Club reach a new low

Just seen this add, switch your insurance to us and we will refund your cancellation fees. My opinion a disgrace and shows the current mindset of what used to be a members club.
I don’t understand the outrage🤷🏻♂️, it’s a practice all over the media. What part of the ad has you so upset. They’re actually offering to ensure you are not out of pocket by their offer. I took up an offer quite recently for-‘switch to us & we will beat your current insurance by 10%’. That is a positive customer outcome👍🏻
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I thought the dangling of carrots to gain new custom had been stopped. My own car insurance was the same if not slightly cheaper than those on Compare the market. com than it was last year.
Given that most people's policies will be cheaper than those of the club I doubt many people will find the need to change.
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As with R2B what's the big problem or the lowest low? or the 'disgrace'.
You don't have to switch or even take up the offer even if you do? It could also be said that the club is acting in our or anyone's interests who wants to switch?
The competition might not think much of it but that's their problem.
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Competition is King. It’s the 21st century, no company should stand still in its fight for survival👍🏻
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The Club used to offer to match and be lower than any insurance quote you could get. We tried it once, got fouled up in some of the hoops they insisted on, and walked away, hardly look at them now.
All they are doing is what other companies do, they are no better or worse. If you have a bad experience with any insurance, it makes you very wary, no matter the so called enticements.
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I don’t see what the issue is, Clarinetman. 🤷🏻♂️
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Perhaps I am missing something but I don't understand the outrage? Insurance, I imagine, is a very competitive business? The more insurance the Club can sell the more it subsidises other Club activities, something most of us will benefit from? I have not seen the advertisement but I assume, from what you say, the Club is encouraging people to end an existing policy, from another provider, early and they will pay any cancellation fees? It would have to be a pretty good deal to get people to do that and as far as car insurance is concerned I have yet to find the CMC very competitive, cancellation fees paid or not!
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Could it be that the OP has misunderstood the offer and perhaps believes that it refers to cancelation fees incurred when you cancel or fail to turn up for a site booking?
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Actually I thought that too when I first read it.
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The advert is here btw :
If you’ve been charged a cancellation fee by your previous provider, we’ll be happy to reimburse it up to a maximum of £50
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But it's Group insurance policy is
The Caravan and Motorhome Club has arranged a Group Insurance Policy in its name
for the added protection of members of the Club with Caravan Cover.
The Policy has been arranged with Accredited Insurance (Europe) Limited – UK Branch
(Accredited). If a member makes a claim under their Caravan Cover with the Club, and
the Club refuses the claim, or cannot pay it, or agrees to pay less than the amount
claimed, the member can make a claim under the Policy. The Policy also means that a
member may be able to take a complaint about the Policy to the Financial Ombudsman
Service, and enjoy the protection of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme if
Accredited cannot meet their obligations to the member.0 -
Anyway back on topic I hope clairinetman comes back with what is troubling them? I've been puzzled all day.
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The thing is DD you saying something and it being cast-iron-legally and/or true is not automatically so - it is merely your view.
The club is in my view not trying to hide anything. If you click on caravan cover at the top it states quite openly what the differences are between cover and insurance and a host of links and FAQs about it. As to being a true insurance policy that is not what your Deleted User post alluded to at all, you never mentioned that all in fact just one semi-true misleading point.
Yes, in the event of the scheme not being able to meet its obligations the FOS may be able to become involved
I'm not sure what the scheme is? But again not true at all if you read the links and FAQs, if the Cover's is not able to meet it's obligations it will be paid out of the insurance policy before any recourse to FOS, you missed out that important point for some reason?
The club cover's has a very good reputation (it's rated 5 stars by Trustpilot which you have said is the one people should look at) and there has been many good reports in CT, certainly far far more than other insurance providers.
Now I will apologise to the OP but your incomplete and misleading points had to be addressed and I will not comment further as you have taken this thread off topic which may or may not have been your intention with your first Deleted User post.
The FAQs and all the information is there for anyone to read who is considering buying the cover and that is what anyone should do rather than base their decision on that rather than what is posted on here, and that includes myself.
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I'm just going to thank you for the compliment but really DD Innovate don't imitate, don't copy my original thoughts why not make your own? Still as they imitation is the...
The cover is just that but it is covered by an insurance policy as I described which is under the FOS umbrella. You keep missing essential parts out for some reason.
Personally I hope people read the material and don't base their choice on your misleading and inaccurate posts, last time you gave totally inaccurate information about claims limits and now it's this. Like I said just because you write these things does not make them true. Now you've dragged a perfectly good thread off topic
The end.
Bet made with myself as to your reply though
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Having had to leave caravans twice in the south of France - one to be brought back on a truck and one to be retrieved a few weeks later by us - I quickly learned that Club insurance of caravans didn’t cover unattended caravans overseas. So many years ago we switched to another company in case it happened again. If the new “cover” rather than “insurance” still excludes situations like that, and if it still excludes the possibility of annual storage overseas I would warn people to be wary for that reason.
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Surely everyone should check if an insurance covers what they need in some detail to make sure before signing. Why didn't you check? It's not the cover or insurance company's fault if one doesn't.
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It would appear that CC Ltd wants to hide the fact that their Cover is not a true insurance policy covered by the FOS scheme as my comment to that effect has been Deleted User. Talk about censorship
Wasn't this topic discussed ad nauseum in a previous post?
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It was and Ro posted an explanation of the set up which allayed many fears. If only we could find that now 🙄
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Hi sorry for not replying to the posts until now, just to confirm my post was in response to what I believed from the promotion I read was that the cancellation fee was in fact the bookings deposits shortly to be implemented. This seems to be a miss interpretation on my part if so I acknowledge I am wrong.
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Thanks for coming back and explaining. Given the misunderstanding perhaps time to close this thread.