What are you all up to
I hope you enjoy Harlow Carr tda and heddlo. We used to visit there a lot when son and DIL lived in a village near York before they moved to NI. I love it there as there is always something new to see and the plant shop is one of the best I have been to.
Glad to hear your camper has a new engine at last ABM. You will be pleased to get it back I'm sure.
I hope your caravan trip goes well WN. You must be looking forward to getting away in it again.
What a difference a day makes! No rain and the sun is shining🌞 We had a nice trip out to Reeth. One of our favourite places as FIL's cousin used to own The Burgoyne there many years ago so we visited many times. DIL and I found a lovely little artist shop selling things made by local artists and we then each had a Brymor ice cream (the same as sold by the ice cream shop at Jervaux TDA) and then made our way up to Tan Hill for lunch. Lovely in the sunshine up there. We finished the day in Richmond. Off home tomorrow.
I hope the sun is shining for everyone else.
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Oh yes, we know the ice cream parlours😋
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Millie, glad you had a fine day at last, just a pity that it is the last day of your break up there. Have you visited the Druid's Temple on the Swinton Estate? You certainly have got about while up at Masham, but that's what going away is all about, isn't it?
Brian, so pleased to see that your M/H is ready for the road. Will you be heading off in it soon?
Hope you remember where everything goes in the van WN, and that you don't have to return from your site as you have left something important at home.
Good to read that others are also having fine weather too.
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It was a fine morning so we had a short walk along by the Leeds/Liverpool canal, and Flyte contrived to fall in. It was a bit of a struggle getting him without falling in myself!! We then went onto Hoghton Tower for a wander round the gardens and then into the house. It is the place where, during a visit, King James 1 knighted a loin of beef! The room guides were as informative as any we have come across. Well worth a visit if one has never been.
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Hmm, Nellie, Truly I'm not sure about keeping the Ducky even after it's restored to it's fave parking spot ( right in front of my windows
) I must try to get to a couple or six steam rallies and only then make that decision -- BUT I cannot see myself selling the pocket rocket Mucker, even if it causes the Avenue to get a bit crowded. One rally I do like is at Cark Airfield up Flookborough way cos its flat as a pancake and so gives my old bones no problems ambling round !
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I watched it as well, David. Delighted to see minimal interuption to the event from the threatening groups. Seems strange that a few were arrested early on in the day away from Aintree with about a dozen at or near the " Foinavon " jump just before the Grand National but the total was over 100 according to the News Reports.
Some people just dont realise that if racing should be stopped, then the vast majority of horses will have an exceedingly short life there after !
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Not sure what’s happened with the pic WN I haven’t done anything different just logged in here as normal this morning to make a post. Changed the pic a few weeks ago to one with the new car but until yesterday I still saw the old pic with our previous Volvo. No matter it’s just the website playing it’s tricks
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Last day here near Carlisle, heading east tomorrow. Dull today, but dry, yesterday was sunny.
Have been booking a few sites for our summer trip, 2 CLs so far, and while looking for a third, came across one where the site fee of £18, I think, ( basic site with metered EHU) included 10kWh of electricity, but anything over that was 76p per kWh!
I wonder if CAMC electricity costs are similar 😧
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I did email the Club a week ago asking for the Kwh price but as yet I have not had a response other than an acknowledgement. I suppose it's quite likely that some CL's, which are part of a larger commercial organisation will be paying commercial rates?
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Yes, I reckoned that was the case, I think it was a CL at a plant nursery.
76p per kWh is horrendous! If the Club are paying anything like that then the reductions on the sites in the metering trial will indeed be totally inadequate.
We look after our local Guide Hall, OH is treasurer and I am the handyman, it is on a fixed rate till next February, so we are dreading what it might go up to.
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Arrived at Cayton Village CAMC site this afternoon for a few days.... it's quite quiet here.. lots of empty pitches. We've left our daughter, son-in-law and nephew at home, looking after the house. They would have come but Ruth has some teaching to do at Manchester hospital...
Cayton Village looks a nice site. Good location.... easy access to village and beach just a little further. Look forward to exploring tomorrow.
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You’re in a beautiful part of the country, David. There are the white cliffs of Bempton and a plethora of wild sea birds there to witness. The Forests of Dalby and Cropton, the moors and old fishing villages and coves like Whitby, Robin Hoods Bay, and Thornwick Bay all on your doorstep and just a short drive away. Dolphins along the coast at and so much more. What more is there to like! Britain in a nutshell
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Nice pub next door called the Farrier, they do meals or just a coffee if you prefer. We liked Cayton because of the good bus connections. We have not been back since the refurbishment but might include it for later in the year.
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Thanks for the info David. Pitches look spacious - site seems quite 'open', but it may be partly because there aren't many folk around. Entance is very spacious and a good sizes parking section near the barriers. Our pitch feels 'bigger than normal'. Haven't been as far as the toilet block yet... 😀😀 I try and take some photos tomorrow or Tues...
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Duller day here in central Lancashire, but at least there has been no rain to speak of (so far) so the ground has had a chance to dry out a bit more. Just had a few walks from the site as our daughter came round after lunch for a good old chat, and to deliver the next batch of chocolates etc!!
David, if you go across the road to the coastal path look to the left and you will see a cove at the end of the Dayton Bay. It is known as Johnny Flinton's Cove as it was where smugglers used to land their ill gotten gains. My OH is a distant descendent of Johnny Flinton, the smuggler which it was named after!!😄
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Goodness that is a claim to fame for your OH nellie! I have just caught up on your previous post. That must have been a shock for both you and Flyte when he fell in the canal. I am glad all ended well.
We arrived home yesterday afternoon. It was a good journey apart from a long stretch of roadworks which held us up for about 20 - 30 minutes. I say 'roadworks' but in actual fact there were miles of traffic cones blocking off all but one lane but not a workman in sight!
Now to catch up with the washing. How did we manage to generate so much in just a few days?
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It's been nice reading about the Yorks trip Millie, I wish we were within easier striking distance for visits there. Hope DSB has a good visit, we had a stay at Cayton before it was redeveloped.
Our motorhome goes in for a recall this week, not bad for an older vehicle still getting an update but as it's an airbag replacement it's good that it's happening. The only thing is the alloted garage is a fair distance away and OH will be stuck there till the job gets done.
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Yes a long journey from where you live brue. It seems a long journey for us these days!
A few photos of our trip: The river in full spate in Haws: the lovely walk to Hardraw Force: the waterfall. Sorry they are in the wrong order but I am sure you can work out which is which! (This site is driving me mad at the moment)
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Hang on Millie……there’s no Kevin Costner taking a shower in your photo🤣 (That’s a Robin Hood reference for anyone confused)
We are packing our MH for our one night away! Booked a CL yesterday, (£18, with hook up, HS and a loo for those who might be interested) near to Harlow Carr, so we can have a full day, and leave the pooch in comfort. Hope the old girl behaves, only been out once night since last year……..
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Yes I knew the reference tda!! I hope you enjoy your night away and Harlow Carr.
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Yes I remember those days as well moulesy. We did the walk across the fields from the caravan site a few times and paid 20p in the Green Dragon. It is very different now. You don't go through the pub as they have built a visitor centre at the back complete with cafe. It is now £4 for adults (£3 concessions) and £2 for children. There is absolutely no way that you can get from the car park without paying!
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A few more arrived at Cayton Village CAMC site today whilst we were out, although still quite empty. Apparently they had a busy Easter. Decided to go to Robin Hoods Bay today - managed to walk down to the beach.... and back up again!!.... but not without a cafe stop!! 🤣🤣
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A few photos of Cayton Village CAMC site... really empty yesterday but more arrived today...
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It's strange David that the website shows low availability for Cayton for today and tomorrow. Also that despite the vast array of empty pitches shown by you for Sunday that no price reduction was on offer as I thought, obviously mistakenly, that Dynamic Pricing worked downwards as well as upwards. Anyway enjoy your time there.
Nice photos Millie. We were up there with MiL last year but the Force wasn't with us! Well, not quite as good as yours.
Glad you enjoyed it.
Well, we made it. Had a morning putting last minute things into the caravan and car and after an early lunch headed off to Wirral CP. Everything couldn't have gone any smoother, even the 2 peg pitching. We took our time setting up as it was a dry warm day and even had time after a drink to have a wander ending up having a Rhubarb and Custard Ice Cream. Different would be my description. Site almost full. This was the very first site we came to after buying our first caravan 33 years ago and we've been back here most years at least once at the start and/or end of season.
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So glad that all is going well with your trip WN and the weather forecast is good for the rest of the week so enjoy. Yes the force was with us at Hardraw after all the rain. The wet weather had to have some benefit!
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I know exactly what you mean about 'dynamic pricing', but I don't know what the difference is between 'todays price' and 'yesterdays price'. I do know that electricity costs are impacting on pitch prices..... ☹️
I think we'll try Cayton Bay tomorrow if the weather is good. Enjoy the Wirral - have a great time.