New Site Booking System
He’ll be out on the lash, try tomorrow👍🏻
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A smart system would make every kind of sense. Tesco stopped sending me club card paper ones several years ago. You just call the voucher up on the phone app to use in store, or use the code online. Not been in store much, but there did use to be a terminal, where those without phones could print them out. I assume the CAMC would still retain the hard copy option.
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That is what the reply was some time back when the question was asked about short notice cancellations
Of course that was before a case was needed to change the booking system
Ps there is one of the "army?'of volunteers on site who is still unaware of what is to be done to integrate the systems
Training for this years new assistans starts hopefully tomorrow here?
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I think that the success of the new system will stand or fall largely on how sensitively cancellations inside the 21 day period are handled. This is especially so now that members are being encouraged to put their compliments or complaints on Trustpilot rather than the website which makes them available to a much wide audience and does mean that you get a reply.
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EJH, how does sensitivity re cancellations & Trustpilot work🤷🏻♂️. I’m struggling with the correlation tbh.
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If members aren’t happy Trustpilot will allow them to give an opinion, good or bad and give the club a rating on a very public site. Plus of course the club does answer items raised, good or bad which is really good. So in some ways it’s better than the forum for highlighting items to the club.
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I have never quite understood the Club encouraging members to post on Trustpilot, its a bit like washing one's dirty laundry in public? I wonder to who's benefit a comment on Trustpilot is for? Surely not for members?
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Thank you EJH, I know what TP is as I’m a member & I’ve posted quite a few reviews I was struggling with the word ‘sensitive’, how can sensitivity alter a TP review?🤔
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Except that if one posts a negative review about a Clubsite experience it may not appear or if one writes a private letter about a bad experience, no reply may be forthcoming. CAMC needs to take complaints seriously. I intend to write about our appalling experience at Inclboro last summer in response to CAMC's latest invitation in the current magazine, 'Your feedback counts!' We'll also see if this post stays on the message board. You might think this is a bit belated, but I have had a number of health issues over the last few months, which means I have not prioritised our complaint, but will do so now. Watch this space - maybe.
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The problem with negative reviews is that they often complain about and name staff who cannot respond. By doing so they breach the guidelines for writing reviews so need to be removed.
There is an avenue for making a complaint where your words will reach the ears of someone senior. That avenue is not via this forum or the review system but can be found through 'Contact us'. Go get stuck in!
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Just so that you know all reviews do appear as soon as they are posted. From my experience there are only two reasons why reviews are taken down. Firstly the person hasn't actually stayed at the site or CL in question, it is a requirement of a review that you have have stayed on site. Secondly, the naming and identifying a member of staff for some perceived short coming. (the same applies to personal critical comments of CL owners) The reason such reviews are removed is because the Club have a duty of care to its employees. I would also argue that using a review to highlight such shortcomings is in reality not a lot of use to other members who might be thinking of staying at the site? As TW points out, if you have a complaint of that nature you should write directly to the Club, by using the contact button, to allow them to investigate both sides of the story. Posting such complaints on the likes of Trustpilot does nothing, in my view, other than allowing people to get it off their chests. I am sorry to hear you have had health problems but the problem of such a delay is that getting to the information at this late stage could be difficult but please do pursue through the correct channels.
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Whatever report-back system there is, I guess it's open to interpretation/ criticism/ question. Interestingly I found this.... perhaps one reason to put faith in TrustPilot??? 🙂 Possibly for the benefit of folk who might be considering joining a Club, but are not sure which one to join...
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Thank you for your detailed reply on this matter. I take on board everything you say and am grateful for that guidance. I have just written to you about the matter and await your reply.
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Please note that we are still members of CAMC and intend to remain so. I have commented that after our miserable visit to Incleboro, we went to River Breamish in Northumberland and enjoyed a wonderful time there and have booked to go there this summer. I am in no doubt that most sites are still excellent and that some more popular coastal ones have problems unique to them especially after foreign holidays ended during lockdown last year.
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Sorry, I don’t understand. Who have you written to?
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Sorry, I replied to the wrong post - it was about a complaint to the CAMC.
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If you like that part of Norfolk you could try Seacroft which we now find more convenient than Incleboro Fields with the motorhome.
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I appreciate that all of us on here would love better communication from the CMC but I suspect the reason for the abysmal ratings for the C&CC is because of, apparently, the total lack of communication with its members which is often highlighted on their own forum. The C&CC have a lot of good things in their favour but the quality of information, quality of systems and the interaction from management is very poor.
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Not so, all one gets is an acknowledgement of your post and then they ignore it completely. They like to make out that they respond but do they fig!!
I'm still waiting for a reply to a complaint I sent in, as described, over 6 months ago. They just hope that the complainer gets tired of waiting for a response and gives up the ghost in it. Definitely not a customer friendly attitude.
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Not if you make it a formal complaint, Nellie. They are duty bound to respond within a set time.
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Definitely not, I made a formal complaint and am still waiting for a reasoned response. I followed on with the process that Ro indicated in her post to me.
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Definitely so, Nellie. My experience was entirely different.
Have you not chased them?
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Some years ago , I had cause to make a very strong compliant,. Not to this club,? it took Seven Years to get it resolved
but I was not going to let them hope I would give up with it what is how it seems many organisations try to wear you down
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If anyone is finding, like me, that they can't update their communiation preferences due to an ongoing fault in the system it's unlikely we'll recieve emails from CAMC. I think this was reported on here not long ago. I wonder if someone could report my post again in the hope that the systems fault will receive attention.Thanks.