Fitting Lock Body Window Stay

KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,745
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edited February 2022 in Parts & Accessories #1

If you have a need to fix a caravan window stay lock the following is how I did it:

In our caravan the threads in the lock body on one of the window stays failed (overtightened?).  A search of the internet came up with a company which manufacture these items, please see attached photos.  It is possible to scan the QR code on the photo of the receipt which will take you straight to the item on  their website.

After receiving the new lock, which arrive a day earlier than promised and came with instructions on how to fit it, relevant tools were gathered and work started.  I opened the caravan window to gain access to 2 screws holding the stay end bracket to the window frame.  I did not remove the stay from the window as I found this unnecessary.  Using the hammers the faulty lock body was shattered and pieces removed including the old split pin.  The fitting of the new lock body was as described in the instructions.  Care must be taken to line up the lock body so that the split pin fits in the hole on the aluminium arm.  Last, screw the bracket, with any spacer, to the window frame.
