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Almost three weeks into January and still no sign of the new handbook. Are other members still waiting for theirs or am I being victimised by Royal Mail?
Before I start rattling the cage at Grimstead Towers, can members please advise if they have NOT received their new handbook.
Got mine just after Christmas.
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Ours was on the door mat when we got back home on Sunday, as were both the December and January issues of the club's magazine.
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When cyberyacht clearly asks that those members who have NOT received their handbooks advise... he's clearly not interested in when or how other members received their copies. Why do some members then respond to say that they have received theirs?
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Because they like to state their experiences, I expect. CY might have started the thread but he doesn’t own or control it.😎
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It appears that so far, only Goldie is in the same predicament. I'll give it until the weekend and then I'll "kick ass" as they say.
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Sometime over the Christmas period I think.
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I believe mine was delivered to site but a call from the caretaker advised the post box had been trashed and no contents visible. I will ask if there's one available next week when we work at another site.
CY, best to call membership services for a quicker response as it will be that dept. that deals with it.
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Perhaps you could then post it onto CY, who obviously has plans to use it.
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I still haven’t received anything in the post since we joined four weeks ago
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If you scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click on “contact us” you might be able to do a chat online. They will be able to tell you if all is ok, and if your joining pack is on its way. You do show as “Member”, so you will be able to access things ok via the website.
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I would have phoned head office three weeks ago.
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I joined at the beginning of May '23. When should I expect mine?