Removing drawers on Swift motorhome

I noticed another post in the caravans section headed "Swift Soft Close Drawers".
This reminded me that I have a problem with these drawers on my 724FB motorhome and I wondered if anyone might be able to help.
I stuffed one of these drawers with socks and I am sure that at least one pair, if not more, have fallen over the back of the drawer into the void below. I can find no access to the "space" below these drawers. I am not sure what is below the drawers - maybe it is just space for the rear wheel arch.
The only way I can see to access the space below the drawer is to remove the drawer, but I cannot for the life of me figure out how to do this. When you pull it out it hits a stop of some kind. I think, typically, with drawers on runners, you can lift them up away from the runners; but this does not seem possible with these drawers. I am sure there must be a trick to this, but I am damned if I can find it. I bet it is obvious if you know it!
Has anyone got any idea? I attach a photo but I don't think this will help much.
Thank you in anticipation
OK well thank you for the suggestion. I will give this a try. I can't remember whether or not I looked underneath the drawers. I might not have done although it feels obvious that I should have done so. The van is in storage and I won't be back to check until next weekend. I'll let you know how I get on. Thank you for your help.
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Ditto EmilysDad, with our Lunar. Easy to do when you know how but finding that removing the screws was the way to do it took a lot of pondering in the first instance. For me it was to find why one of the drawers wouldn't pull out more than a few inches that was the trigger, not lost socks
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Thanks for the alternative suggestion of screws. I will check for both options when I can get out to the van at the weekend.
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Under the edge ,each side,about 1" from the drawer front,you will probably find a plastic tag which is the part that breaks!Just push the tag toward the drawer to release.
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Thanks noneplussed, you had the right answer. I had never looked underneath these drawers. Actually they are in a tight spot and one has to be a bit of contortionist to get in a position to see underneath.
I found the tags, pushed them in and the drawer came free and I pulled it out. Imagine my disappointment then to find that this action had somehow, and I really cannot figure out how, broken both of the plastic tags. So I got the drawer out but now, of course, it won't go back - or at least it will but it won't sit on the runners. Damn!
Searching elsewhere I now see this is a common problem. I found this post:
Attached is a picture of the bottom of my drawer (minus the tags)!! I wish I'd never started.
I have gained one pair of very old socks that, as expected, had fallen below the drawers!
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It would have been cheaper/less bother to buy a new pair of socks!Dependant on your diy skills.....Buy new drawer sides or a bodge!Thank you for coming back with your report.
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Replacement drawer retaining clips "should" be relatively inexpensive.
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The "clips" are merely a small plastic flange, for want of a better description, that is part of the whole grey moulding that you can see screwed into the bottom of the drawer on either side. These have snapped off. You can see them on the drawer by the screws at the bottom. So one would need to buy the whole plastic moulding - times two. Even then I am not sure that is all there is to it.
Quite frankly, I just can't work out the mechanism in its entirety and how it worked. I can't figure out how these flanges actually acted as a retainer. I am not at all certain that replacing those plastic parts will be enough.
Even if it is, the question must be whether you can buy these and, if so, where from. My guess is they won't be cheap.
As noneplussed said, I would definitely have been better not to start this. Why do we never learn?!
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I finally got the drawer repaired today. I had to wait a good while for the replacement draw sides to arrive from Swift - made longer by the Christmas and New Year holidays. I picked them up yesterday and rebuilt the drawer at home. I went to the van today and after two attempts managed to get the drawer correctly in place and now all is well. Bit of an expensive saga just to retrieve one pair of socks!! Moral: Don't over fill the drawer unless you have easy access to the area beneath.
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Thank you for the update.How much were the parts from swift?and I dont suppose there was a makers name on them?I have tried on several occasions to google replacements without success!
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What you need for future reference is something mechanics used to use to grab dropped screws down in accessible places! Long, thin, flexible thing with a tiny little grab at one end, and a little plunger at the other. Wheedle it down back of draw into cavity, grab sock and hey presto!😁
Brilliant for getting things out of tight places, and ……!👍
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I ordered the two drawer sides and a back. The sides have clips that sit in recesses in the back section and they were so firmly stuck in that I thought it would be easier to buy the back as well. However, I was able to drill out the part of the clip that sits in the recesses in the back without damaging it. This is just as well as the back still has not arrived from Swift!!!
I could not see any manufacturers name on the part itself, but then I did not really look. However, I do remember that one of the drawer sides was still in a plastic bag and that had a name on it. Unfortunately I have thrown it away now, but unless memory is playing tricks I am pretty sure it was Häfele.
The drawer sides were £12.95 + VAT each and in addition Swift charge £10 carriage to the dealer. The back was much less, but can't remember how much - about £6 I think. The whole purchase was about £48 I think so not cheap, but necessary.
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Thank you for that, I agree it could be the answer. It would still have been tricky though because you cannot see your target. in this case, I was not even certain there was anything down there. I just had a suspicion that one or more pairs of socks had gone missing. As it was just one pair was found below the drawer.
With trial and error I reckon that might well have done the trick and saved me a good bit of money!
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Thank you,I had found the Hafele site in previous searches but I still am unable find the required items so it will have to be an order via a swift dealer.