What are you all up to



  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55232

    How wonderful moulesy. We were there a couple of weeks ago but it was pouring with rain sadly. It was still beautiful though. Unfortunately the weather and us were so wet that we didn't make to Studley Royal water gardens. 

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited May 2023 #55233

    Brimham rocks & the Bridestones M, aesthetically pleasing tactile & ultimately climeable👍🏻👏🏻👏🏻

  • moulesy
    moulesy Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 9,412
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    edited May 2023 #55234

    Good excuse to go back, Millie!  👍

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited May 2023 #55235

    Glad you had a good day out Moulesy, we also really enjoyed Fountains Abbey and Brimham Rocks.

    Today we took a boat trip to see the White Tailed/Sea Eagles, absolutely stunning to see a male bird dive down into the Loch to retrieve the fish. We also saw a juvenile bird that just watched the action from above. We also caught a glimpse of a golden Eagle on the way back at Loch Tor. Have some photos but think they will have to wait until we at home to post.

    Driving on Mull is a bit death defying at times, and you are requested to pull in to passing places so cars can overtake on the narrow roads!😱😱😱.

    Tobermory is very pretty, we had some excellent fish and chips on the pier, but although very good the local beer £6 a pint meant we only had one. 🤣

    Tomorrow we are going  to try and see Otters, although we may need plenty of patience. 

    Not sure how they are planning to celebrate the coronation here. 🤔

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55236

    Are you going to visit Iona Helen, it's a lovely island, just a walk around place so nice and peaceful. Good to hear the holiday is going well!

    DEBSC Forum Participant Posts: 1,410
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    edited May 2023 #55237

    Lovely photos of Fountains Abbey Mousley, so lovely there, we would like to visit Yorkshire and there again some day.

    We received a phone call from our Granddaughter last week to say that she had broken her thumb during one of her ‘falls’. I asked if she wanted us to pick her up and bring her home. She replied no, she had planned, booked and paid for a camping trip to Cornwall with her friends, and that she was going. I should have expected nothing less. They forgot the tent poles and her blow up bed had a puncture but a trip to Morrison’s sorted it. She said they had never laughed so much and the weather was kind.

    We shot off to the caravan, so lovely to be back. OH still has a chest infection but resting here. I spent the first day hosing and moping the decking down. Our neighbour spent 2 days power washing hers. We chatted about selling up and hiring a holiday caravan here instead but neither of us really meant it. Well in our case not until today when we realised we have a problem with our boiler and the shower. 

    The resident site swan - they raised 5 cygnets to maturity last year, has built her nest on a mud and reed island on the river Avon. She has built it so high with twigs and reeds it looks like she is perched on a tower block, the cygnets will have to climb down. The male is patrolling the river near by like a husband outside a labour ward. I hope they hatch before we return home.

    Lovely day today, we drove to Broadway, beautiful drive with all the spring blossom out. We had a wander round then a pot of tea for two sitting outside the Broadway Hotel in the sunshine, perfect.

    Our planned bbq for Saturday has turned into a beef casserole cooked in the slow cooker. My cousin is bringing the bubbly for the toast. We need to put the bunting up soon. Shame the weather couldn’t just play ball for the weekend. I’m really looking forward to this historic occasion.

  • Francis
    Francis Club Member Posts: 2,077
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    edited May 2023 #55238

    Nice relaxing time here the last couple of days. Yesterday the weather was nice so I went out a cycle in the morning then we spent the early afternoon relaxing at the van. Later on in the afternoon we headed in to Chester for a walk around nice warm day and we had a pint in one of our favourite pubs the City Tavern. On way back to the van we stopped off and had dinner at the Marstens pub across from the site lovely meal at a good price. Today weather was great again so I went out a cycle in the morning then we headed in to Liverpool and had a walk alongside the Mersey lovely day quite warm too. Got back to the van and cooked dinner on the Cadac then headed out to The Rake for a pint different since the last time we were in there but still nice.

    Glad you made it up to Mull Helen enjoy your trip away 

  • nelliethehooker
    nelliethehooker Club Member Posts: 14,195
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    edited May 2023 #55239

    Enjoy your time on Mull, Helen. We have only spent a day on there, walking to the two castle that aren't too far away from the port. 

    Sorry to hear of Ros's back problems and hope that it isn't too long before she can get out walking again without pain. 

    More grand photos M, they are lovely places to visit especially when the sun shines.

    Francis, you are certainly getting out and about. 

    Good to read that your granddaughter has a good, if eventful, time in Cornwall, Debs, and that you both have managed to get up to your caravan at last.

    A fine sunny day here, so OH was able to get the washing done and out to dry. We had a 3 hr walk from the site up onto Haughmond Hill. Lots of butterfies about, & warblers singing as we walk through the woods and nice to see the bluebells. A Cuckoo was giving it "wigan" from somewhere to our right as we walked back to the site.



  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited May 2023 #55240

    All this posting about Fountains abbey Mull and Iona takes me back to places that the family visited some time back. Iona had a special feel to it, so special! It was the place that John Smith the Labour party leader was buried. Not too far from my AVatar picture which was taken on one of the beaches on the Isle of Coll!

    Still haven't made my mind up over where to go on my summer hols! So difficult so many places have memories.

  • robsail
    robsail Forum Participant Posts: 1,441
    edited May 2023 #55241

    The story over the last few weeks.......Been up to the sailing club,  had a sail on the loch but the times I have been up there the winds were very light so drifting was the order of the day!

    Had to buy a new lawnmower as I had lost the grass box, reckon I had mistakenly put it in the garden refuse bin, and it was emptied! 

    Was breaking up something to go in landfill bin using my big screwdriver which I dropped at the bottom of the bin. Visions of the neighbours trying to get me out with just my feet sticking out of the bin! The fleece I had on during the episode needed washing, it soaked up so much water that the washing machine stopped! Spent the morning manually draining the washing machine so that I could retrieve the wet clothes as the door locked due to the heavy load!


  • Oneputt
    Oneputt Club Member Posts: 9,174
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    edited May 2023 #55242

    After a bright star this morning the temperature took a bit of a nosedive due to a fairly strong easterly wind.  Never mind good news on the premium bond front 

    Spent most of the morning running my brother about doing various chores, shopping, doctors appointment and picking up medication.  

    Decided to take out a new mobile sim card deal.  The deal is 5G, 60 gig of data, 12 gig of EU roaming and free everything else, all for tenner a month. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited May 2023 #55243

    There’s all sorts of adventures going on, home and away😁

    Another nice day out for us today. Shorter trousers on, roof off of Jeep, gorgeous drive to Castleton in sunshine, up Winnats Pass, back via Edale, Ladybower and Strines. We stopped off at a lovely Cafe cum Herb Centre cum Gift Shop, delicious lunch. Couple of fly overs by a very, very low Hercules, I think the pilot had blue eyes🙄 Came home with some nice plants for our herb tub. 

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited May 2023 #55244

    A few photos, inside church at Wentworth, Fitzwilliam village near Wentworth Woodhouse, Winnats Pass from today, and Mam Tor.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited May 2023 #55245

    Lovely to see your photos ttda. I think I have said before, that I was brought up in Stannington so I know that area very well and they bring back lovely memories - such a beautiful and dramatic part of the country.

    Moulsey - Brimham Rocks - haven't been there for ages but used to go climbing there - many moons ago. Couldn't do that now - I even get nervous climbing a set of stepssmile

    H&T - very envious of your trip to Mull - and you must go to Iona. I helped with some restoration work to the Abbey whilst in the Navy in the late 60's and the island has a special peace and tranquility that I have never experienced anywhere else.

    Thanks all for your kind wishes re Ros.  She's starting to get a little more mobile and I think the latest round of painkillers are helping although she tends to nod off during the day because of them. We're due to go to Poole towards the end of the month - to get the Omnistor on the van fixed after our dealer made a complete hash of fitting it - so hope she's improved a bit by then.

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55246

    tda  I think the pilot had blue eyes🙄 Ha Ha laughing. So interesting to see the inside of the church at Wentworth. Locally the Fitzwilliam church is in Marholm. Our U3A are having a church visit there next month but unfortunately we will be away.  We have been before and it is a lovely church with all the local Fitzwilliam family memorials in there. The Milton Estates Manager took us round last time and gave us the family history (and gossip wink) as well.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55247

    Still testing negative for OH and self. OH one of the best organisers I've seen and I'm not being prejudiced. MiL also shown as clear today but we'll take another test later on today. We no longer qualify for free testing kits here in Wales so will have to buy a couple of packs to restock.

    Going out to lunch with my cousin and her hubby. OH definitely needs a break.

    Enjoy your day folks.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited May 2023 #55248

    I'm intrigued, hope it's something nice! wink

    I can't quite make up my mind how I feel about this coronation except it's another bit of history and we could do with something uplifting. Looks like the weather might just about hold for our street party.

    I've enjoyed seeing all the photos as I'm good at armchair travelling. laughing

    We are going to a second memorial service today followed by another funeral. It has been  sad losing people we know well. I don't know whether memorial services are a good thing or not, I've told OH just one farewell will do for me...wink

    I now find I've done the wrong thing in booking the film "The Pilgrimage of Harold Fry" as my daughter went and said her friend cried throughout...I will have to find something else to cheer us up later. We have got a short break in Devon planned and that might help!?

    Pleased to hear Debsc got to the static. Hope Robsail comes up with a happy holiday idea (not easy where memories are concerned but maybe there will be some good ones along the way. smile)

    All those with health issues I hope things improve.

    I now have to don "cheerful" clothes for today's event and OH will squeeze into his very old suit once more with one of his ancient bright ties...

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55249

    We no longer qualify for free testing kits here either WN. I tested every day last week when I had this cold and have just had to buy some new ones as I like to keep a few in stock just in case.  I hope you and Mrs WN enjoy your lunch today.

    My elderly printer decided to die yesterday just as I wanted to print something important yell. Luckily I could email it to our son and he printed it off and popped it round for me.  I have just been to Curry's to buy a new one so wish me luck in setting it up. Our son might have to pay us another visit later.laughing

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2023 #55250
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  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55251

    "We no longer qualify for free testing kits here either WN. I tested every day last week when I had this cold and have just had to buy some new ones as I like to keep a few in stock just in case."

    do not buy too many in the hope of storing them for a longish period, i had quite a stock of the freebies dished out during the epedemic, but when i came to use them, December time last year, the testing liquid had evaporated so they were less than useless. 

  • milliehull
    milliehull Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 4,866
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    edited May 2023 #55252

    I got an appt at our GP surgery yesterday without any hassle AD. I still had to ring at 8.00am but got through within a few minutes and was offered an appt for 9.40. We still cannot book online though sadly.

    Yes R&R I had the same problem with the testing kits so I only buy one packet of the tests which contains 5 testing kits which should hopefully be enough if we need to use them in the future.  I think they have a 'sell by' date on them somewhere.

  • Takethedogalong
    Takethedogalong Forum Participant, Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 17,464
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    edited May 2023 #55253

    It had us ducking Millie, very very low indeed. Followed by a Chinook as well, not exactly at cloud level. 🙄 Derbyshire was looking lovely yesterday. Sadly, little in the way of walking for us as we had pooch with us, but it was nice to get out.

    I agree about Iona, such a very special place. We took the ferry from Oban, raced across Mull and then passenger ferry for a day on Iona, many years ago. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited May 2023 #55254
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  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited May 2023 #55255

    Today I've taken the plunge and dipped my toe in the "new" Booking System. Is that too many metatphors?

    I checked the calendar and saw a few blank spaces next week - so we're off to Englethwaite Hall for four nights. The price doesn't seem too horrifying, and it may be the only chance to get away this year, so whatever it costs it will be worth it.

    Meanwhile I keep checking the weather forecast for Sunday when we will be having a Bit of a Do. I'm trying to get as much prepared as possible before Saturday. so I can watch the pageantry. If I cook enough there will some leftovers to take away. But proabaly not as my BIL and grandsons don't leave empty plates.

    Back to work - meringues next on the list.

  • richardandros
    richardandros Club Member Posts: 2,843
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    edited May 2023 #55256


    It is Rose Awnings and John has been an absolute star.  I bought the Veduta awning from them last November and whilst they could have fitted the Omnistor, I opted to let our dealer do it since the van was already booked in for service in late November (in Cumbria) and the prospect of taking the van all the way to Poole at that time of year was just a step too far.  That was my first mistake!
    Although our dealer said they had fitted 'hundreds;. in my case they got it wrong - big time. When I complained, the owner accused me of damaging it and 'threatened' to get the Rep over from Belgium to prove it.  I approached John Rose - sent him photographs of the installation and he went to great lengths to explain what they had done wrong - and why.  Armed with this information, I was able to, very easily, convince our dealer that they had c****ed up and they offered either to put it right themselves or pay Rose Awnings to do so - and cover my travel costs in either case.  Guess which option I went for.

    Absolutely great guy and bearing in mind I didn't buy the Omnistor from them, he couldn't have been more helpful.

  • Pliers
    Pliers Forum Participant Posts: 1,864
    edited May 2023 #55258

    Great news David, put your feet up and relax 🙂. 
    Big hug from me, as always. 

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,888
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    edited May 2023 #55259

    Millie wrote " I think they have a 'sell by' date on them somewhere."

    Just checked the box we are using and use by date is November 2027 so should be ok. Not sure about the ones we keep in the caravan as they came from a different source. "Made in China" - oh the irony of it...

    Had a very pleasant lunch which is getting to be a real expensive treat looking at how much prices have risen. The company was good fun though.





  • Rufs
    Rufs Club Member Posts: 4,092
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    edited May 2023 #55260

    Yes ours were made in China and we did have them in the caravan in temps in excess of 20degs, which probably did not help. however, we opened 3  tubes all of which had a little fluid left and were able to make 1 good test kit, so all was not lost.

  • HelenandTrevor
    HelenandTrevor Forum Participant Posts: 3,221
    edited May 2023 #55261

    The plan is to get the ferry tomorrow,  Mull is deceiving large and the ferry to Iona is quite a drive on the very narrow bendy roads.