Can you fit a spare wheel to a Swift Kontiki Sport
Hi I’ve just purchased a 2020 Automatic Swft Kontiki Sport model 596 rear lounge, I was not aware when I purchased the vehicle that there was no spare wheel, I have checked underneath and it looks like a spare wheel will fit underneath towards the rear end of the vehicle, it looks like I would have to remove one of the cross members, has anyone done this before, is it safe to remove the cross member, is there any photos or video of this, I would appreciate any advice, thank you.
Eric Moore
Moderator Comment - Moved from the Story Section
I see you are talking about a motorhome and I’d not mess with the structure of the van or chassis as you could invalidate the warranty but check with your dealer.
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I would have a look on Facebook to see if there are any dedicated groups for the Swift Kon-Tiki and ask there . I have always found Facebook groups a good source of information. You could also try Swift Customer Services direct. It may be down to the type of chassis that Swift use for that model. Don't forget having a spare wheel will eat into your payload which is usually the reason the manufacturers don't include them. You are probably looking at another 20/25 kilos of additional weight.
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When i had my "Jennings Roadranger" back in the 70s,i fitted a pair of 'L' shaped brackets to the rear. These were firmly bolted to the internal structure ,and the spare wheel sat on them secured by a projecting bracket through the hub and a padlock. A vinyl wheel cover finished off the look. .No more crawling underneath for the spare !!
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A puncture on a vehicle which is heavily loaded often results in the tyre being unserviceable, so travelling without a spare is a risk (admittedly low risk statistically these days) but the consequences are possibly very bad. A breakdown company will recover an immobile vehicle to the nearest garage, but that's all. The journey will be scuppered temporarily. The delay could be more than a few hours. I find it incredible that a motor caravan, sold as a touring vehicle, should not be equipped with a spare. We tow a caravan with a car, both equipped with spares.
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If you want to save a bit of weight you could travel with just a spare tyre.