What are you all up to
Now on a CL near Eyemouth, serviced hardstandings, wifi provided, and a lovely view over the sea. £20 per night. Sunny but windy when we arrived, a cold wind, but wind gone now.
Slowish trip up the A1, some roadworks and heavy traffic, so nearly 3 hours, plus a stop for lunch.
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Nice place to be Kj, I like that area. Is the CL any good for local facilities or do you need transport? (Just thinking about using it ourselves at some point.)
Enjoy your trip TG and I hope the back holds up for your OH. It will be good to see new places. Hope the family house move sorts itself out.
We're packing for a short break, doesn't look good weather wise but it will be nice to have a change of scenery.
ABM people are getting ready for Abbey Hill round here, hope you manage to see some of the things you've missed.
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this is it brue, OK for Coldingham, but too far for walking to Eyemouth I reckon.
Wind got up again during the night and today is grey, misty and some showers.
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Is anyone going to be celebrating the Coronation?
We're having a "Big Lunch" on the Sunday - though not so big, just family and friends. Hopefully it will be a warm sunny day and we can be on the patio. I've been making lists - menus, shopping lists, things to do etc. I like to have a list so I can cross things off.
We may not see another Coronation (being the same age as HRH) so decided to make a bit of an effort.
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Some time ago we invited my cousin and her husband over to the caravan for lunch, to watch the Coronation and then maybe a drink. But now we will see how things are nearer the time. If the weather is nice then we planned a bbq or if not a slow cooker casserole. However, what I’ve only just realised is that the actual Coronation is at 11am so guessing the procession will start quite early. Might order some bunting anyway and just see. I just remember getting a balloon and a mug from the church party last time so would like to celebrate this one too. I love all the British tradition and history and don’t mind Charlie, he’s waited a long time for this role.
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"Is anyone going to be celebrating the Coronation?"
We will be away, in a cosy Peak District cottage - a 2 minute stroll away from The Packhorse at Little Longstone. So unless they're showing it there on a big screen, I suspect we may have other priorities!
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Busy morning here so far heading to a classic car show tomorrow first one of the season so have spent the morning polishing our classic Mer took the hard top off hoping for nice weather to get the roof down tomorrow but the forecast isn’t looking too good we shall see.
On the coronation yes we will be celebrating it we are due to be down in Cheshire when it’s on so have got some flags and bunting to decorate the van with then probably have a BBQ that day on site if the weather is ok. We love celebrating the Royal occasions last year we were at Yellowcraig in North Berwick for the jubilee had a life sized cut out of the Queen in our awning hehe and in 2012 we celebrated that jubilee at Blackpool club site and for Harry’s wedding we were at Ayr Craigie and had the decs up there too. It’s a bit of a tradition that we go away for royal occasions and decorate the van. By chance we were actually away when the Queen died last year so watched the funeral in our van at Richmond Hargill house club site.
Hope everyone is having a nice weekend
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Yes, another street party which sadly seems very soon after the previous one last year. Any excuse for a get together here, there are some who won't join in and a lot who will. Just hope we don't get the monsoon weather we got last year and also that OH can walk home unaided...
For the Queen's coronation my dad built a TV from sheets of instructions, saved cocoa tins for valves and miles of wiring, I could fit in the upright cabinet before it was filled with all the bits and pieces and we were told to keep away from the Cathode Ray tube which filled the front, probably about ten inches of screen? The neighbours came round to watch and we also had a damp fancy dress street party.
I somehow don't think this event will be like the 1953 version, but we're happy to join in one way or another.
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Beautiful looking CL K, definitely one for us. We love it up there. Couple of nice ice cream parlours in Eyemouth👍 Have a lovely time.
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It’s a big night tonight. I’m getting very excited. Last year we didn’t go out much (mainly because of Husband Henry’s bad hip). But tonight we’re heading across the border into Yorkshire. One of our favourite bands at one of our favourite venues - Police Dog Hogan at Victoria Hall, Settle.
Tonight’s gig is sold out but you can catch them further down the road.
This is the first of 6 gigs we’ve got booked - there’s a wasted year to make up!
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I remember the trip to the cinema to watch it all in colour. Not planning to do anything special except watch most of it on TV and maybe raise a glass but don't usually need a coronation to encourage me to do that
The world has changed so much since the late Queen's Coronation so whether it's something to get excited about might vary a lot? I am sure it will be a wonderful spectacle, should be good for UK Ltd.
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Not sure if this is at all Aldi stores?
Sorry on topic - I went to Aldi.
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I thought it was your contribution and thoughts on the Coronation. Toilet fluid!
Francis and Nellie. Sit down before carry on reading. We, OH and self, actually washed the caravan the day after getting back. Even the Hekis got washed but it was OH up the ladder!
It looked like it should or could rain all day with black clouds all around but we actually had sunshine, albeit a bit hazy at times, until 4 pm.
Hope you have a good trip TG. From what I've read on Overseas section it sounds like it has promise.
We won't be watching the coronation.
Sounds like a good trip Nellie and Kj.
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Francis and Nellie. Sit down before carry on reading. We, OH and self, actually washed the caravan the day after getting back. Even the Hekis got washed but it was OH up the ladder!surprised It looked like it should or could rain all day with black clouds all around but we actually had sunshine, albeit a bit hazy at times, until 4 pm.
What can I say, WN, apart from well done, although I am surprised that you allowed your OH to ascend a ladder)? Hope you were standing at it's base while she was up there. We have had a fine day, not as sunny as yesterday but it stayed dry until just a short while ago.
Debs, I hope you and your OH are feeling better and will be able to get away to your caravan soon. Pleased to read that your granddaughter has managed to get back to her uni and hope that she is able to continue with her studies.
TG, enjoy your trip away and hopefully the new sites you visit are up to a decent standard and that you find lots to do in unfamiliar surroundings. Good that your OH's back is getting better.
Kjell, that looks like a grand site, we might just try it later in the year if it is not fully booked.I
Enjoy your concert, Goldie, I must give them a listen to as your recommendation as always to my taste too.
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It is very nice nellie, good spacing but everything conveniently close by, we are on pitch no. 1. 4 vans here last night, 5 tonight, so seems popular. Good access and good security.
Just finalised our summer trip, so can relax now till it's time to book for September/October. No idea at present where we will go. Will likely only be 3 weeks, so either Northern England or somewhere in Scotland.
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Beat you to it Corners - got mine on Easter Saturday so I'm surprised there's still any left. Enough to last me for the year! Made the mistake of going from our site near Malton to Scarborough Aldi and it was bedlam. Never again. Cars were queing up to grab a parking space as soon as one became available.
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Here are a couple of photos from our days out yesterday, first and last and the middle one today.Saw a pair of Dippers both yesterday and this morning on different streams. Weather has been fine up until tonight when it has recently started to rain, just in time for me to take Flyte out for his last walk.
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We haven't started to think about Coronation Celebrations yet. Before that weekend, we have out extended MayDay weekend away (if you can call it that) just about 20 min up the road at Conkers C&CC site with a group of 6-7 other families of friends. The trouble is that, because it's only just up the road, we all spend a lot of time just doing normal activities. Our daughter, son-in-law and 18 month old nephew are staying in our house over night and many of our group - including us - will be back home most days doing things... and then our daughter and family will spend some time during tbe days with us at Conkers... I just can't seem to convince them all to get away somewhere further afield so we're not tempted to keep coming home.... 😀😀
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All our sites will be having a celebratory drink around reception on the 6th, it will be a case of bring a glass and join in
. The flags and bunting have arrived and we're off out to get the refreshments today. I just hope the weather is kind as our reception is tiny!!
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Yes, I thought that as well. One of the “Edges” in the Peaks?
That looks like Haddon Hall? Tiny footbridge just down from Castle?
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We're off to West View CL for the Coronation - near Louth and an area we haven't been to before. Just fancied getting away from the house to avoid being descended upon by neighbours looking for a 'freebie'! We get a bit tired of being 'mine host' all the time when it's never reciprocated - are we mean?
Still, it looks a nice site and we will be decorating the van with bunting etc and probably have a BBQ on the 'big day'.
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I remember The Queen's coronation very well although I was only a child. One of the my uncles was the only one of us able to afford a TV so we all (my Dad was one of 5, so all of them and their families) crowded into his living room to watch the coronation on this very small screen. I don't think we saw much at all! But it was all very exciting. Our neighbours all raised money by having whist drives and bring and buy sales etc for a big party in our church hall. I still have the photo somewhere. We shall watch this coronation as it is a big part of our history. I was discussing it with friends yesterday and we all thought that King Charles really doesn't want all the pomp and ceremony and has tried to cut it down as much as he is able.
I helped out at a big schools visit at the Cathedral on Friday - 450 children, their teachers and 50 of us volunteers. It was slightly chaotic, despite all the planning, noisy and great fun. They all said they had a marvellous time which was the important thing.
Our new windows are installed and we are very pleased with them. Gosh is has been a busy week since we came home from Yorkshire!
Well done to your grand-daughter DEBSC. I know it is causing you a lot of worry, understandably, but she seems determined to follow her dream. I wish her the very best of luck for as long as possible. I hope you and your OH feel better soon. This covid certainly takes it out of you and the fatigue can last quite a while so take care and take things easy.
OH has bought himself a new coffee machine as the old one has bitten the dust. It is not going well at the moment so I am hiding upstairs out of the way.
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King Charles will be Mum’s 5th Monarch, although of course only four were crowned. George V was on the throne when she was born. It will be on in background here, I am interested in the historical aspects, and we will be commenting (as you do) on the hats and outfits😁 Mum will enjoy the horses. Lots of folks will be out having a good time, and I hope it’s a nice sunny day, that stays trouble free.
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Margaret's nod to the Coronation celebrations was to buy a commemorative plate from M&S by Spode. Very efficient Click and Collect system, ordered yesterday evening, picked about 1.00pm today. She has a collection of plates for various royal occasions.
Daughter and laws parents live in São Paulo in Brazil and seem quite interested in our Royal Family so Margaret has got them a tea towel and picture book about the Coronation which DinL will take out to Brazil in a couple of weeks time. I did suggest a M&S tin of Coronation biscuits but that might make too many demands on luggage space!
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King Charles will be Mum’s 5th Monarch,
Ditto here for MiL, who will undoubtedly be glued to the TV and OH will keep her company for a short while. I'll no doubt hear all about it when I can't escape.
Last day of Physio visit to hospital then we all trooped off to M&S outlet village for a few bits of clothes for MiL and some food.
Restocking the caravan for our new trip on Wednesday.
Just had a phone call promising a cheque for a wrong shower rail returned in early March. Funny that as I only sent an email on Friday threatening small claims court if no action taken. Amazing that other emails ignored.
Called in at a local caravan shop for some bits and pieces. Thought we might buy a Trauma filter cap. How much?
£37.00. We'll leave it thanks.