Latest Club Magazine

Had a quick look through the latest edition and it strikes me that the Club are on the defense regarding the "new improvement booking system" N.L. seems to be going to great pains to drill home the fact that it's a non profit making club and all moneys are ploughed back into improvements. With another full page extolling the bargains on offer with prices once again shown for one unit + 1 person - I wonder how many arrivals meet this criteria? And don't forget dogs go free as do awnings, for the time being!I get the feeling that someone has actually read some of the TripAdvisor reviews ( not the random unknown site reviews) and actually realised "the peasants are revolting" and decided to attempt to placate the membership befor revenue is adversely effected ??
It’s all going fine Wedgy, nothing to worry about. Hardly rated a mention back last October at the AGM. Carry On Regardless rather than Carry On Camping…..😉
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The trouble with the pricing is that the minimum base price is one pitch plus one member and that is all that can be guaranteed. The fact that the usual combination might be two plus pitch, or one plus pitch plus child, and any other combination you can think of. Quoting pitch plus one is the obvious choice I would say. Don't forget also that it is the cheapest likely price. The site directory does give an extended version.
As to reviews negative or positive the Club just have to cut through the hyperbole and will probably only change things if they see the bottom line starting to be impacted?
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Wedgy, dogs and awnings will always go free.
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I can well imagine a premium being applied to awning pitches and with regards to the canine owning membership I think any revenue increasing aspect will be considered under the current climate. Nothing is out of bounds as metered E.H.U.'s testing proves.
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I suppose with the new menu based system it would be possible to have different prices for awnings and perhaps dogs. It would be one way of lowering the core price which could suit those that don't have either? Even a pound or two a night would make a difference.
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I don't disagree but perhaps members would feel a bit more in control if the Club extended menu pricing. If electric metering becomes network wide at least those who complain they can manage without electricity will benefit by hopefully reduced core pitch pricing? Given what the Club has just gone through with the introduction of the new booking system, plus upcoming ANPR on arrival and the possibility of metering they probably feel they have too much on their plate at the moment to make other changes?
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Dk. I hope they don't start charging for additions. We will be paying extra for our tiny dog on a non CAMC Cornish site this year, nearly £5, luckily we aren't taking an awning! We are also using a Cornish CL, about a third of the price and all serviced. It will be a one off at the larger campsite but the CL might encourage further use. We have been moving away from the prices of CAMC sites so any extra costs will act as a bigger disincentive.
However, one interesting fact, had we managed to get a rally booking at the non CAMC site are costs would have been halved for exactly the same pitch.
Pricing is a minefield!
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I have often found that a strange claim because if you added £15 to most Club site fees they would in reality be the most expensive sites in the country? The Club are not wrong to make a surcharge for non-members but to claim its a discount which members enjoy is pushing credibility a bit far.
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"As for dogs some sites have the appearance of Crufts car parks 🐕🐕🐕"
and why?!, dogs go free, it is a sort of USP for CAMC, as are the many very good dog exercise areas , are the club likely to change this , doubt it, to charge would be a loss leader for sure, although we have a dog we very rarely use club sites, for a variety of reasons.
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If you thought the New Booking System and the Change of name brought out the "howls" of discontent wait until you see the backlash if they decide to charge for dogs and awnings.
Far too members to upset.
The only way they could possibly get away with it is by reducing the set price by an amount, say £1 for dogs and £1 for awnings. That way they could argue that they haven't actually increased the price for either. Can't see it happening anytime soon though.
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I did mention earlier in this thread that the club will NOT be charging for dogs and awnings
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I can well imagine that the debates on the new Booking System and the Name Change would pale into insignificance if charges were made for dogs
. I think my point about menu pricing would reduce costs, a little for those choosing minimum requirements but would cost a little more for those that wanted the whole works.
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J.K. I bow to your superior knowledge and insight of Club Intention however only time will tell if other revenue streams such as these will be a implemented. I personally have no problem with these possible changes provided the base price is reduced adequately but not sure if that would be the case.
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The base price is the important bit as it has to cover costs, extras provide "extras" but they are not the guaranteed income provided by a base price. So base prices are unlikely to go down. However base prices can be adjusted generally but only if costs are covered. As CAMC can't guarantee an income from dogs, cats, parrots or awnings the basic income needs to be maintained. I would train my parrot (if I had one) to object to separate charges....🦜🦜🦜
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Would you still have to pay for a 'Norwegian Blue'?