Membership Card Options

I see we will have the option to chose whether to receive a membership card or go electronic and use the App card. I am quite happy to try this with the proviso an explanation is offered on how membership will be checked in the event this cannot be shown. I am guessing it would be the same as for forgetting or cannot find your card when arriving at a site which I have never done and thus I am unaware of the procedure. However the chances of not being able to show a card are far higher with the electronic version and there is no point in printing it off because the valid to date is not shown.
Not sure how this e-card works. My card is both versions at the minute. 1 One is in my club profile and 2 the other lives in the car ashtray. No. 1 needs internet to load the website. No. 2 is always to hand.
So with that I go along with your thoughts on how workable is No. 1
My vote would always go for No.2
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I have just had the email asking me if I want not to have a card. I already have the electronic version on my phone but prefer the card as it's in the same place as the card I use to pay. As Harry suggests I am pretty sure you would need an internet connection to show it on your phone. Could be difficult at places like Clumber Park?
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We have forgotten our card once, the warden just asked a few questions to establish we were who we said we were.
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You could do the same using Apple and Google's wallet.
If there is a phone signal, what I find fiddly is having to log onto the App to bring up membership. There should be some way of saving the card on your phone, perhaps in Apple or Google wallets. If you can do that, the electronic card will have to show the date the card is valid to.
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The electronic card does not need to show a "Valid Until" date since it will just not appear after that date has passed (and perhaps at other times as well). It is also no use for scraping frost off the windscreen.
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A screenshot won't do, if taken on a previous day, as the only date shown is the current date - i.e. valid today.
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I have just looked at Google Wallet (I use it to make payments) and while it allows a number of membership cards to be loaded to it, the C&MC is not one of them. I am assuming that some arrangement by the Club with Google would have to be made?
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It will if you don't or can't use the app, as the Profile one shows your expiry date, along with your name and membership number. That's all they need.
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i would have thought they only need some form of identity, after all you have a booking on the system as a member.
The only time you should need to show membership card is if you turn up without a booking, and how many members do that these days?
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I turned the internet off on my pad before I opened the sites App and the card was up to date as of today. So would work without a Wifi signal or 4G on a phone.
Although you would have to make sure you were logged into the App when it was closed down, as this is needed to see the card. Once logged in it remains so for several weeks, as long as you just close it and don’t sign out.The thing I find difficult to understand is why they can show the expiry date on the Web site version but only the current day on the App one.
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I am not remotely concerned about tracking or security - I am not clear why tracking might be an issue or how you can avoid it unless you don't have a phone - but I wrote to a friend when he told me his season ticket for football was now an app on his phone: "I don’t like having stuff on the smart phone. Too many organisations are starting to move to phone only. I am not sure about it. Perhaps it is just me but I get confused easily looking for Apps and my tremors make it difficult too. Where there is a choice between an App or a plastic card I still use the card – examples: the Caravan Club, Costa, card payments, AA, Shopping at Sainsbury/Nectar" There are more if I were to check.
Enough said I think on card v app.
Recently, I think it was Burford, but not 100% sure, the very lovely lady who booked me in said to me "Oh don't bother I can see it on the computer", when I was struggling to find my card. I presumed from this it isn't essential (I had found it anyway by that time.) In fact, I am sure there have been times when I have not even been asked for it.
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The thing I find difficult to understand is why they can show the expiry date on the Web site version but only the current day on the App one
What I should have said if I had been fully concentrating was:
I hadn't realised there was a difference until you pointed it out.
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Some CL's ask for a card and I suspect even more of those will have dodgy phone coverage, as I have found over the past two weeks touring.
We've already seen a degradation of the handbook in that a proper price tariff is no longer included and there is talk of the possibility of no handbook at all and, presumably, no map of sites and CLs. CAMC membership policy appears to be charge more for less.
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If the membership card were in apple wallet (and there is no need for agreement with appl for that - its all on the application side), then fine for me. I pay with my phone and would be one fewer cards to carry. Only having it available when on line (i.e. via the app) is daft and defeats its purpose.
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Ok - I take it back. There is a brand new club app - its linked to from the virtual card on the web site. Its different to the old CAMC app and lets you add the card to your digital wallet. Big step forwards!
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I say big step forwards. It's not. It's a terrible app. Its one redeeming feature is the digital membership card in the wallet. The rest is hopeless. Tap on "search" to book a site, you can only book European locations. No way to search a club site or CL. Absolutely pathetic.
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Thanks for that CT. Card now in my digital wallet. However, as you say the rest of the App is poor.
Seems strange that you have to load the Overseas App to do this and they can not provide the same functionality in the UK version. Also very poor that they have not mentioned anywhere that you can do this, when they are promoting the digital card. Communications are just not their thing.☹️
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Which wallet did you move it to? I have the latest version 1.4.8. but cannot see how you can move it to a wallet. I am running Android 10 and have Google Wallet.
Sorry just seen you last para, didn't even know there was an overseas App!
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Sorry just seen you last para, didn't even know there was an overseas App!
I think it is only available from the Apple Store. There isn't one from the Google Playstore.
Perhaps later? Better still make it available from the UK Sites App.
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Looks like it is only available for Apple devices. When I click on the plays store icon, below the card on the web site, I just get the offer of the UK sites App. When I click on the Apple App Store icon I get a choice of three. UK sites, EU sites and the magazine App.
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The version I have is 1.01 (5) and is linked to on both app stores from here.