What are you all up to
Thank you all so much for your truly lovely caring comments and good wishes, it means a lot. As Wherenext says, it is all her broken dreams that is upsetting us most, at this difficult time, but when with her we need to keep upbeat. Thank you.
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So sorry to read your news, DEBS. All I can do is echo others sentiments, and wish you all the best. You know that we all will be thinking of you and your family, hoping that things do improve for you all one way or another. Take care.
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We had a wet start to the day but it did slowly dry up, and even had some sunshine late on. I sorted out about 15 OS maps for the next trip, but I bet there will be a couple I've forgotten. Loaded up hall a dozen bags of garden waste to take to the tip tomorrow.
Thanks tda, I will have a look at those sites. I did find a CS to the NE of Doncaster but on reading the blurb I doubt OH won't want to stop there, as it is used by nudists!!
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Some are on the expensive side Nellie. There’s a CL around mile or so from Conisborough Castle, we pass it regularly. It looks ok, think it is grass pitches though. Might be a tad noisy with passing traffic in the day, but quieter at night. I will look it up, can’t remember name. You could easily spend a week alone doing the Wentworth Fitzwilliam places to visit, House, village, monuments scattered around, then the Heritage Centre and village at Elsecar, shooting estates up in the Peak District at Strines.
I have posted reviews, a tad mixed but generally positive. Good location for seeing EH properties though, Conisborough Castle, Roche Abbey, Brodsworth. Some nice walks, if you know anyone local!😉👍
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Your comment there about the CS near Doncaster reminds me of the Carry On film on TV this weekend just gone -- Sid James & Bernard Breslaw took their " Lady Friends " to a Nudist Camp site as well
Ive never seen the point of such places myself
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I'll echo your sentiments AD. Best wishes Debsc and to to you as well AD with your recovery.
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The new site is a complete shambles,what part of the old saying "if it is not broke don`t fix it" does the caravan club not understand,it`s all very well some super IT idiot saying Oh this is going to be great without understanding that a great many of us oldie`s don`t have degrees in computers.
The old site was really easy to use and i notice you can no longer view the site you want on maps direct from the page !? i always used this to see the surrounding area of the site to see if it is next to a motorway or industrial park as the club are not going to tell you this,and anyway it`s nice to see the area.
The club will never admit to being wrong so as members we are stuck with it.
Why were we not consulted on this as a not for profit club with all money reinvested we are all technically shareholders yet we never get a say in any major things like this as in the many thousands of pounds spent changing to the Caravan & Motorhome Club to make people included ???????????????
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M, you always have Google Earth👍🏻
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The same from us Debsc and AD.
Had a good weekend with friends and their new windows doors are lovely Aluminium but with a wood effect that goes with their other windows and doors and the solar blinds are great to play with but remotes will be removed when they have guests as they do get quite a few mishaps.
Grass cutting and strimming this morning as we were up early as OH had to go and have full blood test and wanted to be there early which was 7.35am and got called in straight away as they usually start at 8am so back home by then, he was ready for breakfast and a coffee.
Take care folks.
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If you want to join the discussion via this link you'll find an assortment of opinions and help on there as this is just a social chat area.
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No dog walking today as neighbour having to rearrange her day so not visiting hospital until tonight. It's been good exercise for both dog and me, except I don't get any treats when I get back.
Had a morning nipping to various outlets in town getting everything that was on the caravan replacement list. Also been wondering how we are going to arrange the beds. I normally turn over the squabs and make the bed up into a double, which is quite large in our caravan, but I don't think my wrist is up to it at the moment. It's getting there but probably needs a month more. So we are going to leave them as singles which meant we had to buy another quilt, which fortunately we were able to source at a good independent interior design shop we have in town. We didn't go overboard with price as hopefully this is just a stopgap. Off next week to try out this caravanning lark.
As Deleted User User alluded to one shouldn't take health for granted and we are grateful that can at least try to continue. Best of luck to AD as well.
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It has been a mixed day weather wise being fine in the morning but rainy, cool and windy later. Paid a visit to the recycling centre this morning with 6 off 15 kg dogfood bags of garden waste then did a bit of shopping before taking Flyte for a walk round our local park. Got rather damp during my afternoon walks.
Thanks again, tda, for the link. It may well be worth a visit this summer, we will certainly put it on the list for a stay.
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Extremely strong winds and lots of rain tonight, arrived bedraggled at local theatre to hear concert pianist, Noriko Ogawa playing a lovely selection of music. She did Claire de Lune as an encore which was a nice calm ending.
Looks like a lull in the weather till tomorrow morning when it starts again!
Good to hear you are planning something with the van WN, hope it goes well.
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Last day here just outside Castle Douglas. Have had a couple of trips out to the Solway coast, Kippford and Southerness Point, where we had a short walk and an ice cream, and a trip to Tesco in town to get some food and cash to pay the CL.We had paid a deposit on line by credit card, and were expecting to pay the balance by credit card, but they asked if we could get cash as the charges by Sum Up were getting quite high.
We got back just before the bad weather arrived yesterday......it was BAD!
Very strong wind and lashing rain, do not think we have ever had anything that bad when away in the van before. Fortunately it stopped before bedtime, so we did get a good sleep.
Some rain now off and on, but sunny too. We need fuel and milk, so will go along to the town soon.
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According to the SumUp website the transaction charges are only 1.69% so less that .40p on a £20 per night CL! The set up costs are about £130 for combined terminal and printer, not sure if that is one off or annually?
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this was the storm clouds over the IOW earlier, gusts of 60mph bet there are not many awnings up on the CAMC site
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Off to get some food in for next 2 nights. Easy peasy eh? Hate it when Tesco doesn't have one of the main ingredients, a butternut squash. So plan B. Bought some Cod instead.
Back home we rang a local Caravan dealers and asked if they buy used awnings. They used to but don't anymore but the lovely lady there promised us an empty box as we have someone in North East who may buy a little used Dorema Mistral awning that we will find too heavy following my stroke to erect. So this afternoon we've been fitting our poles, awning and regalia into it and organising a pick up from home tomorrow. We were pleased to see that it was in excellent condition.
It does mean that I've exhausted my supply of duck tape though. Have to remember to buy some more or gorilla tape.
We've had heavy showers between occasional bursts of sunshine. No dog walking as pooch needed a vet visit for toothache and looks like neighbours OH may well be home tomorrow.
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Life is a bit easier with all these delivery and pick up options WN, packing tape gets used a lot doesn't it?! Good to move things on too.
We had a lull in the storm and I went out into the garden to pick up debris etc but now the wind is picking up again. I think this is the finale and it looks like we have better weather on the way next week.
Made some veg soup yesterday so that's on the menu for a couple of days, had a curry earlier on glad to have some warming food.
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Hope your trip goes well WN.
It’s a year tomorrow since I broke my wrist and I still have periods of discomfort and also times when the wrist is next to useless. Making up the bed is one of the things I struggle with but fortunately Mrs One is very handy at doing that. During our recent 10 day trip I tried on a couple of occasions but to no avail. Think we will struggle on instead of spending a wad of cash on a new single bed van.1 -
Cheers Oneputt.
I'm quite sure Mrs.WN could manage as she generally puts the bed back together in the morning but she will be doing a bit more in the short run. Does your outfit have the curved base bit of the backboard to accommodate the curved top of the back squabs? I think that's the thing that would drive her mad.
I'm quite looking forward to it, Only 4 nights but first outing for 6 months, the longest we've ever gone without a trip somewhere. I must be an optimist as I've booked other trips assuming things are going to go well. Agree with you about not spending on a new van. If we change I think the next unit might very well be a PVC.
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I was surprised too brue (and David) as I have purchased a Square to use at craft fairs and the charges are still low and the initial one off cost was something like £20. No annual fee.
We are on a CL brue and had a balance of £75 to pay, deposit was £25.
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We drove up to Masham today. A1 was busy but kept moving. The weather wasn't as bad as we feared but they have obviously had a lot of rain up here as there is a lot of standing water. The cottage is lovely with plenty of room for all of us and very well appointed. We had look round Masham (in the rain) did a bit of shopping in the local Co-op and then had a fish and chip supper. Now deciding what we are going to do tomorrow.
I hope your caravan trip goes well WN. Yes I agree that we don't appreciate our good health enough while we have it. OH is used to long walking trips when we come up here, but now even the walk to the Co-op was an effort for him today. But at least we are here and can visit some of his old haunts.
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Kjell, which CL did you use? We stay on Drummuckloch CL when staying around there, it is owned by the Cardoness estate, although the pitches might be a bit tight for a van of the size of yours.
Millie, have a good time up at Masham, as you obviously know there are plenty of nice places close by to visit. Have you seen the resting place of the Masham Bones?I
OP, sorry to hear that your wrist hasn't healed up as well as one would hope. Although mine is still a bit painful at times, and obviously not quite right, thankfully I am able to use it as normal.
Hope the strong winds have not caused much damage to your property, brue, or to any others who have experienced the storms.We
WN, you will miss not having to take your neighbour's dog for its afternoon walk, although perhaps not with the rain you too have experienced today. Hope that the invalid is allowed home tomorrow and is on the way to a full recovery.
We had quite strong winds overnight and it has been much colder here today with frequent short rain showers, which have fallen as snow on the Lakeland Hills. It has been a busy day doing not very much it feels, in preparation for our next trip starting on Friday.
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It was very nice of the lady at the caravan dealers and very good customer service. So many companies go bust for the simple reason that their customer service is abysmal and are only interested when they are selling a product, but totally uninterested if the product develops a fault, no matter how much the product may have cost!
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Enjoy your break Milliehull. Like you we love the Dales. If you get to Fountains Abbey (our regular haunt) try to park at the Studley Royal end, the gardens and lakes there have had a lot of work done and a new cafe at that end is proposed. It’s a really beautiful on a good day. There is a buggy that you can ask for to get from the Visitor Centre to the Studley Royal end (and vice versa). Have a good time and hope the weather stays kind.
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Same here Millie, hope you all enjoy your Masham holiday.
The sun is out today so might venture into the greenhouse to finally get seed trays sorted. Yesterday it was in danger of taking off. In the "great 80s storm" my sister's greenhouse vanished into the ether!
Daughter has just let me know they got through the full blast of the weather near Cape Cornwall.
Let's hope that's it and we can start to enjoy some calmer days.
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Comings and goings.
Back in the day (1970's - ) we had a CL. It was a basic farm site run by my late father-in-law. Though we did install a shower and toilet in a building at the end of the house. 20p for 5 minutes. When we took over the farm in 1996 we carried on until 2001. We closed down the farm during Foot & Mouth, and never reopened the CL. However, that's bye the bye.
From the late 70/80's onwards a family from south London came regularly. They had children the same age as ours and they all played togther and wandered all over together. The family grew up but they continued coming to the CL, and then holidaying in B&B's and cottages etc. We've kept vaguely in touch - they know a lot about our farm from social media, but we've not seen them for a few years. But last week the father (our age) rang to ask if they could come to see us while up in the Lake District. They were up here with all the family to scatter their mother's ashes, and wanted some to be where their caravan used to be parked. "Therer's a lot of us" he said. So I baked a cake and opened some biscuits. And yesterday 7 adults and 8 children sat round the kitchen table reminiscing about days of old. While the grandchildren loved the cows so much they wanted to take one home. A lot of love brought together from our CL.
And early this morning - 5 o'clock - a large cattle trailer came up into the yard and we loaded up 25 in-calf heifers. They are now on their way down south to a Home Farm on a large estate near the south coast. They are re-establishing their Organic Dairy Shorthorn herd and we are pleased that a little bit of our herd will be part of it.