
Dear oh dear.
Have made the mistake of being on a CAMC site at a weekend. I had forgotten just how dire they are.
Screaming kids, men wandering around in football shirts, loud music playing, loud people.
People in vans with a tent (on a "no tents" site), people wandering across other people's pitch,
People pitched randomly with no thought for the privacy cf others.
Stinking barbecues, people drinking outdoors (and the consequent bad behaviour).
People with huge groups of noisy guests / family visitors (who have paid nothing to be here).
And for all this, people pay top whack prices, while the site staff drive around on their noisy tractors (or hide in their accommodation) ignoring it all.
This Club has gone way down hill.
Comment from the Community Manager:
As an inclusive organisation the Club does not discriminate against any individuals or groups and membership is open to all. If you have a complaint at the time of your stay we ask that you speak to the site staff. You can also contact the Club after your stay with any feedback or concerns.
I will be removing this discussion as we ask that complaints are sent directly to the Club.
Hi, Ian. Welcome back to the happy place. 🙂
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Welcome back Ian! Glad to see you're still using club sites.
But really some of what you posted about was very well known to you before and you often used to post about them so you really can't complain about those? Namely - the club has always always tents on pitches, the pitching rules, BBQs are allowed, free guests are allowed.
And of course you often posted about the high prices before and would have know when booking how much it would be.
And of course one's person loud is very subjective. Also I would think that a weekend at this time of year with the lighter nights and the fantastic weather would mean there would be more people out of their outfits and awnings/windows left open. Again that shouldn't have been a surprise?
At least there were no barking dogs?
That doesn't excuse the alleged poor behaviour but did you even mention it to the wardens?
And any name to this site?
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So, a site full of people enjoying themselves then
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Forgot to ask was there any late departures allowed?
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Only on Sundays
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That sounds like a good title for a thread? Sunday Departures?
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The only time we use sites (of any description) over a weekend tend to be during the main summer holiday. Generally, I've not found children a problem on CAMC sites, although we have occasionally been plagued by ball games near the caravan (one of my pet hates) on non-club sites.
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They most certainly do. The weekend demographic, except in school holidays, is totally different to in the week, when folk are generally much older. This inevitably leads to a noisier more active site, as would be expected. However, long lost Ian is just up to his old tricks again, trying to get members going with a deliberately provocative post on a Friday night, when it’s less likely to get shut down.
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IH, you’ve forgotten the-‘I’m seriously considering not renewing my membership’ you’ve used it before. . .Many years ago mind😊
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Perhaps Ian has a point? In the past his predictions and comments usually do reflect what is going to happen?
Posted on 15/06/2017 19:05 by IanH
Anyway, back on topic, I predict that AO (adults only) will be used on CAMC sites (or what are currently CAMC sites) within the next couple of years.
Financial reality and following market forces
Post edit before I'm accused of stalking I did say at the time that I would check back with Ian in a couple of years and see if he was correct, I had forgotten actually but his post reminded me of a file I took at the time.
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PD, you mix up ‘answer’ with ‘rise’. It’s best to think positive rather than attempt to create animosity, in other words ‘stick to the T&C’s👍🏻
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Well, it's been great fun though, hasn't it?
But on reflection, maybe it's sad that a loyal member who's stuck with the club through thin and thin (sorry, through thick and thin) and either decided to give the club "just one more chance" or been forced to use it because the location was bereft of any alternative sites within, say a 10 mile radius, should have his comments belittled in this way. After all, he's already had his weekend ruined by other members who didn't realise he'd booked and turned up in the rather self centred expectation that they could simply relax and enjoy their own weekend, not suspecting they'd be subject to such intense scrutiny.
I think we should judge the old boy a little more sympathetically.
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No black book as I always tell you Davi and I thought I posted why I took a note?
But of course all my documents, photos, files... are on a computer. Over twenty five years now.
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I think you choosing to be a teacher with a desire for facts rather than fiction not only has seen you well MrC but I think many, many young lives will look to you with praise for their good start in life. Always keep it real👍🏻
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It’s nothing to be ashamed of. I was not too interested in school either. When I joined the workforce I realised I needed some catch up & I turned to a retired Teacher like MrC for further education. Welder was so not me🤷🏻♂️. We can all change our lives👍🏻