Magpie menace

I'm staying at incleboro caravan and motorhome club site and we arrived on Saturday.On Sunday we went for our shopping and returned to find a magpie sat on what was left of a panel on our air wind break. The pesky bird had pecked through the material and destroyed the inner lining destroying it completely.unfortionatley it is damaged beyond repair ,thank God it was only one panel and not the other two. I reported it to the wardens who said they have never heard of this happening apart from air awnings bursting in the hot weather which is also happening this week.We took the other panels down as we don't want to risk it .has anyone else had this misfortune?
No it was definitely the magpie as there were tatters of material all over the place where it had ripped it to bits.i suppose it could have burst ,then the magpie attacked it.i will ask it's lawyer when I take it to court lol 😂👍
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It may well have burst and then the Magpie was attracted to the fluttering fabric, they are very bright birds with an eye for everything.
We had a young Magpie in our kitchen last week it had spotted some fresh raspberries in a colander in our kitchen. A true opportunist.
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It's probably as JVB describes as the air bursting would have frightened the bird off if it had done the bursting. They're probably into building nests for a second brood around this time of year so the material would have been a great present for Mrs. Magpie.
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To be honest it does sound more would have thought the manufacturer would have spent some research on the air concept though as these things are available in far hotter countries than the UK. They must be exploding all over
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Haha yes although I wouldn't have known what to make of a headless magpie and a tattered windbreak it would have suggested a sign from a rival family wanting to scare me lol. a update there have been several awnings burst here this week I have let air out of mine hoping it will help
As for Australia I meant in general not just now and even their winters can be hot compered to our hot summer