Awning or Non Awning

brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
edited December 2022 in UK Campsites & Touring #1

This year whilst staying at the Steamer Quay site we experienced some very warm weather, luckily we could shade the van with our roll out awning and it was pleasant being on grass, no gravel to heat up beneath our feet.

However all that is to change! The newly developed Steamer Quay site will have fully serviced non awning pitches, a few extra squeezed in so less space in general. 

We visit Old Hartley which is all non awning too but we get a nice sea breeze there and rarely the sort of temperatures experienced further south, plus we all get a sea view.

Which would you prefer, awning or non awning?


  • JillwithaJay
    JillwithaJay Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 2,487
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    edited December 2022 #2

    We never bother with serviced pitches whilst we're capable of wheeling an aquaroll and wastemaster to the grid and/or tap but we do like space around us for table and chairs.  Even if we don't put up an awning, we always book an awning pitch so we have the choice on arrival.

  • Navigateur
    Navigateur Club Member Posts: 3,892
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    edited December 2022 #3

    I think the days of free awning space must surely be numbered since pitches can be arranged to squeeze more in the same space,  Certainly it is less obtrusive to see an awning than a pile of all the stuff that accumulates inside one.

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2022 #4

    That could be an idea for non electric pitches if your assumption is correct? as the extra pitches would probably not have a EHUwink

  • DavidKlyne
    DavidKlyne Club Member Posts: 14,193
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    edited December 2022 #5


    I appreciate that you are probably not but I am looking forward to the redevelopment of the Totnes site as it looks as it could be a good base. Be interesting to see what the prices will be?

    Old Hartley, where we have stayed a few times is a bit of a quirky site, nothing wrong with that. I had hoped that they would spend some money on old Hartley with perhaps proper terracing. This year we discovered a nice site at South Shields, not too far from the beach and with as easy, if not easier access to public transport.


  • Tammygirl
    Tammygirl Club Member Posts: 7,960
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    edited December 2022 #6

    Brue, with the MH we are quite happy to have a non awning pitch as long as we are allowed to wind the canopy out a bit if shade is required. 

    With the caravan it's always an awning pitch even though we don't put up an awning. We just like that extra bit of room to sit out, we can use the van for shade if needed by putting the car on the opposite side. 

  • Unknown
    Unknown Forum Participant
    edited December 2022 #7
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  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited December 2022 #8

    On the sites I have revisited since the increase in the number of non awning pitches, due to fire regs, the number has decreased. I remember several sites had numbers missing for a while, until they got round to renumbering. One thing they have done over the last few years is increase the number of service pitches and these are always much more generous in size than most of the standard HS pitches. So more space at a premium I suppose. Plus now another tier  in even large premium serviced.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2022 #9

    I have a feeling that with every pitch serviced there will be a big price hike but what concerns me is the thought of very hot weather and no shade. It's in a  nice spot with some shade from trees around the edges but it can certainly get warm in good weather. We've noticed larger motorhomes are using it and the caravanners who like it and take their awnings will be left out. I hope CAMC isn't going down a non awning route, I prefer choice.

    I expect their argument will be the site can now be opened for longer.



  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited December 2022 #10

    Presumably if you have a wind out / roll out you will be able to use it while you are with the van, as long as you don’t extend it within 3 metres of the adjacent units. Unless the weather is very stable we tend to wind it in when we go out or at night in any case.

  • GEandGJE
    GEandGJE Club Member Posts: 515
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    edited December 2022 #11

    Awning or non-awning for me depends on the purpose and length of stay on a site. If it is a one or two day layover or I have things planned to take me away from site then is a non-awning otherwise it will always be an awning. The other major consideration is pitch price differential.  

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2022 #12

    We in the past with a caravan used either a porch or full awning depending on length of stay.

    But even this last hot summer  when now in a pvc we did not use either , but  found there  was always shade in some area of the camper

  • rachsanderson
    rachsanderson Forum Participant Posts: 2
    edited December 2022 #13

    Hi, I think all pitches should be the same size. I have a family and a large dog and always book awning pitches if available as it makes a massive difference to our holidays, but all too often I am on a non awning and tell my teenagers they can’t come along and next to me is a be camper no awning on a large pitch. The term awning pitch is irrelevant theses days as I can guarantee when I pull up 90 % of white pegs will not have an awning. I never get this on a commercial site where a pitch is a pitch. Make all pitches the same size please 

  • SteveL
    SteveL Club Member Posts: 12,404
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    edited December 2022 #14

    Some non awning pitches are as big as the awning ones and are just designated that because of fire spacing regulations. Conversely some awning pitches shouldn’t really be classified as such as they are of insufficient size for a full awning. I have long thought this type of pitch should be marketed as small or porch  awning to avoid disappointment. On new sites and new extensions pitches tend to be larger and more uniform in size. It would be very expensive to remodel existing sites to achieve a uniform pitch size and would inevitably result in a reduction in pitch numbers and therefore an increase in price.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited December 2022 #15

    Well it's not always, if ever, the size of the pitch that makes a pitch awning or non awning. In fact up to a few years ago when this labelling was introduced pitches on club sites were all awning pitches. Old Hartley for example was all awning and now it's all non awning and nothing has changed in terms of number of pitches.

    You could, and can, find two identical sized pitches with one being awning and the other non awning. It is all to do with the spacing between pitches or rather the spacing between parts of your outfit. The club has decided, or has to perhaps, to follow the guidance/laws/rules as given by various authorities or Fire services, if they have to follow them or not has been discussed but the club does so if you want to stay on a club site then that's it. That is there must be 6m between adjacent walls of your caravan or MH to the next one and 3m between any other part of your outfit such as a car or awning to the adjacent car or awning, and the white pegs ensure this is done.

    So as said you could have two identical sized pitches but if there is no 3m clear space between say your car and the awning then the awning has to go to make 3m.




  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,472
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    edited December 2022 #16

    So what size should the pitches be? If they were all large, it could result in fewer pitches per site and that would lead to complaints. If they were all a bit smaller, it would lead to complaints from folk with large outfits.

    Corners and Steve have explained the various reasons for the awning/non-awning designation of pitches and everyone has the same opportunity to book pitches or to use the alternative commercial sites to which you refer. I can’t see it being any fairer than that.

    Btw, I can’t quite follow the logic of you making your teenagers stay away because you’ve booked a non-awning pitch.🤷🏻‍♂️

  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2022 #17

    Why book a non awning pitch? All standard pitches are the same size, and there is no obligation to use an awning. Usually there are many more awning pitches than non awning. Check on the site layout pdf before booking and it shows where each type is. Example below.