Booking ahead is unfair at some sites
Well you think correctly for you of course and maybe possible for some, but my point was PD was trying to apply his thinking for all, if he wasn't then that's fine.
But I don't think that way at all. I can safely say I've never paid for anything that I though wasn't worth it.
Post edit - paid for anything where I had a choice, just to be clear.
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but my point was PD was trying to apply his thinking for all, if he wasn't then that's fine.
I read it as a statement made by him, that they were high enough already. Surely a personal point of view. Nothing about that others should think the same.
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Well I read it differently to your good self. I'm sure PD could clear it up if he wanted to?
Going a bit OT with prices though so I'll bow out now.
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+1, I am willing to pay for a good service & good sites, everything is going up due to inflationary pressures. I’m not a fan of driving service costs down as standards too are driven down including wages & that is never a good thing🙁
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My council tax rises every year by 5%+ but I can’t fault the ERYCC, they are even fighting against oil & gas exploration rather than rolling over & taking money👍🏻
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That’ll be why I said "most".👍🏻
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It’s a moot point tbh-inflation leads to rising prices/rising prices lead to(further) inflation & so it continues-they are comfortable bed fellows👍🏻
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isn't it a bit of a merry go round and/or which came first sort of thing?
Higher inflation causes workers to ask/demand higher wages, this can be achieved by products having higher prices which leads to higher inflation which...
Also there are other factors such has higher taxes, increases in the price of raw materials which fuel the above.
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sorry cross posted Rocky
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The rising costs of some commodities are a moot point as well. I will happily pay for quality and value for money, but when the control of how some finances are used is in the sometimes dubious hands of others, I can’t help feeling I am being fleeced☹️
Paying the £56 membership each year isn’t tied into only being a consideration if you use Club Sites. There are other reasons that make it worth doing. For us, it is the CL network.
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No worries C, it helps for the facts to be out there in anyway at all😊👍🏻
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If only my pension was going up by the same % as inflation!
As it is not, CAMC sites are pretty much off the menu now, and like TTDA we pay the membership fee for the use of the CLs.
We are looking at 5 sites for our Easter trip, none of them are CAMC sites. With premium prices being charged by CAMC for standard pitches in school holidays, we have found we could get serviced pitches on commercial sites with good facilities, for the same, or often less, money. And CCC sites up here, and CLs with serviced pitches and facilities, for 50-60% of that.
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Geez SL😱😱, that changes things-get the heck outa dodge🤷🏻♂️🙁
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This thread, judging by the removals, seems to have become ill-humoured and a bit irrelevant to the original post.
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Nothing I’ll humoured CY. Just a conversation that drifted.