Thetford fridge not working 240v - help please!
Hi collective caravan brain.
The 240v element in my Thetford N3112 fridge failed at 1 month outside the warranty period. After lengthy delays caused by covid, my caravan technician managed to source a new one which he fitted and tested. However, despite the element drawing the correct current, the fridge just never gets cold - not even the ice box. Also, there is a burning smell when you try to run it on 240v.
Works a treat on gas - so we're now spending a fortune on Calor!
Any ideas? Just hoping someone might be able to give me a pointer - even if it's just someone in the Stafford area who might be able to help.
Thanks in advance
Hi jbasketts It is possible that burning smell is from the new element burning off this happens with new electrical appliances wit a heating element but it should only last for 15-20 minutes till it has burnt off manufacturing oils/grease should be fine after that If it continues to smell get it looked at it needs looking at if fridge not working correctly anyway hope yogurt it sorted
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Ha ha - I thought yogurt sounded like an interesting suggestion ;-)
Sorry - should have stated in the original post, I left it on for 2 days to try it out - fridge still not cold, burning smell still there. I've never fitted a new fridge element, but I did wonder if it was likely that a trained caravan engineer could fit one incorrectly...
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My Thetford is 16 years old but it gives an error code on the control panel when things are not right and in the operating instructions the error codes are explained in some detail, e.g. error code 13 heat sensor not working, replaced myself whilst in Spain, €22 for replacement part
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Hi jbaskets If you have had fridge running for several hours on electric & still get burning smells I should get it looked at by Thetford engineer who might have experience of your problem & can put it right A thought occurs to me has the element been installed correctly if not that could be cause of smell & fridge not working correctly???
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Hi, we now have exactly this issue in our 2019 motorhome. Long shot I know, as your problem was two years ago, but can I ask if and how you fixed the problem?
Moderator Edit:
As you've seen, this thread is two years old and the poster hasn't been back on the forum but perhaps others can offer a solution.