them and use that as a basis to see how popular this will be.
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Just a point when you have the card on your app and/or google Wallet (and I assume the Apple version) then you don't need any internet/wifi signal for them to work especially in google Wallet, they'll just be there.
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My present Membership renews in September 2023 and I will be requesting a physical card I still have the paper club magazine . And although I have a 'smart phone ' I by no means carry it everywhere I go. I don't want to.
Thankyou. Ray
Neither do I have an electric car (they can't generally tow above 1000kg). So useless.
Nor do I intend ripping out my efficient
Combi boiler to put in a heat pump
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So, membership cards then. You can log in to the club website, go to my profile and look at your communication preferences. Tick or untick what you wish to receive or not. That includes membership cards, magazine SDHB etc, quite simple.
This year on site around 80% of people booking in have a digital card. Everywhere I've been that offers a discount for producing membership have been more than happy to see the digital version.
The digital age is upon us.
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No club site will ask you for any kind of deposit for a gate card or anything else.
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But some affiliated sites do. The alternative is paying a cash deposit usually for access to either the site fob/key or toilets. It happened to us recently at Skegness Sands and I am sure in the past some of the Morris Leisure sites. OK handing over a tenner as a deposit is not a deal breaker but perhaps the club needs to discuss this with affiliated sites if they have not done so already?
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If you use CT, you have a digital card ready and waiting. Click on My Profile (near top of page, just above where it says Discussions). Next, click on green box next to your avatar that says “edit my profile”. This opens up your personal details on here, scroll down and voila!……….. There is your electronic Membership card. This is on an iPad, it’s in “My Profile” on an IPhone as well.
It is even easier if you use the CAMC App, and the new version allows biometric (facial/ fingerprint) security. I have my own card details, and those linked to my membership.
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I recall it being mentioned on here, possibly by a Member of staff. Well over a year ago I think. We had an email last July, just prior to renewing. Last two times our cards have been very late arriving, we didn’t get last years until well after our old ones expired. That’s when we started to use electronic ones.
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I think it was nellie that had a problem YT. For a while I just couldn’t get the new card to load after an App update. However, after a few weeks they obviously sorted something and it loaded. Personally I haven’t tried to get both cards into one Wallet, OH has here own phone and I loaded hers into the Wallet on that.
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I think Phat8oy is thinking of the scenario where you have not paid up front, as:-
We booked most of our June tour under the old system, so hadn’t been able to opt for payment the night before. On two sites we were sent straight on without getting out of the MH, come back and pay when you are set up, but we did have to hand over our membership card.
I know bookings under the old system have now ceased but some folk will opt for payment on arrival and when a lot arrive at once and a queue forms, that option won’t be available without the card.
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It is worth remembering to check the App is still logged in before you set off on your travels. I have found it drops the login if not used for a while. Unless it’s in the logged in state, you have no access to your cards when offline and of course without a signal or WiFi can’t log in.
Using the Wallet feature on a smart phone, if you have one, is a much better option.
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Many of the membership cards we hold for other organisations are now made from card. I'm glad we're not expected to log on to digital versions in some of the remote places we visit. However for the club I don't mind either way, it's on our profile details, we don't need the app at all and as long as there is guaranteed reception it's OK.
I don't think you'll need two phones if you are joint members (that's a problem for the other club who insist on seeing two cards!)
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We have not been asked for two cards at any of the other clubs sites we have used to date. Perhaps we both look old enough for the age related discount. 😂 I would take it as a compliment brue, as I suppose it would be a reason to request both.
They of course now have a digital version on the App. No idea if they have any plans to do away with the hard copy.
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It was I, Steve, and nothing seems to have changed. Tonight, after reading this post, I reinstalled the app, cancelled the card in the wallet, reloaded the card to the wallet and it is still showing a different expiry date to that in the app, Dec 2022 instead of Dec 2023!
I expect the following post to be removed!