Comparative costs past and present



  • vbfg
    vbfg Club Member Posts: 530
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    edited December 2021 #62

    R2B and AB,  I have never personally been asked by a salesperson where the money was coming from to purchase a vehicle, even though I have not taken out a loan, when purchasing a vehicle and I would have been surprised to be asked, hence my query.

    After reading JVB's post, I just wondered if it was becoming the norm for salespeople to ask, especially when one considers how much some customers pay for vehicles these days. When purchasing a property, solicitors are governed by the money laundering rules and clients have to provide proof of where the money is coming from for large deposits or cash sales.

  • brue
    brue Forum Participant Posts: 21,176
    edited December 2021 #63

    It depends if they're registered under money laundering regs and are dealing with high value finances etc. Considering the cost of some deals they could well be registered.

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2021 #64

    I still think it’s unduly intrusive. If I make a bank transfer or a cheque there’s an etrail to follow & that should be enough, if it isn’t I would walk. Banks deserve an explanation they are a main financial hub, individual dealers are not.

  • Tinwheeler
    Tinwheeler Forum Participant Trusted Posts: 23,470
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    edited December 2021 #65

    The etrail is the gold standard for tracing money, Rocky.

    Dealers have a limit on the amount they can accept in cash for money laundering reasons - £15k springs to mind but I may have misremembered. Otherwise, in my experience of making some hefty payments, either by card or bank xfr, they don’t ask and have no need to know of the source.

    I wonder if the examples we were quoted of the means of raising funds came from casual conversations between customers and salesmen rather than actual official questions🤷🏻‍♂️.

  • KjellNN
    KjellNN Club Member Posts: 8,758
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    edited December 2021 #66

     Much more likely as TW said that people have volunteered this info while  chatting with a salesperson, possibly to point out that they were not "time wasters".

    Having bought 2 caravans and 3 cars without finance, nobody has ever asked us where the money was coming from.

  • Wherenext
    Wherenext Club Member Posts: 10,878
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    edited December 2021 #67

    They are funny things are banks.

    Last caravan I bought by bank transfer was a 5 figure sum. Transfer went through without a hitch. No questions no codes. Again just bought 2 new ebikes. Large sum going out. Just straight out on a pin code.

    Tried to pay someone with a bank transfer recently, only £20. No-body expects the Spanish Inquisition! 2 codes, multiple "Are you Sure?' "Really sure" etc. No problems with security questions but the comparison did leave a bit of head scratching.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited December 2021 #68

    Yes +1 my daughter was on the 'money laundering team' for E&Y and it was all about following a trail to see where where money had come from and validating all the steps along the way.

    PS petrol stations are the best place to launder your money btw.

  • Cornersteady
    Cornersteady Club Member Posts: 14,692
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    edited December 2021 #69

    Yes I think I posted before this but one of the security questions was 'what is your star sign?' I pointed out that as they had asked me my date of birth it wasn't too hard to work out?

  • Rocky 2 buckets
    Rocky 2 buckets Forum Participant Posts: 7,101
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    edited December 2021 #70

    It is the best place but it’s darn difficult C, getting those plastic notes in the thin card slots is a pain🙄🤷🏻‍♂️😂😂

  •  viatorem
    viatorem Club Member Posts: 645
    edited December 2021 #71

    My 2015 van purchased new was about £20k the 2022 price is nigh on £30k. Surprisingly during a period of officially low inflation, this is a massive hike ! Not that I am thinking of buying one, enough trouble with the one I've got🙄


  • DSB
    DSB Club Member, Member Moderator Posts: 5,932
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    edited December 2021 #72

    Absolutely agree Viatorem.  Our is a 2016 Valencia.  We like the fixed bed, but wonder about going for one with access both sides (various options).  If prices keep going up at the current rate, it may well be a case of now or never!!....


  • Goldie146
    Goldie146 Club Member Posts: 2,509
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    edited December 2021 #73

    In 1976 my father-in-law sold a bull, and bought a new caravan (Sprite Alpine) with the proceeds, supposedly for us to share with them. But in reality just for us. It is the only new caravan we’ve ever owned. We couldn’t possibly afford a new one now. We kept it till the mid 80’s when we sold it to pay the electric bill. A couple of years later we bought a second hand one, which we later swapped for a crate of wine. Going by the state of it we got the best of the deal. We have 2005 Senator now, which will as they say “see us out”. 

  • JVB66
    JVB66 Forum Participant Posts: 22,892
    edited December 2021 #74

    Many caravans especially from the Swift group it seems,these days  are based on the same bodies, and the differences in prices  ,is just what bells and whistles the new owner wants to pay forcoolsurprised

    Our First caravan was bought for us when my daughter was born in 1969 as  FIL was not going to have his First  grandchild ,staying in a  damp tent as that is what we hadsurprised.  he was a rolling mill manager in Sheffield ,he gave us the deposit for our First house a a wedding present as welllaughing 

    Ps wedding was two years before his grand daughter cam alongwink