Site Access
Obviously members that complain about poor or narrow access to club sites have never been to Low Wensleydale site or the Kendal site ,I have not seen any complaints about these site ,perhaps is that us northerners are better drivers and can managed them !!
Who's complaining?
I’ve not been to Lwr Wensleydale but don’t recall any issues at Kendal the couple of times we visited. 🤷🏻♂️
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We've been to both sites mentioned by the OP, the only issue with these sites are the approach road isn't maintained to a good standard (pot holes) the Wensleydale site I remember has a traffic light system which I thought was a good idea.
We've certainly been to sites with more challenging approaches.
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How about >this one< then? I will tackle most narrow roads as long as I am not towing a car. It becomes tricky if I have to reverse with it.
Melrose also has a traffic light entry system.
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The link doesn’t work for me, PD, and I think you mean Merrose Farm in Cornwall rather than Gibson Park, Melrose in the Scottish Borders.🙂
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Yes did mean the site in Cornwall, I'm easilly confused.
Link seems fine to me. Try
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I can’t get either link to work PD.
Unless they have been installed in the last year, Lower Wensleydale does not have traffic lights. However the very narrow section with no passing places is very short and you can see if anything is coming before you start along it. I thought Fairlight Wood more challenging. I don’t recall the Kendal site being an issue, although it’s a long time since we visited.0 -
Nope, sorry, still no go.
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The "worst' club site for approach for us is the one at Derwentwater. The main road in needs a strong nerve and then the approach over the bridge at Grange village and through there can be tight. I know they have widened the actual entrance to the site due to the number of "accidents" that happened to those that misjudged the turn, Northerners included.
Otherwise I hope the OP was said tongue in cheek as these territorial chest thumping comments are tiresome.
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Been to both sites several times. It’s often, and the case for both of these I think, that the first time is always the worst, particularly after listening to the comments of a timorous few. Thing is, I’d bet that after all these years there have been very few really challenging incidents at either. After all, aren’t we courteous and helpful to our fellow travellers and anticipating problems may just be more of an issue than the approach itself. Once you’ve done these approaches a couple of times you know the score and no real problems!
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PD, it looks as if the link isn’t compatible with iOS 16.2 but is OK with the earlier 15.7.2.
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See my post above, PD.
I’ve viewed it on an old Pad running the previous OS.
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Ah, I see! This is a re-hash of the Cirencester thread. I thought that had all been said long ago🤷🏻♂️
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Been to both sites and I don't recall any problems at either.
Also been to LW quite a good number of times, it was our goto weekend when working being so close and first time according to the records was 2005 and I can't recall any traffic lights even then.
Certainly not there in 2019.
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Lower Wensleydale has never had Traffic Lights.The section from the bridge to the gate is King’s Highway and out of the responsibility of the club. The bit from the gate to reception is short and has several passing places like near entrance, the dog walk and even on the hill. Folk just have to use the mirrors supplied and help each other! Not too difficulties is it?
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InaD, I had little choice but to cross it because it was impossible to turn round and to reverse back round the corner and back up the narrow slope would have been very tricky. I was also apprehensive about weight limits but my confidence was boosted at the thought others must have crossed ok.
It was actually a nice site in a nice location.
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I cannot recall Traffic Lights at LW, and we were last there a couple of years ago🤔 All it needs is good observation. I think there is a notice asking MH’s to give way to towing outfits, which seems good common sense to me. Never had any problem with all our visits there.
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That could be it Micky👍 Makes even more sense. I just remember reading something, but not traffic lights.
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Having been to LW I do not recall any traffic lights, I can only say any issues would potentially be if you arrived early and some one was leaving on the day then I'm not sure whatvthe outcome would be.
We have booked for Kendal this year so I guess the entrance is OK from the posts so far.
I have watched a couple of you tube vids it seems harder to navigate the site.
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I walked up past the site entrance to LW a couple of times just before Xmas and there are no traffic lights on the road. In fact there is a warning notice restricting traffic passing the quarry just above the site, and access to the road from the North is closed off, so there should be little traffic apart from farm vehicles and what comes from the site.
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Hi Skodaman,
I have my LGV Class 1 license and trust me I have moved 40 foot trailers in tighter spaces as sat navs aren't always correct 🤣. Wish they had motor movers on 40 foot trailers how they make life so easy.
PS hope your watching Leeds big win on Sunday.