Booking System anomalies

and there are a lot of them.
Here are just some but with the end result I'm almost at the point of jacking in our membership
as frankly the way things are going it's becoming more of a chore to be a member than it is a
First off, I am logged in, I've attempted to amend a booking and get an error telling me
that it's only a members exclusive option and does not allow me to amend the booking.
So, rather than amend I get back in the bloomin queue to make a fresh booking
When trying to make a new booking and after selecting the site I want to stay at
it gives an option to 'Book Now' after selecting this I'm taking to the CC site in question
(which incidentally the published telephone number on the page does not work/out of service)
where I proceed to choose the date and press book now, this takes me to another
page with a single option of do i want to book a tent pitch for friends, I don't so I have to
click continue and it then takes me to the page about the member details, even though
two pages back it had confirmed those details along with their dates of birth...but here
2 pages on and it's again asking me for those that are staying ...given it's told me
elsewhere that all my family details will carry with me on future bookings...well it seems
not as I have to manually re-enter their names d.o.b's again...along with their names includiing
the lead party details ....really?
this is as far as I can get, I can put in the lead (me) and my partners details but my
children I can not, the box for d/o/b's does not function and nothing makes a difference
Furthermore on that failed page and further down it's again asking me for my outfit
details even thought they are already on the system, again yet more already on the
system details to be added again? Really?
Yes it's a new system, yes things may trip re queue times but these are not queue time
errors these are software issues that should have been sorted out way before it was
released, not only is it irritating it's time consuming and the Club staff have an hourly
rate, if I'm wasting my time for an hour on a partly functioning site then perhaps the
club would like to pay me for my hour?
Furthermore, the price has gone up by around 12% but given the help the Govt are
giving business with their rates, along with help coming for energy then why is the
price increase so high?
I did try contacting the club but couldn't get through and the 'live' chat' was dead as
it almost always is.
Upshot is, 1hr of attempting to work out the ridiculous trudge involved in booking a
site (and failing) is an hour of my life I won't get back.
Moderator Edit:
We already have several threads discussing the new booking system so, in order to try to prevent duplication, I'm locking this one.
I cannot believe that nobody has commented on this as yet, nor can I believe the utter mess the new booking system/website is. I've already pretty much given up on club sites (too expensive, too regimented, too full most of the time) but still love CLs. Now I'm expected to wait in a queue simple to have a look at possible CLs in the area I want to visit, even though booking most CLs still involves making direct contact with the site. With the latest changes, what used to be simple is now cumbersome. slow, irritating and totally hopeless. I found the website flakey enough before, but this is now makes me question seriously whether my umpteen years of membership need to come to an end. Will the club please introduce a category of membership which covers the use of CLs only, with the ability to view CLs without having to go anywhere within a million miles of the Club's booking system.