Pump working poor flow from tap.
So a little bit more information, is the pump outside in the aquaroll or inside? And working how? Hot and cold both affected
OK a few possible hints and some may be obvious so apologies.
If the hose outside kinked or not straight in the aquaroll? Is there water in the aquaroll (sorry maybe too obvious), are you on EHU or battery and the battery is OK? The drain value hasn't become open by any chance? Any leaks anywhere?
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Ok so you can hear the pump whirring away? Do you have a pressure valve? It looks like a knurled wheel that you can turn? There may be something broken inside the pump or have you tried taking the pump out giving it a (mild) knock or shake, there may be an air lock. Or take the pump out and disconnect the hose from the caravan and do the same?
Failing that you could try replacing the whole hose/pump? Site offices may sell them or the wardens might have a spare?
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or do a complete 're-boot' and empty the tank and start again?
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Try replacing the two rubber washers where the fitment connects to the caravan. It took us ages to work out the problem but it worked and very cheap to purchase
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To ensure that I suck the water up so that it is running through the connector before putting it to the van connection.
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Oh ,Just a thought !! Have you taken off the 'aereators' lately from the taps ?? They do need cleaning out periodically .Cal' and detritus collects on the filters !!
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Aerators on taps is a good shout. I had this problem. Simply unscrewed and there was debris. Cleaned and normal service resumed.
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Similarly, make sure any in line filter at the filler is gunge free.
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My first thought was also the aerators, but as another thought, if you have the Whalemaster IC unit have you calibrated this? (Yellow device attached to the water inlet point, on the inside of the van). You should have a green LED flashing every 5 seconds.
We had a problem with the pump turning on and off in our previous van when we were using the shower (fluctuating temperature) and in the end I calibrated the IC unit and all was well after that. Turned out the supplying dealer never did this!
If you change your pump you also need to recalibrate!
Obviously if you don't have the Whalemaster IC unit then the above is absolutely no help whatsoever!
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Whilst I have almost always unplugged the pump hose from the caravan before putting the pump in the aquaroll I have often wondered why. Whenever I pull the hose from the caravan there is always some water runs out of the caravan inlet fitting. If water comes out, air must get in. Whether I take the hose off or not, the pump, (a Whale) always works OK with good pressure unlike the original Truma pump.
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I think the problem is caused when there is air in the base of the pump rather than in the pipework. The simple impeller will not pump air. It just whirls round and makes a noise.
Once the impeller is properly immersed in water it will have no trouble pushing air out of the pipework.